The Good and Bad: Chapter 4

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ALESTERS POV I looked at Elizabeth as her breathing was still the same. Her skin was no longer its pale tan. She looked alive for the first time in that bed. She had been out for three days. The triplets had their birthday yesterday but didn't want to celebrate it with Elizabeth still in a coma. I haven't left her side in the three days she was here; today would be the fourth. I looked at my phone and saw it was Saturday. I then heard my wolf Coal in my head and my vampire Alfred. They had been quiet ever since the day of the fight, Tuesday. I looked at the black wolf with bright red eyes in my head as he passed around, lay down, and then looked at me. I looked as Alfred started talking in my head. I stared at Elizabeth as I retreated to my mind. Alfred looked exactly like me. The only difference was his eyes were purple. Alfred: "How is she doing?" Coal: "Alfred, look, she's still out, and it's been three whole days and four whole days once today lets out." Me: "She's better. She's no longer pale, and her breathing is still steady." Coal: "I told you not to date that crazy b***h the moment you thought of it." Me: "Oh shut up, Coal, you bag of fleas." Coal: "Oh my f*****g god. I didn't like her in the first place. Hell, thanks to that crazy b***h ex of yours, our mate is in a coma, and I can't sense her wolf anywhere, you dumbass." Alfred: "Both of you shut up. Fighting won't bring her back or speed up their recovery; her wolf isn't the only thing we can't feel. All of her sides are nowhere to be found. We don't even know what will happen when she wakes up. So both of you idiots act right and behave. Or I will take control." Coal and I had gone quiet and looked at Alfred. He was pacing my mind, and you know that would explain why my mind was racing. We all had things to worry about, and that was our mate. But we also wanted Britney somewhat dead. Max: "Hey man, how ya holding up." I looked up and saw Max standing in the doorway. I was so busy thinking that I didn't even realize my best friend and beta had walked in. Max walked over to me and then sat down on the chair beside me. Me: "I'm alive, aren't I? I hate that this had to happen. Maybe if I broke up with Brit sooner." Max: "Man, she was crazy, but you heard what Brit said that day to Eliza. 'I said I'd kill you the moment I saw you again, rat.' even if you didn't date her the moment she saw her, she would have killed her, and her being next to you only gave more of a motive." Me: "Yes, you're right, but now I wonder, have they met before? Also, that last part is soo not helping, man.' Max: "As your beta, I am here to help and to let you know the truth, speaking of truth. Man, you stink. When was the last time you bathed?" Me: "Monday night." Max looked at me in shock and disgust, as if I smelled like a rotten road-killed skunk. I probably did. I hadn't bathed in a bit. I didn't want to leave her side, though. I looked as Margret and Celestia came into the room. They stopped in their tracks, sniffed the room, and looked at me. Celestia: "Alester, you stink." Margaret: "Bad." Celestia: "Max, make sure he bathes and changes his clothes. We had to change Elizabeth's bandages and clothes. The triplets, my parents, and my brother want to see her." Me: "But I don't." Margret: "Nope" I looked as Margret and Celestia escorted me and Max out of the room. Then they closed the door behind me. I growled, looking, then sighed. Max: "Just come on, man, you'll be back when you're clean Me: "yea, I know." I walked down the hall to a guest room Zeke had set up on the day I arrived. I never used the space. I looked as Max sat on the bed and then toward the bathroom. I went and got showered. I closed the bathroom door and then turned on the hot water. I let the water run down my back as I sighed. I was exhausted and angry as well as frustrated. I allowed anger to flow out of me. For the first time in forever, I cried. I haven't called since the day I lost my older brother Jonathan five years ago. I was only 13 and lost my best friend. I stayed distant from everyone for a year. I got out of the shower after washing my hair. My hair was almost at my shoulders now. I pinned my hair back into a ponytail. I looked beside me and saw some