
A Deal With Mr CEO

contract marriage
realistic earth

A Deal With Mr CEO is a story that centres around a beautiful lady Raheena, who happens to be a victim of circumstances, she went through a lot of difficulties, got separated from her fiance and went to jail after sacrificing so much for him.

On her return back, she finds out that her younger sister is married to her fiance already.

She vows to take revenge but reverse is now the case and now, her life is in danger.

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If you're already reading this, then you're a fan. Thank you for adding this book to your library. This book is a work of fiction please, any resemblance of it, is just a coincidence. I'm not perfect,there will be so many mistake. But, if you decide not to mind the grammatical error, believe me,you'll enjoy this book so much. I hope you'll all support me till the end? • All right reserve. No part of the publication may be reproduce or transmitted or stored in a retrieval system in any form or by any means. Photocopy, electronics, recording or other wise without the prior permission from the owner which is ME and in future, from Dreame's team .... • Raheena "Raheena! Raheena!! Raheena!!!" She heard her mom's voice calling out her name. She put the pillow on her face not wanting to wake up. She has been so stressed recently and right now, the only thing that she wanted to do is just to sleep and have a nice rest. She can't believe that as the CEO of her Dad's company which she had taken over already, so many piled of work has been shoved on her shoulder. "Dad really tried when he was alive. The responsibility of the company isn't at all easy." She thought. "Raheena!" Her mom called out her name again as she finally walked into her room. "Raheena, wake up." She heard her ordered in a warning tone. "Still sleeping..." She mumbled. "You brat." Her mom said whilst she smack her butt roughly. Raheena don't care if she is now inside her room or not, all she wanted at that moment was just to sleep. "Will you keep quiet and stand up already? For goodness sake, you have a business meeting to attend to by 10:00am and, this is already 8:30am. You need to start acting like a true CEO. Come on, it's already 3 weeks, you need to get used to it." Her mom said as she uncover her body with her blanket. She also tried to take away the pillow from her face but she hold unto it tightly. "Stop being a brat and stand up already, Raheena." Her mom said. "Mom please, can you just ask Safeeyah to go? Why can't she go in my place." "Safeeyah is still very young and moreover, she is still a student. She is just in her 400 level. You are the elder and it's your responsibility. Just get up now." "Mom, she can start practicing." She said as she finally threw the pillow away from her face and sit up to look at her mom. She glared at her but her Mom smack her hand instead. "Mom!!!" She exclaimed. "Come on, get up! Get up!." She said and left her room. "Oh my God! This won't be as easy as I thought it would be. I really need to get married to Farhan as soon as I can so that he could take over the company and the responsibility." She thought. She stood up, sauntered towards her bathroom, strip her self and jumped into the shower. Few minutes later, she was out. She took out her Maroon pallazo trouser, white fitted top with a Marron jacket. She moved closer to where her shoes are been kept and bring out her white 4 inches heel. She is not the type that fancy make up, so, she applied a little on her face. She accessories her self with her earring, watch and her black bag. She walked out of her room and sauntered downstairs to meet her Mom reading her news as always. "You're ready to leave?." "Do I have a choice?." She replied rolling her eyes at her mom. She only chuckled in return and told her to leave already. "Bye Mom." "Bye sweetie. I wish you all the best!" She yelled behind her so that she could hear her. • Hey love, is everything fine with you? Why do you look so down? You scared the s**t out of me when you called me earlier." Raheena bombarded her fiance with a lot of questions immediately she entered his apartment and took a sit. Earlier, as she finished sealing the deal with her business partner, she received a frightening call from him as he asked her to come over as soon as she could. And, here she is. She loved Farhan a lot. She could do anything in this world for him to be happy. She can lay down her life for him. She could fight anyone in this world, just for him because, Farhan has showed her what is been called love. She experience what love is when she met him. And, she vowed to get married to no one else but him. "Raheena, we've got a problem?." He said while using his right hand to rub his face frustratedly. "A problem? What problem? What are you talking about?." She asked, confusedly. She hate seeing him in discomfort or in any agony, it always hurt her. That's why, she had made a promise to herself that, she would sacrifice anything in this world for him if she had to because, she cherish him a lot. "I.... I once borrowed money from the bank. I'm truly ashamed to say this, I know I should have let you know at soonest but I just can't find it in me to do so. But then, you see, I used my Dad's house as a collateral when I lend the money and now, I haven't been able to refund the money. So, they threatened to arrest me and put me in jail or take the house from me. And you know how important that house is to my family, right?." He explained to her at the edge of crying. "Oh my God! I'm... I'm so sorry to hear this. But, why didn't you tell me any of this?." "Because I wanted to be a man. You've always been supportive to me. You provide food for my family, you pay for my three sisters school fees and their expenses. You feed and cloth me too. I wanted to try something too, I wanted to be a man but then, I don't know how it all happened. The people I wanted to sign the contract with turns out to be a fraud and they fled away with my money." "Have I ever complained to you? Have I ever for once told you that I'm fed up with what I've been doing? Your family is like mine. So, what if you don't have a job now, you can get in future. You shouldn't have done what you did Farhan." She scolded him. "I know and I'm sorry...." He apologized. "So, how much is the money in total?." "500million." "What?!!!!!" Raheena exclaimed. "That much?." She added. "Hmmm." He hummed. "That much. That's how stupid I was." "No, you're not stupid love, I understand you. And, I won't allow you sell Dad's house. I know how important this house is to everyone, including mom. You know what? Don't worry, I'm going to find a way." She assured him. All her effort was just to make him feel at ease. "But how?." He asked her. He wanted to be sure. Is his plan working already? "Don't worry about that Farhan, your problem is now mine and, I will definitely look for a way to pay them. After that, I would really want us to talk about us." "That's, if you're still here with me after all this is over right?." He mentally thought with a smirk. "No! I want you to tell me Raheena. What are you planning to do? Please, don't tell me you're going to touch a dime out of Dad's money or property?." He asked. He needed to be sure of what she's going to do next after leaving his house. He just hope that his plan don't get ruin. