2016 Words
Raheena It all happened when I went home. There were some documents I wanted to take but, she wouldn't let me. I just pushed her, I didn't know that she will be dead. Please believe me." I begged as I explained to her. The lady laughed at my explanation. I'm not blaming her, it would be hard for her to believe me. "So, you want me to believe you?." "Yes, please believe me. I swear, I pushed her out of my way because she wouldn't let me out of the room. After that, I didn't know anything else again. All of my thought was that I will go back to the house in few days and beg her for acting that way towards her. I never knew that she is dead. I came to know about it this morning when the officers came over to arrest me. Please believe me." "Sorry to say this but I can't believe you." "What? But I-" "Your sister made it clear to us that she saw you with her two eyes killing your mother. You know, I've been seeing your pictures, videos, and the advice you give out to young people all over. I can't believe that my daughter looked up to you. I can't believe that she considered you as her role model. You're nothing but a criminal." Her eyebrows scrunch up in anger and show how extensively hatred she had for her. I didn't blame her. It was all of my faults but, what I'm confused about is Safeeyah's. Why would she report me and file a case against me? I know, I've done wrong but I didn't kill mother. Why would she lie to them that she saw me killing mother? "Please, believe me, I didn't do it. I know I'm wrong but I didn't kill my mother." I tried to defend myself. "Find someone else to listen to your bullshit because I will not!" She spat angrily at me. I begged her and try to explain myself but I don't just know why, she is not ready to listen to me. She signals her head to the guy standing behind me and I don't even know the meaning of that look. All of a sudden, I felt him unlocking the handcuffs on my hand. He roughly pulled me up and tried to push me towards the main door. "Where are you taking me to?." I questioned, confusedly. "You're going to a place where you belong to." I heard the same lady said. I was blindfold and even though, I had protested, they were not ready to listen to me. I tried to remove it but instead, I was handcuffed again. I keep shedding tears, they are treating me like a criminal. I'm not a criminal! No, I'm not. I don't know where they are taking me to but, all I know is that I was pushed into somewhere, that was when I realized that it's a car. They forced me to sit and right on time, the car engine was started, then I sensed the car moving to God knows where. I don't understand the whole situation. I don't know what's happening to me. If they are here to arrest me, do they also have to blindfold me? Am I to be handcuffed? • I felt the car stopped and the blindfold was taken off my face. Even my handcuff was unlocked from my hand too. I rub my eyes carefully with my hands because everything was blurry to me. I looked around carefully and that when I realized that I have been brought to prison. What type of prison is this? I don't know. The door I entered, looked nothing like a normal gate at all. The door was an interior door, a dark grey metal wall. It was about 6 inches thick, probably 16 feet tall, at least that wide. It was massive. I could not guess how much it weighed. It scared me to hell when I heard the sound as it's locked behind me. Having the door lock securely behind me while we were going in, was scary. I feel like, I'm been taken to a place where I will never be able to return. I've never heard of a sound like that before. We entered the building and everywhere became dark. After a few minutes' walk, we halt in front of a cell where they lock up criminals. Most of the people there were already staring at me. I became panic. Their face looks scary. The guy who had brought me here opened the cell with his key and pushed me inside. I hit my head roughly on the wall and hissed out loud in pain. I tried to maintain my balance but for a second, I couldn't move. Maybe it's because I haven't eaten since morning. My eyes had started to get dizzy. I can't see properly. The guy leaves immediately he locks back the cell, and I was now left alone. I look around me and saw these strange women walking closer towards me. As they took a step forward, I took one back. I cursed as my back kissed the wall. They were four in number. The giants' lady among them started to touch me in a not-so-acceptable way. I feel so uncomfortable with her touch. Not only her but the others too leaving the last one, who was standing right there in front of me, inspecting my face and body. "Please, stop touching me," I whispered in an uncomfortable tone. "Please stop touching me." They mimic me and laughed at me. The remove my veil and drop it on the floor. These crazy people are savage! They started to remove my gold earring. Well, I do not care about it. In, as far as they would let me go once they have it. They removed everything from my ear and even took my necklace from me. But, they never stopped at that, they went forward and remove the only ring that connects