a good day

1545 Words
Queen Gill POV How did we miss this. We scoured everywhere and nothing. We tried the locating spell, hoping, but still nothing. I went to have a picnic with Zaria and her beauties, but when I got there, she was hysterical, screaming maddys name, clutching Eli, scared to let him go. I've carried so much guilt since that day because I was late, and my duties ran over, but if I had been there, maddy would never have been taken. Seeing her beautiful eyes look up at me, chained to a wall, my heart broke and also mended at the same time. That f*****g bastard had her all this time, hidden away from us and no doubt Gwenny was behind this too, only royals can place the binding chains so it can't be used for darkness. I really thought I knew her and I was so wrong, I loved her and she has tarnished all that now. How can a sweet, loving, kind girl with the biggest heart change so drastically. I'm sure we won't ever find out the answer. I'm sat with Maddy sobbing in my arms, I'm so happy we were able to give her memories back. I need to call Zaria and Pete, we need to get her home. "We need to get home now, Zaria and Pete need calling" I think out loud thinking of my beautiful friends getting their child back. Zaria has never been the same since that day understandably. I see her when she has her off days, she tries to hide it but I've grown up with Zaria, we are more like sisters and I'm always here for her when she needs me, she knows that so I don't push her. she comes to me when she needs me. "Freddy" came a small voice from the door, there stood my beautiful girls, holding hands and smiling. "Come in girls" Freddy said smiling back at them. "I'm so sorry" Maddy quietly said beside me now sobbing even more. I'm confused. "Ssshhh it's ok, you have nothing to apologise for" I say hugging her more. "I do... I remember everything" she explains but I have no idea what she could be talking about. The girls walk hand in hand, Layla has her eyes white. stopping infront of us still with their wide smiles. "Mum said she wouldn't have done anything differently" Layla smiles more as her eyes clear. "What do you mean Layla" Freddy asks but they just stare at Maddy. Maddy lifts her face to look at the girls and she looks heart broken "it's my fault" she whispers but Lilley lifts her small hand and wipes Maddys tears away "it's ok" she said and Maddy hugged them crying. The whole room was silent, taking in the group of girls bonding over something we have no idea about. When they broke apart they all smiled "can someone fill me in" Freddy asked confused and I want to know too. Maddy looked at the girls, they nodded ok and she started talking "when I was brought here, I was in this room when a beautiful girl came in, I startled her but she looked at me she smiled, I knew she was nice. She looked like a pretty angel. She asked if I was ok but I cried and cried wanting to go home and she told me that I would be ok, she was going to help me. She left and promised to come back. She did a couple of days later, she told me she was looking after her twins but she sneaked me food and drink in. She explained she heard them talking and she chanted while her hand was on my head, she said she did what she could to give me something to hold onto. Just as she was done the door banged open and a horrible man came in with Anton" she stiffened up and I can understand why "it's ok" I reassured her and she took a deep breath, steadying herself "he was so angry, he scared me so much and she hid me behind her, she begged for me. She begged and pleaded but he wouldn't listen, she threatened to get news to mum where I was if he hurt me but he slapped her and told her the brats were going to be moved to here and she screamed when Anton left. She ran after him. Later that day the scary man came back and hit me, he hurt my face so much and all I could do was cry, he kept saying it was my fault he had to kill her, he killed his favourite breeder. I didn't know what that meant but I didn't see her again. A couple of days later a woman came in, I remembered her from photos around home and I thought she was there to help me but she laughed at me when I ran to her and hugged her. She pushed me to the floor saying that the girl died because of me and it would be the last time anyone would see me" we are all sat there dumbfounded. Hell, that's a lot to process as she was crying again. I hug her, giving love and support. "Wow" was all that could be heard from Freddy "I had no idea all these years" he said quietly looking heartbroken "we need to call Pete" Mel said looking at me and I know he's unsure what to say to him. "We want to bring them here. Can we do that?" Layla asked, still smiling. "I'm not sure sweetpea, we can't but that doesn't mean you can't" I explain we can't travel magically, we travel like everyone else but I don't want to dishearten them incase they doubt themselves. "Ok, we are ready, we need to know where to send it," Lilley smiled. "Send what?" Mel asked confused "the travel mirror," Layla says, ok, I'm confused. "Can we see?" Layla asks mel and waves him down to their level. He gets on his knees in front of them with a frown. "Can you call and let them know to be in the office, please?" Lilley says, looking back at me. I nod yes and get my phone out. Pete answers on the second ring, "Please get Zaria and go to the office please Pete" I say, not taking my eyes off my mate. "ok.. we are already here working. Is everything ok?" he asks."ermmm.." I'm not sure what to say. "Tell them to go in the mirror." Layla smiles, looking at me. "There's no time to explain, but when a mirror appears, go through it. No questions, just come through it, " I say, and he can tell something is off. "Are you and Mel ok?" he asks worriedly "yes we are fine. More than fine just please it's important you come" I explain "ok" was all he said as I hung up the phone. I nod ok, and both girls place a hand on Mels' cheeks and clasp their other hands together so they are all connected. "Think of your office, please," Lilley said quietly, and Mel gave them a small nod. It was odd. There was no chanting or murmuring a light started surrounding them, and their hair started blowing slightly like there was a breeze. I stand and walk around their little circle, and both girls' eyes are white with pink glittering in them. I move back to Maddy, sitting down next to her, in shock. I have no words. A ripple started to appear beside Mel and the twins. The ripples started to be colourful and were very big. I wasn't sure they could do it, but even if they did, I wasn't expecting this. I could see a hand come through and go back. My mind was blown. I couldn't do anything but stare wide-eyed. I could start to hear Zaria talking, asking if he was sure to which he said yes. Never once had Pete ever doubted us, and our shared trust runs deep. He knows we would never lead him or Zaria into danger. They both walked through and stood staring at Mel and the girls with wide eyes. The ripple disappeared as the girls let go of each other. "MUMMY, DADDY!" Maddy screamed, running at them. They were shocked with the whole ripple spell they didn't have time to turn or look before Maddy wrapped her arms around them both. She stood in the middle of them with an arm around them both, squeezing them like they were going to disappear. I could see them both stiffen up a little "mummy" Maddy sobbed. Zaria looked at me wearily, I gave her a huge smile and a small nod, yes. "Maddy?" Zaria whispered, and when Maddy looked up at them. Her eyes pleaded with them to see her, to believe her. The scream of disbelief and happiness that left Zaria will stay with me forever. She threw her arms around Maddy, hugging her like her life depended on it. It took Pete a few seconds longer to realise what was happening, and when he did, they were all crying and hugging. This truly is a magical day.
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