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Kylie POV Freddie has brought us more drinks and snacks. If I'm honest, we are a little lost on what to do, so I'll gladly take any help offered, we need to do what's best for Maddy. I'm still sat waiting with Maddy for King Melvin and Queen Gill to arrive. Freddy explained that Layla and Lilley had sent them a message, but he didn't have a clue how. It must be a magical thing that all magical beings do. I'm just shocked that the girls know how to because they haven't been around anyone magical or had any kind of training. It's different from a pack because only those that belong to the pack can mindlink and they have to be close enough and phones obviously but magic is truly amazing if they can send messages miles apart, magically. Freddy has also brought us a couple of chairs from the dining room so we can get off the floor. Freddy has explained the whole situation to our clan, and they have agreed that we will level the whole place and rebuild, so that is what they are doing right now, thave started tearing down the buildings, clearing the rubble, and getting the space ready for new buildings. We can't let any of this stand because it is just a reminder of Achlys, and none of us want that. We all need a fresh start, especially our people. They deserve it. They are going to leave this building until last because obviously Maddy can't get free. They are working together to make a happier future, and I'm so proud of them. I'm showing her the photos of my friends and family that I have taken on my phone. she seems mesmerised and I feel so bad for her, so sad that she has been here all this time alone, no friends and no family. "Can you remember anything at all, maybe your mum?" I ask, curious as to who her mum is, but she shakes her head no. "I do remember some things, but I don't think it's real, maybe a dream," she says sadly, but I want to know. Maybe it is a dream, but it's good she is talking. "Would you mind telling me, you don't have to I'm just curious" I ask and she smiles "sure, I'm sure it's a dream but it's a beautiful one" her eyes are full of wonder it makes me smile "I'm laid under beautiful trees, tall and blowing in the wind. I've got my head rested on someone's knees, a woman, while she is stroking my hair, and it feels so nice." she has her eyes closed now, smiling. She takes a few minutes before she talks again. "I'm enjoying the sun and the breeze. The woman moves me gently and lays me on the blanket. I hear her shout, and I watch as her hair sways in the breeze as she is walking away from me, and then there's nothing. I feel wind moving past me so fast and a few scratches on my face then nothing" she explains and I wish it was true "how long have you dreamt this" I ask and she smiles again "every night and also when I'm having a bad time I focus on it, it makes me feel better" we both smile. "Do you see the woman,maybe how she looks?" I ask. I really hope we are able to find her mum. "Not really, she has long brown hair. swaying with the wind and also a scar on her right arm." ok, so we have a maybe. Maddy has fallen to sleep, and I cover her up with the blanket. All I can think about is that dream. I really hope it's a memory. With any luck, we might be able to find her mum or some relatives, but if not, she will always have a home with us. 'Hey beautiful, I've just had word that the cars are approaching. I'll bring them straight up' Freddy mindlinked me taking me from my thoughts 'ok just please be nice' I say but he tuts at me 'I'm always nice' he sulks but I know what he is like with the Royals 'yeah, yeah well just remember they are here to help' and I cut the link. 35 minutes later, and I can hear them, well I can hear the footsteps. There's no talking or banter just walking. Maddy is still curled up on the chair, wrapped in the blanket. I wish she had longer to sleep because I think she really does need it, but I suppose she can get all the rest she needs when she is free. I stand and quickly walk to the door. I'm closing it slightly behind me while I wait in the hallway for them. They walk towards us, and I've got to say they really do scream power and grace. "Hello again, King Melvin and Queen Gill, I wish it was under better circumstances." I smile. I'm so relieved to see them. "Thank you, Queen Kylie, I hope we can help," Queen Gill said, hugging me. Both of our men are standing back and not saying a thing. "Before we go in, we don't know what type of magic it is, but if the chain is pulled, she gets intense pain and red, sore welts appear. She has been here for as long as she can remember, and she doesn't know her mum. Her dad was Anton, Achlys right-hand man, and she was to be kept pure, until she was to be married to Achlys, then she would have his baby. After having the baby, they were going to sacrifice her." I explained in a rush because I don't think I'd be able to get the words out otherwise. Gasps from Gill was the only thing that stopped me talking. She had tears falling from her eyes. "If he was alive, I'd kill them both," she seethed, and I totally agree. "What doesn't make sense is that why would they use magic on her if she is a vampire, they would surely use more efficient things that would stop a vampire from escaping" King Melvin asked and actually that made sense. I hadn't even thought about that. "I'm not sure, maybe to t*****e her more," Freddy said, now frowning in thought too. "Ok, let us get in there and go help," Gill said, and I really hope they can help. "Please let me wake her first so she isn't startled," I say, walking in before them. I walk to her and get on my knees in front of her. "Wake up beautiful. Helps here," she stirs at my voice. "It's time, come on." she nods her head, still partially under the blanket "ok" she says and sits up. When she opens her eyes fully, Queen Gill is standing in the doorway crying before running to her. "MADDY, MADDY IS THAT YOU"...
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