me to my mom. That's the only thing that can make me have my mom's memory. "No, no, no. Please no, not this. You can take all that you wanted but please, do not take this ring away from me. It's very important to me, it means a lot to me." I struggled to get out of their firm grip but, they are just too strong than me. Their boss, I assume, took the ring and slide it into her finger. "Look guys, it fits perfectly." She announced happily as she showed it to them. "Wow! This girl is indeed rich. Look how the ring is shinning on your finger. But, what could make a beautiful, rich girl like you end up in prison huh?." The one standing on my right asked as they all narrowed their eyes at me. They are all waiting for a response from me. And, I'm not after that. The only thing I'm after is the ring. I want nothing else from them but just the ring. It belongs to my mom. She gave it to me as a gift. My mother passed the ring to me as she gifts the ring to me. This is the only memory of her that I hold. I tried to use all of my power to collect the ring back from them but, the opposite happened. They started to kick me, in my stomach, my back. They kept kicking me everywhere in my body. I fell on the floor and groaned out in pain. All of my body had started to ache me. "Yes, yes. What's happening here?." We all heard a voice and they swiftly left my side and pretended like they haven't done anything wrong. The same guy that brought me here earlier was the one standing in front of me with some other two female officers. He unlocks the cell key and signals to them. They entered and drag me out, forcibly. "Where are you taking me to?." I asked in a panic tone. What I just encountered right now, is a tough experience for me, I don't want something similar to it again or even worse. I kept asking them questions but they wouldn't answer me. It's just like they are deaf and dumb. Before I know what was happening, we were already out of the dark prison and were now in the visiting room? What is this that's happening to me? What exactly is going on in my life? Why am I experiencing all that I've been watching in a movie, why is it now happening to me? I took in a deep breath and breathed out again out of relief. I pray and hope that they won't take me back to that place ever again. I was about to ask them a question again when my eyes came in contact with my sister, Safeeyah. She was sitting on the black chair facing our direction with her face all swollen up. It's clear that she has been crying a lot. And, I'm the cause of her tears. I hate myself more for doing this to her. We stopped right in front of where she is sitting and, immediately she noticed our presence, she hurriedly stood on her feet. "You have only 10 minutes to talk to her." The officer who had brought me said to her before giving us some privacy to talk. "Safeeyah," I called as I tried to hug her but, she stopped me with her right hand. "There's no need of exchanging pleasantries with each other. I have only come here to tell you about the decision of the whole family concerning this issue." She said curtly. She isn't even showing any sign of pitifulness at all. Didn't I look pitiful to her? She is my sister and, I expected her to be pitiful towards me. To show some care. "Safeeyah, why are you talking like this? Why are you being so cold towards me?." "I don't understand you. How do you expect me to talk to you?." "I expect you to be pitiful at least. I'm still your sister." "Sister?." She scoffs as she repeated the same word. "Did you just refer to yourself as my sister? I'm sorry but, I will never and ever consider you as my sister. You don't deserve that word 'Sister'" "Safeeyah please, stop uttering such hurtful words to me. I'm hurting right now. Do you also believe that I killed Mom? You of all people know that I would never do such a thing to her. She is our mother! My mother!" I said as other fresh tears flow down my cheeks continuously. "Your mother? Did you just refer to her as your mother? The woman that you killed with your bare hands and you're referring her as your mother?." She asked, bitterly. "No! No, please! You're all getting it wrong! I didn't kill mom! I will never kill her. She is my everything! You knew that too! You knew the strong bond between us! You are aware of how I adore her a lot. I know, I know that I was wrong for pushing her and I hate myself for that. But please, believe me, Safeeyah. I didn't kill mother. I will never do that. Everyone in this world is not believing me. At least, you of all people should believe me. You know me very well, you know that I'm never that kind of person." "If, you had asked me this question a few months back, then, I would have supported you. I would have fought the whole world for you but, ever since when Dad has died and you have been in charge of his company, I do not trust you anymore. Neither do I trust you nor will I ever believe you. You don't deserve that. Being in charge of dad's property had changed you a lot. You're not the same, old Raheena that I used to know so, I won't ever believe you."
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