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm planning to do." She answered sincerely. Yes! "What?!!!! No way will I allow you do that. That's your family-" "Please Farhan, don't you even dare complain about anything." She cut him off before he could finish what he was about to say. "You know that I love you right?." She asked as she take hold of his two big hands in her small tiny hands. Of course I do know that you love me, and that's why I am able to lure you into my trap right now "Of course babe. I know you do and you also know that I love you a lot too. I cherish you." "I know Farhan, that's why I'm doing all of this for you. I've always considered you as my hero. I've always see you as the replica of my father and I know that, you will never disappoint me... Or would you?." "Why would I do that to you? You're the perfect woman a man could ever ask for on his life." He smiled at her as he cares her cheek, lovingly. But, all was just a show. "Actually, there was a time I saw mom hiding some gold secretly in her room before Dad's death, if I couldn't get the gold and the other house's documents, we could sell it and refund the money back to the bank." "What?! Are you crazy?! You wants to sell your dad's property and your Mom's gold for me? No, you won't do that!" He bursted angrily at her but deep down within him, he was so happy that finally, his plan is working. He can't wait to get hold of her father's property. After that, he will finally be with the love of his life; Safeeyah. "No Farhan, you won't stop me, okay? That's why I wanted us to have a talk after all this is settled. There are something's I would like to hand over to you. Please, you don't need to feel bad, I've made a promise to forever make you happy and that's exactly what I'm going to do. I will have the paper ready in the next twenty four hours, just have faith in me, okay?." "But you-" "No any but Farhan, I will be back in the next twenty four hours, okay?." "Okay love, thank you so much. I will forever be grateful to you and love you. You mean the world to me, if you're not mine to begin with, I wonder how would I and my family would have been coping till date. Thank you so much and I will never disappoint you." He made a promise to her with tears flowing down his cheeks. But deep in his heart, he knows that he will never make any of those promises come through. He was only deceiving her right from the beginning, only to get what he needed from her and flee away. Immediately Raheena left his house, he wiped off the fake tears on his face and brought out his phone to call the woman he would really want to spend the rest of his life with. "Hi baby." Safeeyah uttered cheerfully in her high pitch tone. "Well, Good morning to you too." He replied with his eyes rolled even though, she couldn't see him. Sometimes, he kept pondering on why he was still with her till date? It isn't like she's that good as her sister but, he loves her so much and that was one of the reason why he is still with her. "Oh! Yeah, morning... So, how was it? Were you able to make her do what we wanted?." "You shouldn't doubt my ability baby girl, trust me, you know how perfect I'm in stuffs like this." He said proudly. He was so happy, he can't believe that they are the edge of victory. "Really?! Oh my God! That's a good news then. So, when are we sharing.... I mean, when am I getting my shares?." "Babe, calm down, okay? I haven't even gotten the papers yet but don't be so agitated Safeeyah, once we obtain what we wanted? We will certainly make the shares and we could finally be together, don't you think so?." "Yes love, you're right!" She squealed in happiness. "And, don't forget to play your part too, you know exactly what to do?." Farhan reminded her. "Of course, I do. Trust me on this baby." They both bursted into a heavy, wicked laugh before Safeeyah hang up the call. • Raheena went secretly into her mother's room in search of both the document and the gold. She kept rummaging the room like a crazy girl. "Where could Mom have kept these things." She muttered under her breathe. She decide to take one last look and luckily for her, she found the documents and also the golds that her mom owned. She smiled at herself and packed everything not leaving a single thing. But before that, her junior sister has install a camera into the room before Raheena arrive. Raheena was about to open the door when she bumped unto her mother. "Arrgh Mom! You scared me!" She said, sounding annoyed. But deep within her, she is freaking inside. She is scared of what the outcome would be. "And what are you doing in my room, young lady?." Her Mom asked her with her arm crossed on her chest while she glared at Raheena. She shifted her gaze from her daughter's body and scan the whole room for a while. Everywhere is so scattered! "No....nothing mother, I...I only came to... I came to clean your room... I-" She kept stuttering not finding the right word to say. "Oh, really? Is that so?." "Hmmm." "Then, why is my room so unkept? And this?." She twisted her hand and hold it roughly in hers. "What are you doing with my gold? Wait a minute, is that not the house documents? Subhanallah! What are you going to do with it?." Her mom sounded mad at her right now. "I'm so sorry Mom, please forgive me for what I'm about to do right now." She beseech her mom before pushing her roughly and ran out of the house in full speed. Mrs Faruq fell down and hit her head and she started to groan in pain. While Safeeyah was at a corner, watching all of the things that has been happening. She hide herself so well and not untill her sister was able to carry out her plan before she came out from hiding. Once she noticed that she is gone, she came out from where she is hiding and ran straight towards where her mom was lying on the floor, groaning in pain. She does hit her head badly and now, she is bleeding. "Mother! Mother!! What happened to you? Please speak up! What happened?." "Yo.... Yo.... Your sister. She.... She took...took... She took it all.... She took.. it... All." That was the last thing that she said before her eyes shut tightly.

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