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"What?! What the hell are you saying?! Your Mom is what?!" Farhan bursted angrily at Safeeyah through the phone. "I just told you that mom is dead." She replied again in a duh tone. Farhan can't help but to think about it. "Is he really planning to marry this girl?." "How comes? Why is she dead? She was fine just yesterday, right?." He bombarded her with a lot of questions. "It all happened when sister came home yesterday to steal the properties and the Gold." "What?! But she-" "Let's forget about that for now, Farhan. I hope, you've gotten all those things from her?." She asked instead. "Ye... Yes, I did. She has given everything to me and, she kept blaming herself for what she did to your Mom. She was looking for a way to come apologise to her and here you just buzz a shocking news to me." He has started to get tired of the whole situation. "Should he back off now?." He thought again. "Safeeyah, I will tell her that your mother is dead." "What?! No! Are you crazy?! You can't do that. Look, I've filed a report against her. I reported to the police that she killed mom and ran away with the house properties and all that. So you better-" "What?! You did what? She is your sister!" "I'm not disputing that, you i***t man. Think about it carefully. If she come back on her own and she find out that mom is dead. She will hate herself more for doing that and will take back all what she has given you. Because, whenever she remembers mom's death, she will always hate herself more for that. So, you can't tell her anything. She mustn't know that mom is dead." "You will have to pack all of your stuffs tonight and ran out of that house. While you're done, give me a call. I will then call up the officers and tell them I've found her location and she will then be arrested." "But, I can't do this to her. She has always been nice to me and my family." "Tell her the truth then. Tell her mom is dead and you send her back home safely and watch what will happen to you next. You won't get any wealth again for the rest of your life. She will take all what she has given to you back. You will be penniless. You will loose both my sister and I. Your sister's educator will crumble. Your family won't get any source of feeding anymore. Then, what do you think will happen after that? You will become a begged again, just like how you used to be before I met you...." She said. She made sure to poison his mind a lot and finally, Farhan succumbed to her talk. "So, what do I do now? Ever since she has arrive here, she has been crying uncontrollably, she wouldn't stop crying." "Don't bother yourself because of her Farhan, you're dealing with me and not her. That's how she has always been, too emotional for my liking and that's why I detest her so much. Just make sure you carry out the plan tonight. Leave the house first thing tomorrow morning, I will handle the rest from there." "Are you sure?." "Not ever been so sure of anything in my life as this." • "Babe, where are you going to? Why are all your bags packed?." Raheena's voice behind him startled him. He wasn't expecting to see her in his room tonight. He turned slowly to look at her and smiled. "I was actually... Erm I... I'm not going anywhere. I was just trying to re arrange my clothes, that's all." He stuttered in each words. "Are you sure?." "Of course babe. Come here." He signal her to move closer as he drop the cloth he was holding. He wrap his two hands on her waist tightly and hug her. "I'm so sorry for everything. For causing you trouble, for making you cry and, for sacrificing a lot for me. I really do not know how to thank you enough for that." "Hey! Why are you being so emotional this night? I told you right? I will always be there for you. I love you so much Farhan and, I will never be able to bear it if you're going through a lot and I can't do anything to help you. You're a nice guy too and you deserve it because, you've always make me happy. I'm only sad because I let my Mom down. She has always been so proud of me. All my life, she would praise me, tell me that in the best, tell my little sis to look up to me and followed my foot step but now, I feel like I have disappointed her and she will never and ever forgive me for doing this to her. I.... I pushed my Mom, Farhan." She said the last part in a very soft tone. "I know, and in sorry for everything. You did all of this only because of me and that's why, I'm asking for your forgiveness, do forgive me for everything. I love you so much...." He said as he kissed her forehead. "I love you Raheena but, my heart and soul is with Safeeyah. I can't make you happy, I'm sorry for everything." He thought as he continued to wrap his arm around her body tightly. To him, this will be their last time of seeing each other. "I love you so much Farhan. Please, promise me that you don't ever leave me. You will always be there for me. When I look at my back, you will be there for me. When I turn to my left, right, every angle, please, promise me that you will always be there for me. I won't be able to live without you. I'm still this strong because of your love and support. You won't leave me right?." His heart this tightened in pain as those words came out from her mouth. His mouth was tongue tied. He wanted to say something but he couldn't find himself to do that. He wish, he met Raheena first before Safeeyah but, too bad, Safeeyah already has his heart and soul. And, he can do anything in this world for Safeeyah. Just to make her happy. "I will always love the woman that my heart belongs to her. Don't worry." He replied and hug her tightly again. Later on, they were both on the bed and Raheena has slumped into a deep sleep. He studied her face for a while before sighing. "This is the last time you will ever set your eyes on me Raheena. We will never and ever cross path any more. From tomorrow onwards, everything about us will be over. You will hate me so much but I don't really care. All I want is Safeeyah and finally, I've gotten the woman that I love." He whispered before standing up from the bed. He watch her for the last time before packing his bags and left her only in the house.
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