clothes. After thirty minutes of composing myself and getting dressed, I looked at Max, who was still on the bed and looking through his phone. Max: "Man, you don't smell like a rotten skunk anymore." Me: "Yes, thanks, man." Max: "I see your hair is also longer. Man, I haven't seen your hair in a ponytail in a long time. Not since" Me: "Don't, Max. I know, but maybe it's time to change a few things." Max: "You got this, man." I smiled, talking with Max as he spoke about the tryouts coming up. He then told me how Alpha Fang challenged the Britney family and won. Now her dad is the Delta of the pack, and Alpha Fang rules the North Moon Pack. I laughed and smiled, knowing that he let them off so quickly because attacking an alpha or their family was to result in death. I learned that Britney was also locked up and expelled from school. I smiled as we entered Elizabeth's room. I looked at the monitors and then looked down. I felt Max's hand on my shoulder. I looked at him as he gave me a reassuring smile. Max: "I'm going to get some food, OK. You haven't eaten in days. Oh, don't be surprised if your family shows up. Your dad has been looking for you and is pissed." Me: "Oh, come on, I can't deal with him yelling at me right now. I need my mate to be OK. Thanks for the heads up, man." Max: "No problem; now I'm gonna get us some food." I smiled and sat down in the chair. I looked as Zeke, Justin, and Mark came into the room. Mark sat by me, and Justin and Zeke leaned on the wall on the other side of the bed. Mark: "She's still out, huh? Me: "Yes, she's yet to wake up, but she's getting better. The wolfsbane is almost completely out of her system." Justin: "And her wounds. What about those?" Me: "They are slowly healing. Margret and they changed her bandages as I left." Zeke: "Why did this have to happen, and why would Britney attack Elizabeth of all people?" Justin: "We don't know, Zeke. We don't know." Mark: "She never hurt anyone the two days she was in school. She was quiet and did nothing." Me: "She did what others wouldn't, and that was stand up to her. We don't know why she went after Elizabeth, but we also don't know Elizabeth's past." Zeke: "You're right." We all looked up as Max walked in and handed me a plate. I smiled, took it, then started eating. I looked at Elizabeth as she lay there in bed. I put my plate aside as I finished my food. I missed her at the moment. I missed everything about her. I missed looking at her smile, the color of her eyes, and how bright they were. I returned from my thoughts and looked as Alpha Fang walked in, then looked at me. All the guys looked between Alpha Fang and me. Me: "Alpha Fang" Alpha Fang: "Alester, your dad, Alpha Diego, and your mom are here." Me: "Where are they?" Dad: "Right here, son." Mark: "Um, guys, let's go." Zeke: "Coming." Justin: "Right behind ya." I looked as Zeke, Justin, and Mark left. Max stood and then looked at me as I looked at my dad. I motioned for Max to go. Max nodded, then left. I looked as my mom looked around the room, then her eyes landed on Elizabeth. I looked over at him as Alpha Fang kissed his daughter's head. Alpha Fang: "I will be downstairs with my family. Alester, get me if she wakes, OK." Me: "Yes, Alpha Fang." I watched as alpha fang left and closed the door. My mom sat by Elizabeth on the edge of the bed and then ran a hand through Elizabeth's black and red hair. Mom looked so sympathetic and caring toward her. Knowing how caring and gentle my mom was towards my mate made me happy. The vampire queen Carmen Cortez would be friendly to random people. She always had a guard up and showed no emotion, but for once, my mom looked vulnerable. Mom: "The poor dear, what happened to her?" Me: "Britney attacked her." Dad: "Is this where you have been for four days straight? Why are you watching over a random girl? Is she one of the sluts you were sleeping with?" Mom: "Deigo"?!? Watch your tongue." Dad: "What she probably is." Me: "No, she's not. Dad, what the f**k? Why must you always assume that I am f*****g every girl in school? huh, dad?!" Dad: "What do you expect? After all, you had a different girl over every week for a year." Me: "Dad, shut up. What the f**k? She is different, and I haven't done that stuff in years. Dad: "What is so special about some random girl with dyed