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Raheena What? What's she saying? She can't trust me? After being in charge of dad's property? Where is all this coming from? She knows that I will never and ever change because of wealth. And, why would I even change? For what reason would I do that to her? Even mom knows that I am still the same old Raheena that they all used to know. I never even wanted the position as the CEO, I was planning to hand over everything to Faisal. And, I hate myself for doing this to mom. I swear, I didn't know how all this happened. I'm not a bad daughter, I know I was wrong but, I just wanted to help Faisal out. I wanted to help him so that he wouldn't end up in jail. "Look, I only came here to inform you about the decision that everyone has made. "What decision is that?." I asked in a very careful tone. I hope, I just hope it's not that they will all disown me. That's the last thing that I wanted right now. I don't want that to happen to me. I've always loved all of my family, I've always treated them right... I pray they won't leave me and treat me like an outsider for this incident that has happened. I hope they will understand that what I did was out of love for Faisal. Well, the Faisal that you did all of this for, is now nowhere to be found. Do you think, he hasn't seen the news yet? He has but, he won't come back with your money and property ever again. You're a fool and a disgrace to daughterhood for killing your mother because of a man- My inner thought said to me. Yes, now I'm regretting it. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have stolen my dad's property for a man. I shouldn't have pushed mom maybe, she wouldn't have been dead. Maybe, she would have still been alive. Maybe, we would all have been so happy. Maybe, my sister wouldn't have hated me this much. "As I've said earlier, I didn't come here to exchange words with you. I only came here to make you realize that, we have no business together from now onwards. And, be prepared because we are going to meet in court soon. No one is trying to fight for Mom, everyone wants me to withdraw the case because you're ABDUL but I, Safeeyah Abduljalal would never succumb to that request of theirs. I will make sure, you pay for what you have done." "Be ready to meet me in court." She said and tried to stand up to leave but, I was so quick to stop her by holding her hands tightly. "Wh... what are you saying, Safeeyah? Meet in court? I'm not your sister? How could you make such a statement out of blue? I'm your biological sister Safeeyah. How can you do this to me?." "No, you're not. You are not my sister and would never be! The day you killed mom, was the day that our relationship ended. I will never forgive you for what you've done." "You keep talking like I did it intentionally. You don't even know how much I hate myself for doing this to Mom. I now considered myself as a criminal!" I can't help but burst angrily at her. "I don't care! Read my lips... I... do... not... care! And, You don't need to consider yourself as a criminal because you, already are a criminal, Raheena Abduljalal." She said and left the room. I slump back on the chair and burst into tears. I can't believe this is happening to me. How can she abandon me at such a crucial moment? How can she do this to me? I can't believe that my sister filed a case against me. My sister is ready to send me to jail? I tried to go after her as I just finished processing everything in my head but, she was already gone. I was then taken back to the cell again. Safeeyah "So, what's the deal all about?." The officer lady asked me, I was sitting in front of her with Faisal beside me. "I saw my sister pushing my mother while she ran out of the house in a hurry, I think, she stole something important from her or so but, in the process, my mom died." "What?!" "Yes." I answered, calmly. I don't know why she is reacting this way. It's my mother and not hers. "I thought, your father got into an accident a few months back and he died?." "Yes, so?." "And now, your sister killed your mother too?." "I never said, she killed her." I replied with my eyes rolled at her silly questions. All these officers are all fools. "Then, why are you reporting to us if she hasn't killed your mom?. Wait! This needs a lot of attention and observation. Your Dad died in a car accident a few months back, then, immediately after that, we heard the news of your sister taking over the company and now, you saw your sister killed your mom after seeing her running off with something that belongs to her?." "Excuse me, do not misinterpret me please, I never said that my sister killed my mom. What happened was that I saw her rummaging mom's room like she was looking for something but then, immediately she found what she was looking for, she took that advantage to run away but unfortunately for her, mom caught her. She wanted to take back what my sister had stolen but sister pushed mom and ran off. Before I could reach out to where mol was lying down, she was already coughing out blood and she died." "My sister isn't aware of this and, I wouldn't have come