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Raheena I woke up the next following day, expecting to see Farhan beside me or, in the bathroom but he was nowhere to be found. I called out his name, looked for him all around the house but I still couldn't get any glimpse of him. I dial his number, it says switched off. "Maybe, he has an important thing to do and he left for that." I thought. I decided to perform my ablution and pray. I asked for forgiveness from God, I know I have wrong my mother a lot and, she must be pissed with me right now but, I don't have any choice. Faisal needs my help and I'm the only person that can help him out. After finishing my prayer, I asked for forgiveness from God. And also made a promise to go back home and seek my mother's forgiveness. I was still thinking of how to make an amend to what I've done at home when I heard a knock on the door. I smiled happily knowing that it's Faisal. I sauntered out of the room towards the main door and opened it with a wide smile plastered on my face. "You're bac-" I stopped on my mid sentences when my face came in contact with the people that I wasn't expecting at all. These are officers in my presence. Okay, what the hell is going on here? "Sorry, how may I help you?." I asked in a very soft tone. One of the officers brought his ID card and showed it to me. "We are from Agege, S9 Benue street, police station." "Yes, I can tell that you're a police officer but the question is, how may I help you?." "Officer, why are you uttering words with her? Just arrest her and let's go." "Safeeyah?." I called out her name in a very confused tone. I wasn't expecting to see her here. Where she came from all of a sudden, I don't know. But, what's with her telling the officers to arrest me? Why is she telling them to arrest me? "Safeeyah, what are you doing here? And, why are they arresting me? What for?." "Are you Ms. Jalal?." One of the officers questioned me. "Yes, I am." "You're under arrest for the murder of Mrs. Jalal. You have the right to keep quiet and don't say a single word. Anything you say will be used against you in the court of law." "What?! Murder of who? Safeeyah? What is he talking about? Who did he just say, is dead?." "You heard him right. Mom is dead. You killed her." "What?! No, I didn't -" "As I've said earlier, You have the right to keep quiet and don't say a single word. Anything you say will be used against you in the court of law." "Please believe me. I didn't know how it all happened." I tried to explain myself but no one is ready to listen to me. I even tried to talk good my won very sister but the way she acted towards me, didn't show that she is my junior sister at all. It was just like she has been waiting for a day like this to come. This is not the Safeeyah that I know. I know that she can be crazy if she wanted to but she acting like this towards me, I'm just so confused about the whole situation. How can mom be dead? I didn't kill her! I only pushed her to run away with the documents. I was handcuffed and asked to sit in the car. The officer that shows his I.D to me earlier was sitting at my right and the other officer was sitting at the left side. Safeeyah took another car and we drove to the police station. Immediately I alighted from the car, the reporters were already taking my pictures, flashy light on my face from different angles. How did they come to know about this?- I thought as my face scan every one of them. I looked at my sister as I saw her alighting from the car. She looked at me with killing eyes. If a look could kill then, I would have been dead by now. We got popular, well known because of my father. He was known all over the country. Be has helped a lot of people before his death and then, his company is known worldwide maybe that's why we get to be treated like a celebrity. One of the reporters came forwards and placed a phone in front of me. "Ms. Jalal, is it true that you murdered your biological mother?." "How possible is this?." "We've learned that your mother adores you the most between you and your sister? Can you tell us the reason why you murdered your mother?." "Is it true you killed Mrs. Jalal because of money?." "Are you not her biological daughter?." The reporters kept asking me different kinds of questions but I couldn't even answer them. I was just shedding tears. I can't believe that out of my stupidity, I killed my mother. Even my sister is so mad at me. I can't blame her. If I was to be the one, I will always do the same thing or even worst. I was dragged in by the officers. Safeeyah was asked to write down a statement. They took me to the interrogation room and made me sit on a chair. I look round the room in horror. I've never seen a place like this in my entire life. I've been seeing it of course in a movie but to witness it in real life, no, I haven't. An iron, whip, and many scary things were placed on the table. My breath got hitch. I became to become scared. Are they going to try this thing on me?- I thought as I again look at it in horror. A very giant lady walked in and took a sit in front of me while another police officer was standing behind me. Those that came earlier weren't here anymore. Even Safeeyah is nowhere to be seen. "I can't believe that a pretty lady like you could be a criminal." She said in an annoying and angry tone. "Please, believe me, I didn't kill my mother. I know I-" I was cut off from my words as I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. The lady just slapped me. "Will you keep your mouth shut, my friend! You killed your mother and had the gut to defend yourself? I promise you, even if no one tries to make you rot in jail, I will make sure it happens to you." "But I-" "Keep quiet! We heard everything from your sister. She is your sister and she wouldn't lie against you." "But I-" "Keep quiet! You won't talk until I asked you to else, you will regret ever being brought here." She cut me off again. Again, tears started to flow out of my eyes down straight to my cheeks. I don't know why all of this is happening to me. I was happy just a few hours ago. I didn't kill my mom but, hearing this now, made me hate myself more. I can't believe that I killed my mother with my two bare hands. She was everything to me, she brought me up with love and care even though, she is harsh to me sometimes, she made sure I'm always happy. I hate myself. I really and hate myself so much- I thought as tears kept flowing down my cheeks. "So, I will be asking you some questions and, it will be nice for you to answer me correctly, truthfully, else, you might regret it." She threatened me. I can't call it a threat because, with the way she was talking, it's evident that she hates me a lot and, she can kill me right at this spot. I don't know what I've encountered myself into. Maybe, this is the punishment for stealing my parent's property and give it to a guy. Maybe, this is the punishment of killing my mother with my bare hands. I pray and hope that I will get out of this soon if I do. I will take back all that I've given to Farhan and take up the responsibility for my father's dream. I will make sure, I don't let my parents down. I pray and hope that Farhan showed up when he learns about this incident. I don't know where exactly he went to. If he was here, maybe all this wouldn't have been happening to me. "b***h! I'm talking to you." A tight slap across my face brought me back to reality. Again, I started to shed tears. This is not what I want. Why is this woman treating me like trash? She is treating me like a criminal. "Of course you're." My subconscious told me that. "Sorry, you said what?." "Why did you kill your mother?." "I... I didn't... I didn't kill her." I stuttered as each word came out of my mouth. Again, she slapped me across the face. "I will ask you for the last time. Why did you kill your mother?."
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