2041 Words

Safeeyah Three days! It has been three that I've set my eyes on Farhan. He refused to talk to me nor does he eat my food again. He wakes up early and comes back home late Three days ago, when he went out of the room in anger, I cried myself to sleep. I hate the fact that we are having a fight and the most painful part is that it's all because of her And Zuwairah? I've not been seeing her around too. Thank God, because I don't know what I will do if I keep setting my eyes on her I called my mother-in-law and explained everything to her, she told me to keep calm that she trusts her son, he wouldn't do anything to hurt me, even though, I knew she was saying the truth, I just can't bring myself to believe it. Anything can happen at any time, this lady in question has the charm, she can sed

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