fresh start

1507 Words
Kylie POV It's been a few days since we arrived, and I'm starting to get excited about making changes. We decided to hold another meeting after a few days of much needed rest for our people, I've been up in the kitchen at first light, wanting to make breakfast for everyone. Freddy and a few others left in a truck this morning. If I said I wasn't a little scared, I'd be lying. I was hoping he wouldn't be too long, but it didn't work out that way. I stayed in our room for a while, but I realised I was needed throughout the clan. I made a mental list of the things I wanted to do and headed out. I could hear chatter and noises and followed it. I pushed open the doors, but as soon as I entered, it went silent. "Kylie, Kylie where have you been" Layla ran to me with a smile "I was just sorting out our room" I smile back but as I looked around the room all eyes hit the floor and it made me so sad to see. "Hello everyone, I'm sorry I was running late." A few gasps were heard. It's probably because I apologised, but I refuse to be a stuffy nosed snob of a queen that looks down on anyone. "Can I be a pain and speak to you all, I'd like to get to know you all properly and I promise not to keep you too long" I ask but all I got was a few nods yes. "Great, I will apologise now if I get too much, just tell me to reel it in." I laugh, and so did Layla and Lilley. I walked to the person closest to me "hi I'm kylie but I suppose you already know that" I ramble with nerves "What's your name" I ask "leigh, my Queen" she bows "no need for that Leigh.. just Kylie, " I say and place my hand on her shoulder, I feel her flinch slightly, but that isn't what gave her fear away. It was the erratic beating of her heart. It will be so much easier to mind link them, but Freddy said we need to have a special ceremony, and then we will be connected to everyone. "Please don't be afraid I'd never hurt a soul" giving her a smile "it's nice to meet you, is this your mate" I ask looking at the young man stood beside her, clutching her hand. She gave me a small nod. "Hello Leighs mate," I laugh as she doesn't introduce him. I'd made it around the room trying to remember everyones names "now the introductions are out the way I'd like to ask what your opinions are on what needs improving or what you think you would like" everyone was a little more relaxed than they were when I first walked in and I was loving it. I know it's only a small victory on the scale of things but this means we are heading forwards even with small steps It's a great thing and I know we have a long journey ahead of us all but this gives me hope. When no-one spoke up I decided to start it off "ok I'll start" I smiled "I think the whole house needs revamping, new roof, new windows plenty of paint and we also need a new kitchen, new furniture and all of you will get your own rooms to have it decorated how you prefer" I look around giving everyone a chance to speak "does that mean us too" Lilley asked in excitement making me laugh at her eagerness "of course" she clapped her hands and jumped up and down with Layla and Megan "so what I'm saying is we need to do a complete start from scratch and extend out, we need to also knock down the outer buildings completely and the families that wish to have their own home we will build houses for.. is there anything I've said that your not happy with or would like to give your opinions on at all" I ask and if I'm honest I'm surprised at how many shocked faces are staring back at me, I hope I haven't said the wrong thing as I was using the packs for guidance, maybe clans are different. My anxiety started rising slightly "wow, that sounds amazing" said a boy, Lucas, from the middle of the crowd, I also could see his dad placing his hand on Lucas shoulder, maybe trying to quieten him down. Instead I make my way to him, get on my knees so I can look him in his eyes, he looked a little scared but I was expecting that after everything they have been through "I'm so happy you like that idea, can you think of anything else that we could do" I ask with a smile and his whole face broke out in happiness "a big garden with green grass, ooh ooh and a park, I've never seen one but my grandad said they used to be so much fun" he was now looking up at his dad with big excited eyes and smile "do you know what... your grandad was right they are so much fun.. a park is a must have but there will be only one problem" I say with a sad face and he looked straight at me "I might not want to do anything else but play on there with you kids" I laugh "your going to play too" he asked in surprise "of course I am" I laughed more and tickled him making him laugh along with me. I love hearing laughter. It brightens my whole being. "What is happening in here?" Freddy says. I knew he was close by, and I could feel him. I've missed him, but I didn't want to stop hearing the laughter. He came up behind me, getting down on the floor. "It's magical, isn't it?" he asked Lucas. Who was now stood quiet not sure what to say or do , he shrugged his shoulders slightly confused "This" Freddy said and started tickling me, he knows I'm ticklish and all I can do is laugh and try and wriggle away from him "girls" was the only thing I could say before I heard footsteps and Freddy stopped tickling me and was now laid on his back laughing as the twins tickled him. I joined in with them, and before we knew it, we were in a heap on the floor laughing. When I sat up, I realised all eyes were on us, most of the faces smiling at us. This is the kind of home I want for everyone, a home that they deserve. We got up and brushed our clothes off "we have food in the truck, would anyone like to help bring it in" I knew he wouldn't demand anything, we already discussed everything over the last couple of days. He wanted them to choose, to be able to have a choice. Something they haven't had for many years. "Yes my king" a tall man stepped forward "Thankyou and I know technically I'm king but my name is Freddy and that is what I'd like you all to call me" he says and others step forward. The food is now put away, and everything is stocked up. Everyone has had food. We are now in another meeting. "The first thing I'd like to say is that all food will be available day and night, no restrictions or rations," Freddy said as everyone started smiling and a few cheered. "Secondly.. I know there's a lot of work to do, stripping the house back and extending as well as building family homes around our territory, I was hoping that we could all work on it and get it done faster.. I know you need to rest and recover properly, but we also need to get the stench of the old shitty leader far from us and start a new" even more started cheering. He really is a great leader. "I know we will struggle for a little while, just while we get sorted, but we can do this together," I say, and even more cheers came. "King Melvin and Queen Gill will be at the borders tomorrow." came Layla's voice. Her eyes were white, but she was smiling. "Ok thanks Layla, we will go meet them soon," I said, smiling. I could feel the worry from Freddy through our bond. 'Don't worry, love, everything will be ok,' I say through our link. "We will have guests, it seems, tomorrow, but for today, we shall knock down the other buildings.. if there's anything you would like to collect from there, please do it now as we start demolishing in an hour." Most people made their way out. "We will be fine Freddy, whatever it is, we can face it." I hugged him, trying to pass on as much comfort as possible.
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