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Kylie POV "MELVIN IT'S MADDY," she cries, and Melvin comes through the door. He also takes one look at her, and he's shocked. "So, you know maddy?" I ask, confused as Gill is hugging her. Maddy is stiff and a little scared, but she doesn't pull away. She stays as still as possible. "Queen Gill, she is scared," I whisper, and she realises and moves back. "Maddy, oh Maddy, we looked everywhere for you," she rambled on, and Melvin now stood closer to Maddy, taking in all her features. "Oh kiddo, we looked, I'm so sorry we couldn't find you," he said as Gill was crying. I'm completely confused. "Why would you be looking for a vampire child who is in a clan?" I ask, full of confusion. "It's the smell of this room it's masking her scent, but she isn't a vampire she is a witch," Melvin explained, and all our heads snapped to him. "Shit... what. That must have been why she was kept in this room, " Freddy says as shocked as me. "I.. I don't understand" Maddy said quietly "my dads a vampire so I must be" she said again but both of the royals frowned "lets get this awful thing off you first" Melvin said looking at the chain. "These are strong bonds that keep magic locked away. We use these for criminals that are in our dungeons." Melvin was thinking out loud. "Can you take them off?" I ask, hoping they can. "Of course, only royal blood can put on and take off these bonds," but who could have put them on then. A question for a later time, I think. Melvin chanted and chanted until there was a bright white light, and the bonds dissappeared. Wow, now that is ace. I wrap the blanket around Maddy and hold my hand out. "Come with me, we will go clean you up," she takes my hand. She is still very weary as she keeps her head down, but her eyes are watching everyone's movements. "May I come also?" Gill asked, and we both nodded. Gill kept watching her like she was going to disappear. It must be a shock for them, but my list of questions are growing. Our room has not been cleared out yet, and I'm so thankful for that. I led Maddy to our bathroom. I'm turning on the shower and getting everything ready. I helped her into the shower. "ok, shampoo, conditioner, and soaps are all there. I'll leave you to clean up. Shout me, if you need me, I'm just in the bedroom getting you some clothes, " and I go to pull the shower curtain across "WAIT.. wait, don't leave me alone. I don't want to be alone again," she says sadly. "I'll stay if you would allow me?" Gill offers, and I smile as Maddy nods ok. I go into the bedroom, looking through my things, pulling a t-shirt, shorts, and socks. These are the only things that will fit her frail frame. I hear the two of them talking. Well, I can hear Gill talking about nothing in particular. "Ok, here we are. I'm sorry Maddy, we don't have a toothbrush. We are still trying to get everything organised now we are here," I explain as I walk back into the bathroom. Gill is passing Maddy the towel and then waves her hand, mumbles something, and a toothbrush appears. "Thank you," Maddy says to us both as she pulls the shower curtain back with the towel wrapped around her. She already looks so much better. Bless her. "I've got you some shorts, t-shirt and socks" do you want some privacy to get dressed" I ask because I don't want her to think we are leaving "I need the toilet" she says and so we smile and nod ok "we are just in the bedroom honey, ok" Gill smiled at her and we walked out after Maddy nodded ok. 'We will meet you in the office, beautiful,' Freddy said in our link 'ok gorgeous see you there,' I reply with a smile. I know he would never use that office, but that is the only place we can sit and discuss everything. "We will be meeting our men in the office," I say to Gill, and she is crying. I go to her and wrap my arms around her. "Are you ok?" and she nods yes "These are happy tears," she says, and I understand why. She has found someone who was missing and obviously close to her. The bathroom door opened and Maddy looks so different but in a good way "ok lets get your hair brushed and then we can go" I say picking up my brush and a spray I use for knots. It's my favourite it smells like coconut. I got it from Heidi at the cafe. I've always used it since then. I miss them all so much, and I hope they are all well. I spritz Maddys hair and start slowly brushing. It's taken a long time, but I've finally finished, I quickly braid it, and Gill has been wiping her eyes with happy tears. "Ok, let's go," I say, ready to learn more.
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