
1420 Words
Kylie POV We walked into an atmosphere as soon as we entered the office. We could cut the tension with a knife, and both me and Gill give each other a knowing look. Both men are looking anywhere but at each other, and their bodies are stiff. Honestly, they could just talk it out. Instead, they wait for us. I could roll my eyes at them. "Ok, before we begin, I'll just go get us some drinks," I say and leave the room. I love being able to run as fast as I can. To be honest me and Janey were fast before, but now it feels like I blink, and I am where I want to be. 'I love it too,' Janey says with a wolfy smile. 'we need to have a run soon,' I say, smiling back, and she is yipping happily in my mind. We haven't shifted for a while. I'm grabbing bottles of water before running back to the office. Everything is so clear as we are running like I see everything like it's in slow motion, but I'm actually running so fast. It's a weird but great feeling. I'm walking through the door in maybe a couple of minutes after leaving, and all eyes are on me. Most shocked except Freddy, he sees me with nothing but love. I pass everyone a bottle and go take a seat next to Freddy. "Thankyou for helping us today, I was wondering if I could ask a question before we start that has been puzzling me all day" I say "of course" Gill replied with a smile before looking at Maddy, they are sat next to each other and Gill smiles and gives Maddys hand a gentle squeeze. "I know there is a lot to discuss, but can I ask... do all magical beings just know how to send magical messages because the girls haven't had the opportunity to learn from anyone but they said they sent you a magical message" I need to know "well actually it's not a thing at all" Melvin replied and I'm shocked not a thing... "How did they actually send the message?" Freddy asks, just as curious as me and Melvins eyes flash with so many emotions. "They didn't send a message exactly.. they opened a link with me," and I'm sure my eyes are as wide as Freddys."I'm not sure what to say... how did they do that?, I know we don't know much about magic but is that normal" I ask but they both shake their heads no "links can only be opened if we as the Royals except someone into our coven. A little bit like when you have a new member join your pack and the Alpha includes them in the pack officially" Melvin explained and now I understand it better "ok I get it now" I say with understanding. But Freddy is struggling with it. He hasn't ever been in a pack to know how it all works, and let's be honest, Achlys never did things here by any kind of book. "I still don't get it, I understand that they got their powers early, way early but how can they do that" and I want to know too "they got their powers years before than what is normal but I think that's because of how powerful they are" Melvin said impressed "but they don't know they are powerful. They believe they can do it and then do it. They wanted to get you help, Maddy, and that is what they did." ok, that's crazy but in an awesome way. "They need training and guidance with their magic," Melvin said, and I could feel Freddys anger and anxiety through our bond. "Shall we talk about Maddy? After all, that is what we are here for," Freddy quickly said, switching attention to Maddy, who was sitting quietly watching us all. "Of course," Gill replied sadly. I'm not sure if it was sadness because of the twins or sadness for Maddy. Maybe it was both, but she covers it quickly. "How long has Maddy been missing and can I ask how you know her" I ask and Gill looks at Maddy with love "madz was taken 4 and a half years ago when she was 9years old. We looked everywhere but there was no traces at all" Gill said with tears running down her face "I'm confused though because you said she was 9years old and so that would make her 14 or around 14 years old so why would they keep her chained with a magic suppressing chain" and actually I hadn't even thought of that at all "actually you're right, I hadn't even thought of that" Gill replied with a frown. "Ok there is no reason for the chain then, it had to have been for something else" Melvin thought out loud "and if you were 9years old when you were taken Maddy, wouldn't you know King Melvin and Queen Gill" I ask looking at Maddy feeling so sad for her, this has got to be a lot to take in. "Of course she would... THAT'S IT, " Melvin shouted excitedly. "She must have a memory block spell, and the chain must have been to keep it full power without keep doing the spell," He explained further. Now him and Gill were looking happy. "Can we lift it sweet?" Gill asked Maddy, but I could see Maddy was scared. I got up and went to kneel in front of her. I take her hands in mine and give her a smile. "Can you tell Queen Gill the dream you have, the one that gets you through everything. Maybe she might know if it's a memory and if it is we could see if you have any more hidden" I explain and she gives us a small nod and smile 'my heart breaks for her' Janey says quietly 'I know Janey mine too'. "I'm laid with my head on a womans knee. She was stroking my hair before she shouted something and got up." The whole time, she closed her eyes. "That is your mum, my sweet girl," Gill said, and when I looked away from Maddy to Gill, she was watching Maddy. With tears falling. "My mum. So it wasn't a dream" Maddy asked with excitement "no it was in the gardens, I was on my way to have a picnic with you all and when I got there your mum was in bits, screaming for you. She has told me over and over about how you were all enjoying the sun, she was stroking your hair but when she got up to get your little brother and turned back you were gone" she was now crying. We all were. "Can I see my mum?" Maddy asked. "Your mum, dad, and brother. We will take you home," Gill explained, and Maddy sobbed and sobbed. Today is a good day. After a while, she stopped crying, and we were all silent, just appreciating that today, a family gets put back together. "Can I please try and lift the memory block kiddo" Melvin asked and I could see he was holding himself back from hugging her because at the moment he's a stranger to her but I can also see how happy he is that she is found. Maddy nodded her head yes, and Melvin took a big breath of relief. He stood behind Maddy, placing his hands on her head while Gill had my space on the floor holding her hands. The chanting began, and it must be a massive spell because it took them just over half an hour before the chanting stopped. A sheen of purple flashed in Maddys eyes, and she blinked. She looked at us all, laughed, and threw herself into Gills arms "aunty G," she screamed, holding her for dear life. After a while, she stood up. "Uncle Mel," she laughed and ran, throwing herself at him. It was such a happy feeling. "Oh my goddess, I remember everything. Mum, dad, and Eli. Where are they, how are they? I've missed them so much." it must be so much all at once, and she started crying again. "They are ok, I'm going to call them," Melvin said. "Who is her mum and dad?" I ask. I mean, I'm just nosey because I wouldn't know them anyway, but my curiosity has gotten the better of me. "Zaria and Pete, our best friends," said Gill.
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