help is on the way

974 Words
Freddy POV I knew that every one of them were all sick bastards but to chain a girl in a room is disgusting. I'm happy they are all dead, but it did upset me seeing her cry. I probably should have stayed or helped, but I couldn't stand there seeing her in floods of tears. I know what an evil bastard Anton was, but it makes me sick and angry that she would cry for him. I understand it's her dad, but why would anyone waste tears on someone that would lock you away until you are given to another man, an evil, sick, and twisted man. I suppose that's all she has ever known, but it still makes me mad and sad for her. How can anyone just give someone away, like they own them, their own child, but I think it proves what a horrible man he was. It shows how similar he was to Achlys. If he wasn't already dead, I'd kill him. I've been through every room asking if anyone knew there was a girl chained in one of the rooms. Everyone of them said no and looked as disgusted as I was. I've searched the whole kingdom, trying to find anything that would give me an answer but nothing. Not even anything in the archives about Maddy at all. No birth, no proof that she exists. I was hoping to find something, anything about her, maybe her mum, but there's absolutely nothing. I have to call it a dead end and go back to that room. Go back without any help, any information at all. I make it back to see my mate still sitting talking to Maddy. She really does have a heart of gold and will do anything to help anyone. I let them down.. telling them I have no answers, no clues, and no help. I'm sitting there an hour if not longer trying to figure everything out, trying to come up with a solution. I already know what I have to do but I've been racking my brain hoping for anything but this but as I watch Maddy chained in this god awful room, I need to be a leader, a king that thinks of his people and do the one thing I wished I would never have to. "I know what we must do, but I really don't want to," I said, taking a deep breath, trying to calm myself, not that it's helping. "What is it?" kylie asks, but all I keep thinking about it the vision. "The vision Layla had wasn't them just coming, was it?" I said, rubbing my hands down my face in frustration. "I don't think so," she said, and I stood and left. If I don't do it now, I'll never do it, but an innocent girl needs help, and I'm sure they can do it. The question is, will they do it. I asked Layla and Lilley how to contact the magic royals. "It's ok. we have already sent a message." Layla smiles at me, but I'm confused as to how. "Do you have their number?" I ask, and Lilley laughs. "No silly, a magic message," she chuckles. I have no idea what they are talking about, but nod my head ok. It's definitely taking some getting used to. Achlys would never allow anyone to leave only certain people to do his missions, but we were under strict instructions that we were not to interact with anyone. I didn't know other species were completely different to us, different from what Achlys drilled into us. My sister have been getting stronger from not living in fear and I'm happy for them that they are finding their true selves, there's a lot they missed out on growing up and that's why I encourage them even when I don't understand it myself. I probably should be upset that the girls messaged them before I asked them but I'm actually happy. It shows they are good, kind, beautiful girls. They knew how serious it was when they had seen the chain and took it upon themselves to get help. I'm nervous because I know there's a high chance the Royals will try to take them. "Ok, have you had a reply?" I ask, still having no idea what a magic message is. "Yes, they are on their way. They will come here to help," Layla smiles. "Great Thankyou girls" I hug them both and leave them to carry on with their drawing. I'm walking back to that horrible room when I bump into Callum. I have already decided to make him my right-hand man. I've got to know him more since taking over, I know it's not been long at all, but he's passionate about helping our people. He's strong and liked by everyone in our clan he's a great choice. I fill him in on everything that has happened and he is to let the men & women who have volunteered to do patrol around our territory, know that the magical royals are due to arrive at any point and to let me know when they do. We need to keep vigilant about any attacks because, at the minute, we are vulnerable. We need to get our clan a home and start training to keep that home safe. I leave Callum to go notify them, and I go back to my mate. She is still sitting talking, and I actually hear them laugh a few times. I knock on the door before opening it. My mum always said a womans bedroom is their safe haven and I should always respect that. I smile, looking at them both talking, Kylie puts everyone at ease. She is a true queen. I give them an update, and I leave to get them drinks.
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