
1504 Words
Freddy POV After some time for everyone to get food and drinks, we stood at the doors facing everyone. They were all so quiet probably because that is what they are used to and also because they don't know what to expect. "Hi everyone there's a few discussions to be had, I'd appreciate it if you could hold your questions until the end just so we can answer everything together" I said but nothing, not a murmur or anything. I probably should have expected this reaction, but it's still crushing to know they have been ruled this way in the past, and it will take a long while before they feel safe. "Ok Thankyou, first of all, I'm sure you all know me, but I'll introduce myself officially as this is a new beginning. My name is Freddy. I was born here in this coven to Elizabeth. I'm obviously the next heir and that's what I want to talk about" I stop and look around the room but still nothing, Kylie takes a hold of my hand so I take a breath and carry on "I would love to introduce my beautiful and amazing mate Kylie. We as a couple will be taking Achlys place not only because I'm the heir but because we want to do right by you all, lead you the way it should have always been" all heads are now up and facing us. So many emotions ran through them all, but the most that stood out was relief and uncertainty. Not many were of judgement or hate, though, but I suppose Achlys had some loyal followers even though he treated them so badly. "We understand it's a massive change but I can assure you it will be for the better" still there was no noise 'may I love' I heard Kylies voice in my mind 'of course' I reply with a smile. I could never deny my love anything. "Hello I'm so happy to meet you all, I do wish it was under better circumstances though" he beautiful voice travelled over the whole crowd even though she was speaking so softly 'I want mate' Storm said full of l**t and I was right there with him 'I want mate too but we have to wait' I reply sadly hating the fact we couldn't take her now. He huffs and goes to the back of my mind, shutting me out while he sulks. "I'm looking forward to getting to know you all... I know this must be a difficult situation for you all as you have suffered at the hands of Achlys, the person who was supposed to protect you but I promise we are nothing like him" she was stood so confident infront of them all but I could feel her nerves through our bond. I look away from her, and around the crowd, a hand goes in the air, Kylie nods for her to speak, but the woman is frightened. "It's ok.. you can say what you want this is a coven meeting and everyone can say their views and what's on their mind, without judgement or repercussions" and even as I said it her eyes still screamed terror I gave her a small nod also for her to go ahead "I..I was wondering if..if..if HE will be back" she asked and I could see everyone else wanting to know also "as we explained at the first cell we came across Achlys is dead and will not be returning" I explained and all eyes were now wide open with shock "how can you be sure" a man shouted out but then went white with fear "we know because we killed him" if they were shocked before they are definitely shocked now, after a few minutes of silence the whole room was filled with cheers and sobs, sobs not of sadness but relief. "There is going to be big changes around here but it can only happen if we work together, to finally be one, a whole coven" I say and I could see everyone was starting to sway towards us. "We know some of you have not chosen to be here, and we understand if you want to leave, and we will help you if you decide to leave. We hope you all give us a chance but that is upto you" another hand shoots up eagerly, Kylie smiles at the young girl "can we visit our families" she asks with tears in her eyes, a look full of hope. "Of course, they are welcome here and you are free to come and go as you like, we will have to work together to run the coven smoothly but your free time is yours" Kylie explains and a lot of the girls and women start crying. "we will make a start but tonight get more to eat and drink, enjoy sometime together and rest, because it's been a tough time we will have a few days rest before we start, if there's anything wrong or you need help we will be around ok.." I explain, and everyone nods ok. Now we have explained everything we need to get everyone settled into rooms. The coven house has more bedrooms to count all ready for anyone visiting. All coven members were not permitted to stay in the house but live in shacks dotted around the grounds. I call them shacks because they are in disrepair, holes in the walls and roof. We have explained that this is their home and everyone will find a room in the main house. I'm beginning to relax a little more, knowing everyone is safe, well fed, and had plenty to drink while being warm and most already sleeping in their rooms. Me and Kylie have settled the girls in their room and are walking to our room hand in hand when we hear sobbing. 'We need to move quick.' Kylie mindlinks me. I nod, and we move faster following the sound. We came to a cupboard with the door slightly opened. I peered in to see a young girl sat sobbing. She was on the floor with her knees up and her head leaning onto them, arms wrapped around her legs. I hadn't seen her before but then I tried not to mingle while I was here so I haven't met a lot of the coven members. She looks so small and sad. She only looks maybe 13 years old or so her fiery red hair hangs over her like a curtain. "Sweet, are you ok?" Kylie is already on the floor kneeling in front of her. Her hand stroked the girls hair, trying to soothe her and give comfort. "Sshhh it's ok, whatever it is we can help" Kylie says quietly and softly, the girls head lifts and her face is red and puffy from crying her eyes shift to me and she flinched. I take a small step back, hopefully showing I mean no harm and giving my mate more room. "He won't hurt you, we are here to help." Kylie tries again, but the girls eyes start to water again. "Anything that is wrong, we can help.. anything no matter how big or small, ok..what's your name? " The young girl nods slowly and wipes her face on her dirty sleeve. It is horrible to see how much our people have suffered. "Megan" came a whisper. "Hi Megan, what has you in a twist like this sweet?" Kylie asks "I have nowhere to go," she whispers I can see and smell she isn't a vampire but a scared young witch." "You come with me, sweet, and I'll find your family ok" Kylie stood and held her hand out, but the girl didn't budge. "I don't have a family here. My family sold me to this horrid place," and she starts sobbing again. She must be so scared. Kylie is now back on the floor, hugging her. My mate will make a fine queen. "How long have you been here" I ask but she was reluctant to answer me "3 weeks I think its hard to keep track here" she says quietly and she is right it is hard to keep track. "Ok, well, now you do," Kylie says, and I'm as confused as Megan looks. "What love?" I'm still confused looking at my now smiling mate. I watch as she pulls back from megan, she wipes her face with delicate hands and smiles "you have a family, you have us and the whole coven" I can see the doubt from Megan but Kylie carries on speaking "we are going to make sure your alright, make sure you have everything you need ok" Kylie says with a huge smile standing again and holding out herhand, this time Megan took it. We take her to a spare room and let her know where we are just in case she needs us. We head off to bed also, feeling exhausted and ready to crash.
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