asking for help

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Queen Gill POV I'm still reeling from everything Mel has told me. I'm devastated that Gwenny could do all of this, and it doesn't make any sense to me at all. Growing up, she was loved by everyone. She was loving and kind, and I wish I knew what changed her. Something must have happened because this isn't her. This isn't the loving Gwenny I know. I'm sitting in the dining room eating dinner with Mel, Zaria, and Pete. It's so nice to have my mate back, and I know it's not been for long, but I've missed him terribly. We are talking and laughing, and it feels so good. I love how they are trying to cheer me up, and it has worked. I know in my heart that we will get through this, like we've always got through everything that had been thrown our way together. It hurts to know that our own family has brought the most pain, a life without children but I refuse to give her another thought, I will not be wasting anymore energy on her because she simply isn't worth it. A pain hits like a lightning bolt in my head. It feels like my skull is splitting in half, and my brain is burning. I wouldn't be surprised if I had my brain leaking from my ears. All I can do is clench my eyes shut and grab the table like my life depended on it. I tried to steady my breathing, but the pain intensified. "AAAHHHH" I can no longer keep my screams contained and I feel Mel next to me, but I can't make out what he is saying, I feel his warm hand on my shoulder bringing both his hands and taking mine. I feel as he turns me on my chair, but I still can't hear anything. I open my eyes, but I can't see anything but darkness. oh my goddess, what is happening to me? Am I under attack, I must be. I'm starting to panic when the pain starts to lesson, my vision is not complete darkness and I see shadows. A lovely, sweet voice starts talking in my head. "We need help, magical help," and then another voice, "Please hurry, she is trapped," then nothing. The pain and the voices are gone, I close my eyes for a few seconds, and when I open them, I see my mates pale, worried face. His hand feels my forehead, and when I smile at him, he kisses me, pulling me into his eyes. Stood behind him are our worried friends. The door bursts open, and Dr Henry runs in with his bag. "My King," he bows at us. "How can I assist?" he asked, but Mel looked at him like he's crazy like he should already know. "I'm fine now, Thankyou Henry." I smile, but he doesn't move an inch. I look up and see Mels face, and I can see why he is waiting to leave. "She is not fine at all. She was in pain, and when her eyes opened, they were white, as in no colour at all, just white, " Mel explained, looking at me with concern, but I feel ok now. "White," Henry asked, looking as shocked as everyone in the room. It was at this moment that I noticed Zaria in tears while Pete was holding her. "Zaria, are you ok?" I ask, but she looked at me and started crying again. "Can I check you, my highness?" Henry bowed respectfully, asking my permission. I feel perfectly fine, but I agree to calm the others down. Mel moves out the way so Henry can check me over, but he doesn't move too far away, watching my every move expecting the worst to happen. After Henry checked me twice over to be sure, he gave me the all-clear. Mel thanked him and still kept watching me. I waited for Henry to leave, and after Zaria had hugged me and calmed down before I tried to explain. "I'm not sure how, but it was the girls." I smiled, hearing their sweet voices had brought me so much peace and joy. I look around the room, and they are all frowning. Ok, I understand why they are confused, but I see anger in Mels eyes, and that upset me. Why would he be angry. "Why would they hurt you? How do you know it was them?" Hurt me... ohhh, I see why he would think that. "They didn't mean to hurt me, Mel," I defend them. I know they never would on purpose. "You were in a lot of pain, my love," he said, heartbroken. "I'm not sure how, but they opened a mind link with me." I explain the best I can. Well, I guess that's what they did. "That's impossible" Zaria gasped "I know it sounds crazy but I felt a piercing pain and then it went and I heard their sweet voices in my mind" I smiled happy that I heard them again Zaria started rambling "what.. how did they... wh" "What did they say? " Mel cut her off, and I could feel the emotions that were running through him, anger, sadness, confusion, astonishment, and pride. "They need help, and quickly, someone is trapped." his face turned to worry, and his eyes glazed over. "Ok, we leave in 30 minutes, collect the things that you want to take," he said, looking at me now with determination. I nod frantically, wanting to go to the girls as soon as possible. I will ask them how they opened a link with me. It has never been done before, especially by 7-year-olds. I'm walking out the door with Zaria when I hear Mel talking to Pete. "You need to hold down the kingdom until our return pete. We are counting on you and Zaria.. ok, " and I stop in my tracks. "What.. no Zaria is coming, I want her to meet the girls" I say but he shakes his head "I'm sorry love but we need them here" she is my best friend and I want her to meet them so much "it's ok sis, I'll meet them when you bring them home" she says but my heart breaks a little, I know Freddy is a great brother so he won't ever let them come with us. My whole being is yearning for them, I have been since I first met them. "I don't think it will be that easy" I sadly say but she smiles "I'll fix the room up in the Royal wing, next to your room for when they do come ok" and I smile back nodding my head yes. I know this is sometimes how she copes with things, so I agree. We are driving out our kingdoms gates towards our girls. We have 4 cars in total. We are travelling with some of the strongest magic wielding warriors, mostly royal guards. We don't know what to expect, Mel always prepares for the worst but hopes for the best. A few hours and I'll be with my girls. I know it's a short time, but I feel that connection with them, a connection that I thought I'd never have. I just hope Freddy will allow us some time with them.
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