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Safeeyah "Fine!" I said. "What? Fine? Does that mean, you're withdrawing the case?." "Yes. I will go back in there now and tell the officer that I was wrong to blame my sister for what she has not done. I will tell her that, my sister was only acting base on instructions given to her by her boyfriend who manipulated her into killing her mother and asked her to steal all of the documents that belong to her father. I will also tell them you're the mastermind of all of this and, what do you think will happen afterward? You will be the one to be jailed instead and, my sister will hate you for the rest of her life. She will make sure to make your life miserable in the cell." "If that's what you want, you can just tell me and I will go back in there now, and tell them the whole truth." "What?! Are you crazy?." "I should be the one asking you that question, Faisal. Are you crazy? You want us to leave just like that without holding her down? What do you think will happen to us, to you after that? She will find us! I know my sister very well, Faisal. She will find us and when she does, she will make our lives miserable. She might even pardon me because I'm her baby sister but you, what do you think will happen to you after she finds you. Do you think she is that an easy type? I'm sorry but, you still do not know sister yet." "So, if you want. I can as well just go back in there and, tell them to release her after telling them the whole truth." "You're crazy!" He hisses at me. "Whatever!" "Come on, let's go." He said as he took hold of my wrist hand. "Wait, you can't go with us." "I know, Safeeyah." He answered in a duh tone. "I will only drop you off and leave after that. I will start arranging our trip or what do you think?." "Yeah, do that as possible as you can. And, make sure not to leave any traces behind. Once I'm done with her, I will make sure I follow up as soon as I can. Just make sure everything is ready." He told me he understood everything and left. I entered the officer's car and left with them. At a point, I almost feel remorseful for what I'm about to do to my sister but then, I changed my mind almost immediately. She doesn't worth it!- I made sure to remind myself of that. And that's the truth, she doesn't worth my sympathy at all. She has always been like this ever since we were kids, she took everything that belongs to me. I've always learned that the youngest in the house, enjoyed more and get more love from their parents, loved ones, families more but in my case, my sister who is the eldest daughter in the house got all of that from different angles. It's just like she is the only person that people see instead of me and I hate that. Now, she is about to take full control of daddy's wealth which, I would never allow that to happen. Not when I'm still alive. The car came to a halt and that was when I realized that, we were already in front of Faisal's house. I hopped down from the car and followed the officer's from behind. We stopped right in front of his door and knock, they knock almost three times before she could finally open the door for us. "It's..." "You're bac-" I heard and saw her stopped in her mid sentences when her face came in contact with the people in front of her. I guess, she wasn't expecting to see them at all. She is not a kid, of course, she knows who they are. She just doesn't know for whom exactly, they are here. "Sorry, how may I help you?." She asked in a very careful and polite way. That's also one thing that I hate about her. She knows how to approach people. Thank goodness I've painted her black to these people, they might as well just change their mind from the way she is speaking with them. One of the officers brought his ID card and showed it to her. "We are from Agege, S9 Benue street, police station." "Yes, I can tell that you're a police officer but the question is, how may I help you?." "Officer, why are you uttering words with her? Just arrest her and let's go." I can't help but chime in. That was when she realized my presence. Her expression was speechless. She wasn't expecting me to be there. "Safeeyah?." She called out my name in a very confused tone. "Safeeyah, what are you doing here? And, why are they arresting me? What for?." She bombarded me with a lot of questions but, instead of answering her, I kept mum and watch the drama in front of me. "Are you Ms. Jalal?." One of the officers questioned her. "Yes, I am." She answered. "You're under arrest for the murder of Mrs. Jalal. You have the right to keep quiet and don't say a single word. Anything you say will be used against you in the court of law." "What?! Murdered of who? Safeeyah? What is he talking about? Who did he just say, is dead?." She faced me as she asks me. "You heard him right. Mom is dead. You killed her." I answered bluntly. I wasn't interested in all that. All that I'm interested in is how to arrest her and lock her up. It might not be her fault that mom is dead but, it's also her fault for making my parents dislike me and, she will have to pay for that. Right now, is a good time to give her back what she had reaped. "What?! No, I didn't -" "As I've said earlier, You have the right to keep quiet and don't say a single word. Anything you say will be used against you in the court of law." The officer cut her off. I was very happy though because she might start to defend herself and things might not turn out the way I had wanted them to. "Please believe me. I didn't know how it all happened." She tried to explain herself but no one is ready to listen to her. I was very happy about that. She tried her best to talk to me but, I acted like I'm not ready to talk or listen to her. The way I had acted towards her, didn't show that there's any relation between us. She was handcuffed and asked to sit in the car. I saw an officer that shows his I.D to her earlier was sitting at her right and the other officer was sitting on the left side. I decided to take another car because I don't want to be in the same car as her. Immediately we alighted from the car, the reporters were already taking my pictures, flashy light on her face from different angles. How the hell did they come to know about this?!!!!- I wanted to shout at them but then, I figured out that, this is the best opportunity for me. I'm happy that everyone now thinks of her as a bad person. She takes a look at me and our gaze fixed on each other, I looked at her with that my killing eyes. If a look could kill then, I'm sure that she would have been dead by now. Pretending to blame her for everything and meanwhile, she is innocent in all of this. I know she is, Faisal knows too. Even the officer in charge of this case was aware too, only Sister Raheena and the world that doesn't know what exactly happened. I'm not surprised with the whole people I'm seeing in front of me, my family is quite popular, well known because of my father. He was known all over the country. He has helped a lot of people before his death and then, his company is known worldwide maybe that's why we get to be treated like a celebrity. I saw one of the reporters moved forwards and placed a phone in front of her. "Ms. Jalal, is it true that you murdered your biological mother?." "How possible is this?." "We've learned that your mother adores you the most between you and your sister? Can you tell us the reason why you murdered your mother?." "Is it true you killed Mrs. Jalal because of money?." "Are you not her biological daughter?." The reporters kept asking her a lot of different questions but she couldn't even answer them because she doesn't have anything to say. She kept shedding tears continuously. Tears kept flowing down her cheeks. Out of her stupidity for love, she lost mom and now, she is losing everything for good. She was then dragged in by the officers while I was asked to write down a statement. I saw them took her to the interrogation room and left there as possible as I could. I still need to take care of some things, meet her at least, twice before leaving here forever and she won't be able to set her eyes on me ever again.
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