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Safeeyah "Afterwards, I came back home and told Farhan not to marry that girl. I wanted to tell him what I had seen at the hotel that day but, I couldn't even open my mouth to say anything to him. I felt he won't believe me or thought I was only trying to cook up something because I don't like the girl. The only thing I told him was to make sure he's far away from that girl. I only tried to warn him." " Mom, Malika.... You two remembered the contract that I talked to you about right?." She questioned my mother inlaw and Malika at the same time. What contract is she talking about though? "Yeah, the one you told us it got canceled... Right?." " Exactly! It wasn't canceled. I was given the contract and even 8.5 million naira." " What?!!" " Yes, but...but, I gave it to that useless girl. I gave all of the money to her." " You did what?! How? How did that happen? How did you do it? Why?." They both bombarded her with a lot of questions. "It all happened during the period where Farhan got into an accident. The next seven days that I saw her at the hotel smoking, we all received a call that Farhan had got into an accident. I got panic, I remember then, I wanted to call Dad so badly but due to his condition which has been deteriorating little by little, I couldn't bring myself to say a word to him. That was why I called you and Malika. But, before you two came to the hospital, I did something behind your back." " And that is?" Flashback "Ma, you don't have to worry, your brother is in a perfect state now. He just had a few bruises on his arm and face but in few days, they will be gone. He will be fine, he just needs a lot of rest." The doctor told me. I was so happy that he is safe. Had it been that he was seriously injured, I don't know what would have happened. "Luckily, your brother and the other lady are safe. They just had a few scratches which will be fine soon." "A lady?" I asked in a confused tone. "Yes, ma'am." "Which lady are you talking about?." "They were two in his car when the accident occurred and thankfully, nothing happened to the both of them." He just said they are two? A lady? It's that crazy girl Zuwairah! I know what to do. "Can... Can I see her, please? Is she awake now? I need to talk to her before Farhan wakes up." I said to him in a very beautiful serious tone. "Yes... Sure! Why not." Then, he led me to her room. • Immediately I entered her room, our gaze locked with each other. I walk closer to her bed and just fixed my gaze on her without uttering a word. A few seconds later, she tried to talk but I cut her off before she could. "Good ev-" "You almost cost my brother his dear life, young lady." "I'm sorry." She apologizes. "Do you think sorry can solve all of these?! He almost die because of you." " I didn't-" "I want you out of my son's life...." I cut her off before she could utter another word again. "Don't try me Zuwairah, and always remember that I saw you at the hotel the other day smoking, just because I didn't say a word to Farhan doesn't mean I'm scared of you. I just don't want to drag the issue or cause unnecessary situations. Do not take me for granted for that. You don't know what I'm capable of doing." "I will give you 5 million naira, in exchange, you will promise me to leave my brother's Ife for good! Do not ever show up your face to him again. Right from now on." I'm not thinking straight when I said I'm going to give her the money. Even though, we do not have enough and, this money could do a lot in our lives but, I decided to give it to her because I believe she is of no good to Farhan. I'm ready to sacrifice everything just for his sake! He might be my junior brother but, he is more like a son to me. "But-" "Take it or leave it... And Zuwairah, don't forget this, you might regret not accepting my offer." I threatened her even though, I won't do anything to her. I just want her out of the picture as soon as possible. A few minutes later, she finally agreed to my condition. I shook my head at her. Such a shameless girl. For her to accept my offer within minutes. It shows how unimportant Farhan is to her. She couldn't even go against me for Farhan's sake. "Okay ma, I will take it." "Good... And one more thing, for my brother to forget about you completely, you need to pretend that you're dead. You need to be dead in other for him to move on with his life." "What?!" "Why? You can't do it? That's the reason why I'm paying you, young lady." " No! I can't do that to him! Farhan loves me a lot!" " I'm not disputing that. Of course, I know that he loves you but, non of my family likes you. We don't want you for him." "Additional two million," I added and she immediately accepted. End of flashback "We both planned it and that was how Farhan forgot about her. When I met you at my boss's company, I liked you at first glance and wish you end up with him." She said, facing me. "I know I threatened her but, she could have just said no while we were making the deal but instead, she accepted the offer. I didn't force her. She took 7 million naira from me in exchange, she won't show up her face to Farhan ever again." She finished explaining everything to us. "What? You did all this? And you never let me know about it?" Mom asked in an angry tone. "I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for all of this to happen! I only thought maybe by doing this Farhan will be happy. When I saw her at the hotel, I knew she isn't the right girl for him and that's why I find a way out to throw her out of Farhan's life but now, I don't know the reason why she is back.... I'm sorry, please. " She apologizes to Mom and explained herself more to us. "Mom please, it's okay... You know your condition is not that strong." I reminded her. " And, as for Zuwairah, Farhan believes her a lot, it will be hard to make him realize the truth for now but, I will make sure it happens. Please, just have faith in me please, Mom." "Thank you so much Safeeyah. We are so blessed to have you as the daughter-in-law of their family." I smiled. "I need to leave now. I will call to check up on you guys." "Okay, dear. Do take care of your self" • It's in the night already and Farhan is not here yet. I