Figuring it Out

1167 Words
Violet POV “I think we should have a conversation, too.” Avery said, sitting down and crossing her legs. “What are we going to do about this situation?” “We’ll, first of all, what is the situation?” I asked, my heart beating faster when Dakotas eyes met mine. “I’m just waiting for you three to move in. To claim your Luna titles.” He said, smiling. My eyes widened in shock. “What? No, I’m not ready.” I said immediately, freezing in shock. Avery and Star looked at me with wide eyes. What? Avery’s voice in my head was shocked. You’re saying this NOW?! Star was just as surprised, but I was frozen in place. I thought we were supposed to reject him and go home! I hissed back after a moment. That’s what we talked about isn’t it?! The three of us looked at each other, with Dakota looking between us. “I think the three of us need to have a conversation first.” Avery smiled apologetically to Dakota. “Can we talk about this tomorrow? And can you please leave us to the garden for our discussion?” Dakota stood with a flourish, bowing slightly to each of us. “I’ll see you tomorrow ladies. Goodnight.” He left quickly, closing the doors to the gardens behind him. Star and Avery turned to me, crossing their arms. “What is your problem?” Star asked, her attitude appearing. I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips. “No.” I said. “Not me. We had an agreement and you guys never talked to me about changing your minds.” My eyes bore into both of them. “Just because you’ve gotten to experience your little kisses and flirts with him doesn’t mean I have, and it’s not what would make me change my mind in the first place.” Avery looked away, blushing in shame. Star just stared at me. “It’s not my fault I want someone who knows what they’re doing.” She snapped back. “I’m tired of losers who aren’t interested in pleasing me.” Her foot tapped against the ground. “I’ve been ready to find my mate. To become either an elite or a Luna.” I rolled my eyes at her again and Avery cleared her throat. I looked at her and she switched her crossed legs. I raised my eyebrow and waited for her to speak. “I would like to get to know him.” She stated. My mouth opened in shock. “What if he rejects us? He just broke up with his girlfriend of five years for she wolves he doesn’t even know!” I shouted. Avery hushed me and I took a deep breath to calm down. “Listen to yourself.” Avery said. “He just broke up with his girlfriend of FIVE years to be with his mates that he’s never met before and knows nothing about.” I huffed at her words. “His MATES, Violet.” Star added. “There’s three of us. Why would he put himself through that pain to reject all three of us?” Their words made sense. But I still hadn’t personally gotten to know him, flirted with him, or kissed him. You haven’t even given yourself or him the chance to do any of that. I sighed at Ebony’s words. She was right. My sisters were right. “Okay.” I said softly. Star looked at me, surprised. “Okay, I’ll give him a chance. We’ll see how this goes and if one of us doesn’t like it, we have to reject him.” “Deal.” Star said immediately. “Deal.” Avery nodded her head. We stood in the gardens for a little while longer, working out a few details. We would have the same setup as our parents; one room for us all to share and separate rooms for when we wanted space or…alone time. I swallowed nervously at the thought of alone time with Dakota. It was true, I was almost unbearably attracted to him. He smelled wonderful and the way he looked at me was indescribable. “I’m ready for bed. We need to have this conversation as soon as possible tomorrow.” We all nodded at each other and entered the castle, making our way back to our room. The way our room is setup is weird. We had three beds, one against each wall. They weren’t as large as our beds at home, but I’m assuming it’s because there’s three in one room. The bathroom door was on the wall Stars bed is against. There was a shelf above her bed with a vine plant, a philodendron I believe. The shelf also had a couple books on it. Avery’s bed was against the wall with the balcony doors, and she had a hanging plant in her corner. My bed was against the wall next to a bookshelf and a couple of comfortable reading chairs accompanied by a small end table with a lamp. The room was still quite large and spacious, decorated and painted in the normal royal purple and silver we had gotten used to the last few days. We each changed into pajamas and lay down, turning off the lights. Star was playing around on her phone, but Avery and I went to sleep right away. When I woke up, I immediately jumped in the shower before Star woke up. She would take all the hot water if we let her. Avery was already ready in her classic pumps with light skinny jeans and a nice sweater. Her hair was in beach waves and she wore a natural makeup look. I decided to put on a black skirt and black sweater with a pair of knee length boots. I placed my hair in a high ponytail and also did natural makeup, but added my false lashes. Star finally woke up and yawned, shuffling her way into the bathroom. She was ready after about an hour, her hair straightened and a more dramatic makeup look. She also decided on skinny jeans, with boots and a tan sweater. We made our way to the dining hall to eat, sipping our orange juice and eating our fruits and toast and oatmeal. It was all super delicious, the dining hall smelling wonderful and full of Lycans. When we finished our meal, we made our way out to the gardens. Dakota was already sitting there with his button down shirt and black slacks. He turned and smiled at us, making my heart skip a beat. “Good morning ladies. I hope you were able to get some rest.” He said, clasping his hands together. “Good morning Dakota. I’m sure we all got a good amount of rest.” Star responded, and we all nodded. “So I assume you’ve come to a conclusion?”
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