streaks?" Mom: "Alester, my Lil bat, is.. is she yours." Me: "They aren't dyed, Dad. Yes, Mom, she's my mate, and I love her. I need her, and I would hate to lose her so I will stay here, and I will stay here until the day she wakes up." I looked at my dad as he growled, grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, and threw me to the ground. Dad: no, no, you can't have a mate. You aren't supposed to." Me: "Why the f**k? Not because you wanted me to have something you and Mom have, and I found it, so why can't I, huh, Dad?" Mom: "Diego, what did you do?" I looked at my parents. My dad looked at my mom and then looked away. I was soo lost as to what had happened. I knew they were mind-linking, and it wasn't anything good, judging by my mom's reaction was giving my dad. Mom: "We will deal with this, Diego, when we get home and when his mate is better. You will explain to both him and her." Dad: "Carmen, my love, come on. It was the only thing I could do that was quick." Mom: "No, it wasn't Diego, and don't tell me it is." I looked at Mom's eyes turning a bright silver with flakes of dark red. I knew she was mad, and Dad was far from being on her good side. I watched my mom punch my dad in the gut, sending him flying back into the wall. I watched as she stomped off mad and slammed the door. Mom was always at her strongest when she was mad. It's why I never, under any circumstances, got her mad. I looked as Dad got up and then ran after my mom. Dad is in so much trouble. I feel it will be very long before Dad and Mom make up. I looked over at Elizabeth as she stayed unconscious. She was breathing, and her heartbeat was steady. 8 HOURS LATER It was night. I switched the TV to Tom and Jerry. I got up out of the chair and kissed Elizabeth's head. I held her hand and then put mine on her cheek. I hated seeing her like that. She had been out for four whole days, and I hoped she woke up soon. I let go of her hand, then opened the patio doors, allowing some fresh air into the room. I stood on the porch and looked up at the moon, wondering what I had done to be put in this situation. I was helpless in helping my mate get better; all I could do was look at her as if she were in a coma. I did not know when or if she would wake up. I looked back towards the bed as I heard panting and whimpers. I looked over and saw Elizabeth gripping the sheets in pain. I ran over to her and tried to calm her down. I held her in my arms tightly and felt her relax. After a good ten minutes, she fully settled down. I looked at her and had her close. I couldn't take this, and I wanted her to wake up. I kissed her head, moved a strand of hair out of her face, and smiled. I held her in my arms as I leaned back on my head, bored, and sang a soft lullaby that my mom used to sing to me. Me: "Hush now, my dear. For the night had risen. All are sleepy and calm. Go to sleep under the starry night sky as the moon, and wind whisper a sweet lullaby sent from the gods above. So hush now, my dear; I will hold you to sun up. I will smile as you open your eyes and kiss your head softly. Until morning, you can sleep soundly until the sun rises. Max: "So hush, my dear, for the moon goddess, will watch over you as you sleep to her lullaby sang by the wind and moon." Me: "You remember when my mom sang that to us every night when we thought rogues would attack us because we weren't strong enough." Max: "Yes, I do. Is she OK?" Me: "She was whimpering in her sleep and gripping the sheets. So I thought I would sing to her." Max: "Man, I don't know why you would quit your singing career." Justin: "Me neither. Now we perform at the school dances and games." Zeke: "We used to be number one." Me: "Yes, but man, we were so young. We went at it at age 15 and stopped at 17. We had to focus on school more." Mark: "It's just a shame that we had to stop. Could we get the group back together for more performances, maybe have a new member? After all, I think she would like it." Me: "Me too." I smiled and got up as I held Elizabeth. I then laid her back down on the bed. After Max left to head to his room, the guys and I talked about getting the band back together. We talked for hours and slowly fell asleep. We all ended up sleeping in Elizabeth's room that night.
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