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Safeeyah NEXT MORNING I felt someone kissed my forehead, I opened my eyes slowly, and there sit beside me was Farhan who was looking at me with love and admiration in his eyes. I blink my eyes to be sure if what I was seeing is true and wasn't a lie. It was indeed him. I remembered I slept off on the floor yesterday and now I'm on my bed again. There's no doubt that he was the one who had helped me here to the bed. I looked into his eyes for few seconds before dropping my gaze down. I just can't stand him right now. "What are you doing here? You should go meet the woman you're dying to be with for the past years." I used the same cold tone he had used on me yesterday night. I'm sure he senses that there's no emotion whatsoever in my voice. "Babe-" I sneered as I cut him off. "Now, we're back to the nickname... Have you forgotten how you referred me yesterday night? You called me by my name, Farhan! All because of what? Just because of that woman! I didn't even do anything wrong Farhan! I was only trying to ask you a few questions! What was my offense in that? Tell me, what did I do wrong?." I questioned him as I hit his chest repeatedly. "I'm sorry babe, please forgive me. I swear I was only confused yesterday's night... that's why. I didn't even realize that I hurt you in the process." "And now what? You want me to leave your house because the woman you love is back?." "What? NO! You aren't going anywhere, this is your house. We build this together! We've gone through a lot together, we did so many things together in other to reach where we are today. I'm not an ingrate and will always be thankful to God for giving me a wonderful woman like you. I love you Safeeyah, with all my heart. When I said, you're my present and my future... I meant it because that's how it's still going to be without any changes in it. So please, believe me, because I'm ready to make our marriage work no matter what. This is just three years, we still have a long way to go." "And your past? What about your past that just showed up yesterday's night?." "You just said it, babe, she's my past. She is now my past and, I can't go back to my past. I can only focus on my present and prepare for the future." "I'm sorry, I was a jerk yesterday... I swear, I didn't mean what I did to you. Please forgive me." He apologized. I quickly stood up and hug him tightly. "Please don't leave me Farhan. We've come a long way already and, I don't think I will be able to live without you." "Same goes to me too. We've come a long way together and there's nothing in this world that will separate us. I won't be able to live without you also. And I promise you, nothing will come in between us ever again... I promise." "But Far-" "Believe me, I won't ever disappoint you again, you can trust me on this." "What happened Farhan? Why is she here? I thought she was dead?" I asked, in a confused tone. I don't just understand everything that is happening right now. "Well.... It turns out that she wasn't dead after all, because she was forced to lie." "What do you mean she was forced to lie? Who made her lie?." I questioned again with a puzzled face. "Big sister." Farhan sighed as he said that. "What?!!" "Sister Ralia?." Of course, I know who he was talking about when he said, big sister. He meant his elder sister. "Yes babe, it was sister doing right from the beginning." " I don't understand all that you've been saying Farhan, can you make me understand, please. I'm confused!" He told me everything and I was so shocked to even utter a word. Could she be saying the truth? I mean, she can be lying right? I don't trust that woman at all. "But Farhan, I don't-" "Think you believe her." he finished it for me. "Yes," I said nodding my head in the affirmative. "I can't also say that I believe her too and, I can't say I didn't because she isn't that type of a girl." He defended her. Oh! Please, you shouldn't, because she isn't who you thought her to be. "But, we need to go see Mom and sister, I need to hear the answer from her." "Yes, I think that will be the best option for now. At least, from there, we can know the actual truth." "But for now, she doesn't have any place to go to, she was robbed. She will be staying at our house for the main time... I hope, it's okay with you?." "What?! You mean, she is in this house as we speak?." "Yes, why? You don't like it?." "Erm.... No, it just that-" "Don't worry beautiful, Zuwairah is a good woman, I assure you that. I've known her for a very long time now and I promise you that, you will also come to like her someday when you get closer to her." "But Farhan, I don't like her! I don't like that woman at all I don't want her in our house! She will take you away from me! I know what I'm talking about! I know what I went through before I could get you back from sister Raheenah." "Safeeyah, please... Please calm down. Nobody is taking me away from you... I promise." "I know what I'm saying Farhan, please don't let her stay in this house, please," I begged him in tears. Farhan immediately engulfs me into a tight hug and soothes my back at the same time. "Please calm down, I know it won't be easy for you but please, believe me, she's also like you, she has a great heart just like you. Please, it's just for few weeks and she will leave the house for good. I promise you." After so many assuring words from my husband, I finally agreed to let her stay even though I still don't believe that her staying here won't be anywhere good for us, I tried to mask it off just for the sake of him. My husband told me he hasn't prayed because he was waiting for me to wake up, I immediately stood up and we both perform our ablution and prayed together. He was standing in the front while I stood behind him. Praying with him has now become a regular thing and I'm loving it always. • We were now inside Farhan's car, I and the rude lady together with my husband. After we finished praying this morning, I picked up my phone and inform Malika and Jamila about what is going on. Malika got