
The Hybrid Royals (book#2)

magical world

Freddy and Kylie are mates and have taken over the vampire coven after the cruel king Achlys was destroyed in a war, of his own making. King Achlys was Freddys father, unfortunately, and so Freddy had come to the decision to take over the coven to right his fathers wrongs. The only hybrid royals that exist.

They vow to take care of their family and their people, but they have a long way to go, the years of a***e and damage from Achlys will take time to overcome but they are both determined to make that happen.

They get to grips with running a coven when the most unexpected things happen. Can they find out who is behind it all, especially now Achlys is out of the equation.

can Freddy save Kylie in time.

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returning home
Kylie POV To say life has been hectic for a while would be an understatement. First, I found out that I was a werewolf, kidnapped, and dumped in the human world, finding my parents, family, and pack. Finding my mate (who is amazing), meeting his little sisters Lilley and Layla, and going to war with Achlys to finally put an end to his violence against everyone. It's dizzying just thinking about everything, but it also shows how much we have overcome. We are currently travelling to the coven who was ruled by Achlys, the vampire king. My mate Freddy is Achlys heir, but he would never admit that, anyway we are going to our new home to help heal our clan. They have been ruled with violence and fear, but we intend to change that completely, ruling with care and love. That's what everyone deserves. I'm staring out the car window, watching the world pass by. Lilley and Layla are asleep, they look so peaceful and I'm so happy they feel that way, Freddy and his sisters have been through so much at the hands of their father, it made no difference to him that they were his children they were just a means to an end for him. Someone to control and use as weapons. "Are you ok, baby?" I hear Freddy say, looking intently at me, I've been so lost in my thoughts that I've not spoken for a while. "Yes I was just thinking of how crazy things have been and how happy I am that we are going to help everyone at home" and his eyes lit up at my response "it sounds amazing when you say Home, I know we have a lot of work on the coven to make it a proper home but I can't wait to start our new journey together" my man truly is amazing. I look at both girls asleep in the back seat. "I hope the girls will be happy also," looking back at Freddy. He was concentrating on driving, but his smile spoke volumes. "They will be, things are going to be so different it can only bring happiness," and I smiled along with him. We talk and laugh the rest of the journey until we get to the forest surrounding the coven. Freddy stops the car and turns to face me "I'm not sure what to expect since Achlys" Freddy says quietly but I have no doubt we can do this I place my hand on his cheek "my love, we can do this and will.. we will do it together and face it head-on. " he kisses me, and we are off again. We break through, and we are surrounded by barren wilderness. The whole land looked dry and empty, with no foliage at all, and I was gutted for all that could be. I already have plans for the outdoors surely the house can't be this bad but when I look ahead I see an old dilapidated house, it looks like once upon a time it would have been grand, a beautiful home but now, windows broken, some of the roof sunk in with some tiles missing, the whole outside looked bad. It definitely does need a lot of work and love, but we can do it. I can feel Freddys worry through our bond, but there's nothing that would turn me away. "Stop worrying. we have a long way to go, but we will get there." he just smiles at me, and we stop in front of the house. I've not seen anyone yet, which is strange, but then again, I've never been to a coven before, so maybe things are done differently to the werewolves. "Lilley, Layla, we are here it's time to wake up," I say, leaning over and gently shaking their legs to wake them. They both stretch and rub their eyes, they look a little scared but that's understandable with everything "don't worry girls there is nobody here that will hurt you ever again" Freddy says as he opens his door and gets out. I nod yes to them, and we follow suit and also get out. I hold their hands, keeping them close to me just incase of an attack, we can't be too sure what will happen since Achlys demise, they could be angry or scared so that makes them unpredictable. Until we know for sure my hands are holding our girls close. I hear a snarl coming from the house "stay here I'll go in first" Freddy says and I hate that idea but I don't argue that fact as I've got to put the girls first "be careful" I say and stay where we are. "It's ok, girls," I say, giving their tiny hands a soft squeeze. Freddy walks ahead, looking like he doesn't care, and he's definitely not scared, but through our bond, I feel his uncertainty 'be strong, my love,' I say through our mate link. He doesn't answer, but I feel him calm down more. "Come out" he says but still nothing, I can smell them and I'm sure Freddy can too "come out now or I'll have to come get you" he said now standing still and staring at the darkened doorway. "Don't talk wet BOYYY" came a voice that sounded like he was trying to be scary and unaffected by Freddy, but his heart beat gives him away. "I'm heir to this kingdom and as much as I want to start my time of rule the right way I will not be threatened now that being said this is your last warning" Freddy said calmly this time the man stood out of the shadows, he had a shaved head, looked unkempt but what stood out was the way he looked at me and the girls, with his slimy smile he chuckled "this is Achlys kingdom, you had better go before he returns" he hissed at Freddy "well that would be a hard thing to do since I killed him and burnt him with the rest of the trash" Freddy said now smiling at the man who was now faltering and second guessing himself. "No, that can't be true, LADS... this one is a traitor. Kill him keep the bitches alive" he snarled and 3 other men blurred at us all. Shame on them as I covered the girls eyes with my hands 'do your thing sexy, girls are covered' I say in our mate link and in a flash all 3 men lay dead on the ground. In the blink of an eye Freddy did what he had to do and we knew this was a possibility when we spoke about coming here. "Wwhat... hhow.. hhow is that possible" The man asked in shock "because I am king and now it is your punishment" Freddy bellowed and all I feel is love and pride for my man. As he took deliberate steps towards the man "wait.. I I I can help you" he stammered but I knew their wasn't anything he could offer us to keep his life. "I know everything that goes on here. I can take you anywhere here" he's rambling more and more the closer Freddy got to him. "I've lived here all my life there's no place I don't know, I don't need you for anything" and grabbed the man by the throat "there's prisoners, Achlys ordered us to lock everyone away until he returns" this gave pause but Freddy knew as much as I did. He dropped his lifeless body to the ground. "Shall we my ladies" Freddy asked as I kept their eyes covered until we reach the door and away from the dead. We walk in and the inside is as disappointing as the outside.

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