to you if I don't have anything to offer you." "What do you mean?." The officer questioned as she now has full attention on Safeeyah and Faisal who were sitting there like a statue. "I want you to charge my sister with the crime of 'murdered'" "What?!!" "Yes, I don't want her to get out from this. I want you to lock her up in the cell for as long as you want in exchange, I will give you 30 million naira cash." "What rubbish is this that you're talking about?." She said in an angry tone. I smirk. "You still haven't allowed me to finish yet. I mean, I haven't said all that I wanted to. So, you will get 30 million naira cash if, you can arrest her and make her go to prison within 24 hours. I don't want you to treat her like a normal offender, I want you to treat her like a criminal. Don't give her the chance to explain herself. Once you do this, I will transfer 30 million naira into your account, after that, she will be charged to court and that's where I will get my chance, and then, you will get your remaining 20 million nairas from me, cash." "You don't mean it!" She asked Asher face light up in happiness. I turned my head to look at Faisal and gave him the look of 'i told you' "I'm dead serious. All you needed to do is to help me on this issue. I do not want her to get out from this trap she had laid for herself." "I'm more than ready to do this. Are you sure, you're going to give me the money as promised?." "You know everything about my family. You know we don't stoop so low. When I said, I will pay you, I will do." "Okay.... May I ask why you're doing this? I mean, she is your sister, elder sister to get precise and, everyone in this country knows how kind-hearted she is, to both the children and the old. I just want to know why you wanted to do this to her. You can wish not to report this case to the officers and it's okay. I mean, you just said it now that, she isn't even aware of your mom's condition and-" "This is between me and my sister. You don't need to butt in. If you know you're not interested in this case, you can as well just let me know. I will gladly look for another person that's capable of handling the case." I hiss at her. "No, no, no. That's not what I meant. I was just only asking. Of course, I will be more than happy to help you. This is about money. If you can assure me that you will pay me then, I will be more than happy to help you." "I just told you that I will pay you. Just make sure you do your job neatly. There shouldn't be any traces and please, I do not want her to get out from this. I want you to paint her black in the eyes of everyone. To the whole world, I want them to see her as the bad person. I want everyone to hate her so that, there won't be anyone that will come out to support her." "Trust me on this. I would go beyond your expectations." She said, smiling. "Good! Here is her location. You will find her there if you go there now." I said as I pass the paper to her. She took it from me and smiled again. She called out some names and in a swift, the guys were already standing in front of us. "Here..." She passed the paper to one of them. "That is the address of where a criminal is staying. She stole something from her mother and killed her afterward before running off. Here is the lady sister that brought the case to us...." I watched her explain everything to her boys before she finally turns to face me and told me, to go with them. I gave her a curt nod and stood on my foot. While we were going out, Faisal drags me aside. "Look here, Safeeyah. What in the world do you think you're doing?." He burst angrily at me. The officer asked to follow us looked at us with questioning eyes. I smiled and signal them to give us some minutes. "I'm asking you a question, Safeeyah. What do you think you're doing? Filing a case against your sister? Making her rot in jail? Paying the officer 50 million nairas just because you wanted them to detain your sister in their custody? That's crazy! We can just run off without doing all of this to her, she doesn't deserve it! No, she doesn't." He burst at me. His chest moving up and down in anger. His face is now red. "And why exactly are you mad at me? Do you love her now? Do you want to go back to her? You don't want me now, right? Because, I don't understand you, I don't understand why you're shouting and bursting out at me just because of that crazy girl. You can only be doing this to me because you now have a swift spot for her, right?." I questioned him back in the same tone that he just use now. I'm doing all this because of him and, he's standing here blaming me again? Like seriously? "Look Safeeyah, you're getting it all wrong. I was just saying that I don't think there is any need of doing all of this. She doesn't deserve it, after all, she is your sister and you should be able to understand what I'm trying to say more than any other person. I know, you're doing all of this because of me but still, she is your sister and I don't feel comfortable with us sending her to jail. We can just leave the country and go somewhere else." "Fine!" I said.
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