panic and Jamila keeps telling me to have faith in my husband, she told me she believes that Farhan won't leave me no matter what, even though she might be his first love, she believes that Farhan now loves me. I understand the reason why Malika was getting paranoid for me. She told me little about Zuwairah. She also told me how manipulative she could be sometimes which, I have seen from yesterday night that she had shown up her face to us. She's got a lot of tactics and, I've seen that too. She still insists that my sister-in-law knows about her disappearance and Malika told me it's all a lie. She was just cooking up stories. I told her not to be too worried, it will only worsen the situation more, it's better we showed up at the house and we settle everything for good. Now, here we're already in my in-law's house. As the queen hopped down from the car with the help of my husband, I don't even know what she said happens to her leg. I glared at Farhan but the i***t did not even notice or glance my way. I mistakenly shifted my gaze on her and we lock gaze, I was still holding the angry face while she smirks at me. She placed her hand on Farhan's chest and that didn't go unnoticed by me. I was burning in anger. Within me, I wish I could strangle her to death. But again, I reminded myself that I needed to calm myself down. Farhan might start seeing me as the bad guy again. We salam and entered the house. Mom was coming out from the kitchen when she spots us. I heard something drop in the door and when I turned around, I saw my sister widened her two eyes in fear. I don't know what to think but, seeing her reaction just now just made me believe that it was certain about what the bad girl had said about her. "Zu.... Zuwairah?" She shuttered. "What... What are you doing here?" She questioned her. "I'm sorry Ma-" Farhan cut her off before she could finish her sentence. "Sister, that's not the issue for now..." He said. " Farhan, what's this girl doing in my house?." His mom asked in not so welcoming tone. "Mom please, can you at least listen to me first? She told me everything already! She told me how you forced her to leave me just because you don't want her for me. Is it true?." He asked facing his sister. "Did you make her lied to me?." He asked again calmly for the second time. But, it was very easy to sense the anger building up in his voice. "What are you talking about? What did Raila do? And, why in the world will she ask this girl to leave you? What will she gain?." " A lot. A lot of it mom because neither of you here actually likes her and that made her did what she did to her. So please, I do not want to believe any of if not until I hear it from you directly. Just tell me the truth about this whole thing sister." "Farhan please, I can explain... Please try to-" "s**t Sis! Sis....what have you done?! How could you do this to me?! You made... I can't believe that you made her lie to me just because you don't want her for me. You wanted me to marry someone else and you chased her out of my life just because of your interest?!" He said with so much pain laced in his voice. Okay, I don't think I like where this is going. It's not going well with me. Was I the person he was referring to as SOMEONE ELSE? Obviously, Yes!! "Baba, please I-" that's the nickname she normally calls him but today, I don't think it's going to work on him. "Sis, you've been the best sister to me for the past so many years, you've always treated me like a son and not as a brother. I thought you loved me because of the way you've always treated me, I've always respected you for that but today, I'm disappointed in you... I can't believe you tried to destroy your own blood brother's happiness just because of your interest. This is insane!" He yelled and walks out of the house. The way he bangs the door so hard made me feel like it's going to fall off. Now, in the room were me, Mom and Malika, and sister Ralia and Zuwairah. Malika was looking so worried and Mom look so sad. I glance over to where she was standing and her expression wasn't pleasing at all. She held a wicked smile on her face. I scoff at what she did to me before leaving the house. The audacious of her to wink at me! After Farhan left angrily, we all took a sit and I explained everything to them. What Farhan told me. And how, she left him because she was threatened. "No! That was not how it happened! She is lying! That was not what happened! " My sister-in-law exclaimed. Shocked, I looked at Malika and she gave me the look of 'I told you so' Then, she started to explain it to us. Flashback Raila "I walked into this hotel one day to lodge there because I have a business meeting with some business partners, on my way going in I saw her. Is this not the girl Farhan said he's going to marry? I blink my eyes so many times just to be sure and when I move closer to her she was sitting, she was indeed the same person. I can't believe what my eyes are seeing. "Zuwairah?" I called out her name. The cigarette in her hand fell off her hand because she was so shocked to see me. "No, why don't you pick it up? It's fine!." I encouraged in a sarcastic tone. "No ma." she shook her head. "So, this is the real you? This is what you've been doing? No wonder my junior sister never likes you. Why? Because she knows everything about you than anyone. So you do smoke? Does this means that you've been influencing my brother too?." "In short, I don't think I have anything to say to you... I just want to warn you, let this be the first and last time that I will see you with my brother. Don't you ever dare show your face to him ever again? Do I make myself clear?" I warned her. "But Ma, I love your Farhan a lot." She protested. "Shut up! What do you know about love? Tell me, what do you know about love? You're just nothing but a piece of trash. I can't believe that my younger brother engages himself with a person like you. This should be your last warning Zuwairah, do not let me see you with my brother ever again." End of flashback
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