called his number numerous times but he didn't pick up. Zuwairah is not at home and so is Farhan. Could they be together? I was still pacing around the room when the door opened. The two showed up and Farhan was smiling?!! As in, a real smile?!! He has never smile like that to me- I thought. He opened the door for her like a very gentleman, and yet, they haven't noticed my presence yet. "Great! Wonderful! " I said clapping my hands together as I finally caught their attention. "Welcome home, two lovers. I see.... you two had a nice day today." I mock them. "Safeeyah, it's not what you think." Zuwairah tried to explain herself as she shows a pitiful face. That, I know of was because of Farhan. Had it been Farhan is not present here, she would probably have passed me a smirk or even something worse than that. Great! "What are you still doing here? Aren't you suppose to be asleep?." "Why? Are you disappointed that I ruined your moment with your lover?" "Safee-" "Don't you dare utter my name Farhan!" I warned him while cutting him off. "Saf-" "Shut up! I wasn't talking to you, I'm talking to my husband! " I cut her off too. Farhan got mad and took hold of my wrist whilst he drags me up to our room. The moment we entered, he bangs the door so hard which didn't go unnoticed by me. I'm sure he's very pissed by my behavior but seriously, I'm twice mad at him right now. "What's wrong with you?." He asked in an angry tone. "Let me ask you... What exactly is wrong with you Farhan? Tell me! Oh, now seems you're regretting it? Meeting me be married me was now regretting you, isn't it? You're mad that your sister made her lie to you? Because she was supposed to be your wife and now I am? Is that so? Do you want her back now? Tell me, do you?!" I burst angrily at him. "You know what? I'm tired of all of this! Must you bring up her issue anytime we argued? She hasn't done anything wrong!" He burst back at me. "And now I'm the one at fault? So, it was my fault, huh?! Fine! Why don't you just divorce me and marry her instead since she's now back! Why don't you do it?!" He didn't bother to reply to me instead, all of his faces were written with disappointment. For me? Obviously, yes! "What? I'm no more the perfect Safeeyah again to you right... So, why are you looking at me like that? I'm the bad one here! I'm the reason you can't be with her! So, just divorce me and you can finally be with your lover." "WILL YOU PLEASE KEEP QUIET!!! " He yells angrily. If a look could kill, I would have been dead by now. "What has gotten into you Safeeyah? What in the world is wrong with you? Ever since that girl had shown up since yesterday, you've turned into something else" he said sadly. "Oh no, I'm the bad one here? Do you even know what you're saying? You're the one who has changed! You changed because she's back! You change because you regret marrying me! You even got angry at your family for making you marry me! When in fact, you were the one who came to me first and asked me to be your friend at first!" "Do you regret it now? Of course, you do! I mean, you never love me! You only want me back because you have no one to lean unto and now that the love of your life is back, you changed into the cold, monster Farhan." I blurted angrily as tears roll out from my eyes down straight my cheeks. "What?!!!!" He asked, surprised. I am as well surprised too. I never knew I could say out such horrible words to him. But, I'm not taking the blame! I won't say sorry for something that I haven't done. "Yes For Farhan! You've changed a lot. This is not the Farhan I used to know. When you learn about what happened, you got angry... Have you forgotten the statement you made in the morning? You said your sister made you marry someone else because of her interest. "But no, you're wrong! She was only helping you but it seems like you hated the fact that you married me....that is why you left in anger, you never come back home ever since you had left, even at work, you didn't show up.... instead, you were busy enjoying your day with your lover! You were enjoying it with that Zuwairah girl, Farhan!" "Tell me, do I mean nothing to you again? Huh? If you don't want my presence anymore in this house, you can just say it to my face! Instead of making me go through this hell just because, the woman that you love is back into your life!" Still, with a sad face, Farhan brought out his phone from his pocket and called Kamil. " Hey man, what's up? " Kamil said at the other side of the phone as Farhan set it on loudspeaker. He wanted his wife to listen to all of their conversations. Not allowing Farhan to say a word, he continued... "Please man, don't overthink the situation. Don't feel sad, just as you've said, you want nothing but Safeeyah to be happy, it will surely do. Everything will come to pass soon. Yes, she might be hurting for now but I know for sure, it can't be forever... Thank goodness, you already said that you love your wife a lot and you won't allow anyone to come in between you two, not even Safeenah. And I was so happy to hear you say that earlier." " Hmmm." He hummed. "Are you home already?." "Just entering," he answered shortly. "Good! Just sit her down and say some sweet words to her. Ladies love that a lot and I think, that's what you can do to make her feel secure. She will know that you're sincere about your love for her. Don't worry, everything will be fine." "Kamil, you know what? I will call you back.... Thanks." he said and then hang up the call. What? He was with Kamil all through the day? Why didn't I think of that earlier on? But, why was he with her if he was with Kamil? God! What have I done? I've made a very big mistake. I was busy getting jealous for no reason. I thought he wanted to end everything between us not knowing that, all he was trying to do was to fix things between us. "Did you hear that?." He asked. "Farhan, I-" "You keep on blaming me everything time. At least, find out the truth first before blaming me!" "I-" "I'm so disappointed at you Safeeyah. " He said and left the room while slamming the door so hard again. "What have I done? What have I done?!! I just ruin everything for good." I thought crying.
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