A Good Idea

1066 Words
Chase POV “Hey Amelia, what’s for dinner tonight?” I said, stepping into the kitchen. The old she wolf smiled at me, the years of happiness shown by the crows feet by her eyes. My chest tightened at the thought of Thalia, our previous cook. She was a beautiful soul and had been in the pack long before I was born. I smiled to myself at the stories she used to tell us kids as she fed us junk food and made us help her garden. “Oh just some pastas with beef and pastas with chicken, some breadsticks and garlic bread, a few salads, and plates of fruit. Is there something else you want dear?” I shook my head. “Sounds delicious. Thanks Amelia.” She smiled and got back to cooking as I walked around the castle to the gym. When I walked in, my mom and dad, Xavier, were already on machines. “Hey mom. Hey dad.” I said, beginning my stretches. “Hi sweety. What are you doing?” My mom said, checking her watch. She smiled as she showed it to Xavier. “Keeping in top shape. What are you guys doing here?” I asked, stretching my legs. “I could say the same. Not as young as we used to be.” My mom is still as beautiful as she ever was. She looked so young with her blonde hair and green eyes that seemed to know everything. She was short, but extremely strong from the stories I’ve heard. I jumped on a bike, beginning with cardio. I could hear my mom giggling, and looked back to see my dad whispering something in her ear. She nodded and they left the room, leaving me to work out by myself. “Wow you look amazing, Chase.” I rolled my eyes at Jessica’s voice as she walked into view. She was wearing a sports bra and leggings, brand new Nikes on her feet. Her bright red hair was in a ponytail, her green eyes gleaming mischievously. “What do you need Jessica?” I forcefully asked, wishing I hadn’t. “You, of course.” I rolled my eyes in disgust. “Aren’t you single now anyways?” “That doesn’t matter.” I grit my teeth at her words as she stood in front of me with her arms crossed. “Why not? Your brothers sure don’t have a problem.” “Jayden wouldn’t touch you and Oliver acts on impulse. But nice try.” I stood from my weights. “I don’t like games, Jessica. And I don’t like bitches who try to keep it in the family. Go away.” “Then I’m sure you’ll be upset if you only have one mate” she said, her eyes widening. “Considering you don’t like bitches who ‘keep it in the family’, I would hope you wouldn’t reject a single mate.” Her eyelashes batted at me and I rolled me eyes, leaving the room and heading to my bedroom. That would be different. She would be a fated mate, someone who was made for one person split 3 different ways. Oliver is an ass, I’m a lover, and Jayden is super smart. And even though Oliver sleeps around and I had Liz until I turned 18, I knew we all still wanted nothing more than our mate. Or mates. Right. There could be more than one, but that might actually work perfectly. There would be one for each of us. If the moon goddess blessed us with triplets as well, that is. I walked into my room, closing the door behind me and jumping in the shower. My thoughts traveled back to Jessica and how I was glad we weren’t mates to her. But we still haven’t found her or them yet. Ashton was right. I shook my head under the water and got out of the shower, drying off. I slipped into some jeans and a t shirt and a pair of vans, grabbing my keys and leaving the room. “Oh, hey mom.” I said as I turned around. She was walking down the stairs by herself, a beautiful long sleeve green dress flowing around her legs. “Hi sweetie. What’s going on?” She said, hooking her arm around mine as we walked downstairs. “I was wondering if we could throw a little party. Or whatever. Invite some people from different packs.” I said, smiling down at her. “Is there a reason we need to throw a ‘little party’?” She looked at me with an expression I couldn’t read. I just smiled back down at her. “Just to meet people from different territories, see if we can trade secrets and whatever deals we can strike. That’s all.” My mom giggled. “Don’t you lie to me, Chase Bartholomew.” I blushed at her using my full name and intense gaze. “I’m not lying, mom. I just want to meet the other elites and alphas.” We stood at the bottom of the stairs and she turned to face me. “So you’re telling me this has nothing to do with increasing your chances of finding your mate?” She wasn’t messing around, a serious expression on her face. I swallowed nervously; how she read her pups so well, I may never know. “Okay, maybe it does.” I admitted softly. Her gaze softened and she put her hands on my face, cupping my cheeks. “Oh sweetie, are you okay?” Her voice was soft. I nodded at her. “Just something someone said.” I replied, squeezing her hand. She moved her hands from my face to by her side, gripping one of them. If I wasn’t an alpha, her grip would probably crush my hand. “What was it?” She asked. “Just something about having to share a mate. I just hope they’re triplets.” I said, smiling. “So can we have it?” She smiled and laughed. “Yes we can. I’ll let you know when there are plans.” I smiled and nodded. “Alright mom, I’m gonna head to the mall.” She nodded and waved as I booked it out the door and into my car. Alright. Let’s pray for triplets.
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