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Raheenah Two Weeks Later "With the expected cleared evidence and different witnesses, The court has concluded that the criminal Ms. Raheenah Abduljalal is guilty of the murder of Mrs. Abdul Jalal. A woman of integrity, a leader with a great heart." "Her murder was done by that of killing her in her apartment, in her room. Ms. Raheenah Abduljalal is hereby sentenced to life imprisonment. The court is hereby adjourned" After the judge was done with the sentence, he hit the gravel and everyone stood up to leave. Raheenah was taken towards the constable car when all of a sudden, they were stopped. "Excuse me." Safeeyah stopped me before they could enter the car. They turned around but, Raheenah couldn't do any of that. She had been crying ever since the judge has given his order for her punishment. "Turn around Ms. Raheenah or, are you scared of looking into my eyes because of your actions?." Raheenah slowly turned around and tears were already filled in her eyes. She couldn't believe this so happening to her. "Why are you doing this?." She questioned her sister. Safeeyah sneered. " what am I doing? I should be the one asking you that question. Why the hell did you kill mom?." " I didn't kill her!!!" She burst angrily at her as tears roll down her cheeks. She wish she could open her head and stick some senses into it but, it seems useless. She wanted to make her know that she didn't do anything to their mother. The only mistake she did was pushing her and she regrets it. She wouldn't dare kill their mother. She wouldn't dare to do that to their mother. "And you expect me to believe that? Well, I only come here to tell you that... I will never forgive you for what you did. Even the family, non of them is happy with you, as you can see, non of them came over to check up on you because, they have realised the kind of a person that you are. You're a wicked being!. Not only did you kill mom but, you also gave all of my Dad's sweat to that sick boyfriend of yours. Now, we are left with nothing." " Tell me something, where is that useless boyfriend of yours now? The person behind your actions towards your family, the person behind the reason why you killed mom, where is he now? He left you! He left you all alone by yourself after taking everything from you! Do you know why? Because you're a looser! You're a looser Raheenah Abduljalal. You will surely reap what you sow Raheenah. I will never forgive you for this. Goodbye! And make sure to rot in hell!" Safeeyah said and left afterward without turning back. Some part within her was telling her to go back in there and set everything right but, the greediness within her, wouldn't allow her to do it. Immediately she left, Raheenah slumped on the floor and overwhelmed herself in tears and sorrow. Everything felt like a dream to her. She had lost everything within a blink of an eye. She lost the memory of her father, her mother and her boyfriend. The man she considered to be her backbone was actually a fraud? No, no, no. That can't be. May be, something happened to him. Farhan isn't the type who would do such a thing to her. He is a humble man- She reminded herself again. She promised not to judge him because, she doesn't know what he's going through at the moment. She raised up her head, believing she would see her sister but, all in vain. She couldn't believe that her very blood sister didn't believe her. Raheenah can't help but to blame herself more. She can't believe she disappointed everyone just because of her love for Farhan. Her sister was right. Safeeyah is right. I am a fool and, I'm reaping for whatever I might have done. I pushed my mom because of a guy, I gave out all of my parent's sweat to a guy and, if I ended up in jail because of my actions, it isn't bad. After all, I'm a worthless daughter who let her parents down. She kept blaming herself for everything. At some point, she finally agreed with what her sister had said to her. She is a worthless daughter. While she ought to be pained by her sister's actions, words towards her, she was even proud of her for not following in her footstep. Had it been she had listened to her mom that very day... Maybe, this wouldn't have happened. I surely deserve this- She muttered to herself before the officers took her to the car, ignite the car engine and drove off.
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