A Verdict

986 Words

Dakota POV My heart was thumping in my chest when I saw my mates walk into the garden. I turned towards them, smiling brightly. Scenarios kept running through my head of everything that could happen; they could accept me and accept their Luna title. We could have pups! And do parties and barbecues and invite other packs. Or they could reject me. That thought made my heart sink. I wondered if I could handle the pain of a triplet rejection. It’s not often a wolf has more than one mate, let alone more than two. My heart started racing as they sat down, and I smiled at Avery. “Good morning ladies. I hope you were able to get some rest.” I said, clasping my hands together nervously. “Good morning Dakota. I’m sure we all got a good amount of rest.” Star answered, and they all nodded. “S

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