kings return

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King Melvin POV After the war all I wanted to do was go home, go back to my amazing mate but at the same time I wanted to stay away a little while longer to give her as much peace as possible before I shatter her world. How on earth can I tell her that it was our Gwenny that did this, that took away a chance for my mate to be a mother. We trusted her, and all this time, we had searched for her at the thought of her being taken, kidnapped all these years when the reality was so different. She had been teamed up with a silent enemy all these years. She has caused so much pain and death even to her own child, but it was like she felt nothing. Growing up, we were so close until she reached around 17 years old, and she started to slowly change. Her attitude towards our people became too much, and our coven began to dislike and steer clear of her, but she preferred it that way. When she realised I had noticed changes and so did our father, she changed back to the caring and funny Gwenny, and everything seemed normal. She must have hated me all those years, and I had no idea. My heart breaks that we trusted her and that we also missed her when she was gone. Gill never gave up hope of finding Gwenny again and sent a prayer to our goddess Aislinn daily for her safe return even after years. How could she do this.. I understand a little for her to hurt me, I'm her brother. She must have resented me for years, but Gill has never treated her anything but like a loving sister. I'm currently on my way back home now that everyone is safe, and I've helped where I can. We have a few wounded and, unfortunately, a few who have passed over to our goddess Aislinn. We will hold our incandescence ceremony, giving our fallen warriors the funeral they deserve. We are not far from home, and my heart breaks more the closer we get. Heartache for the families who have lost their loved ones, for our covens loses and also for my darling mate. We arrive at our gates at the border of our territory, I can see through the gate, off into the distance that my Gill is stood waiting with others. My heart and stomach are torn in two. Half elated with joy at seeing her and the other half of sadness knowing I'm going to give her the worst news possible. 'My love your home' I heard her sweet voice in my mind and my already fast beating heart spiked. I tried to take a few deep breaths before replying 'I'm here my sweet love' I reply hoping she won't pick up on my hidden distress but who am I fooling she knows me better than anyone and it proved it with her reply 'we will talk about what has your mind in a tizz my love, everything is going to be ok' she always tries to reassure me and pours her love into me calming my heart 'we will my sweet love' and open the car door. The truck behind me carries on driving onto the infirmary. I feel her small yet strong arms circle me, and it calms my insides, calms my whole being. "I've missed you so much, and I've been so worried," she says with a sniffle. I move my hand to her face, tilting her up to face me, and her tears tear at my soul. "I'm here now my sweet, Achlys is dead and I have somethings to discuss with you but we need to face our coven and give them the bad news" her tears fall more "how many" she asks quietly "17 wounded and 9 that have gone to be with Aislinn" I reply holding her tighter "we need to know who the 9 are my love so we can notify their families before a meeting with the coven" I nod 'Pete I'm back can you meet me infront of the infirmary' I link Pete a very good friend of mine, my best friend and my second hand man. He was tasked with keeping our kingdom safe while I was in battle. Even though he fought to come with me, he stayed and protected my mate. Not that I doubt her skill because she is magnificent and more than capable of taking care of herself, but it made me feel better him staying here. His mate Zaria is Gill best friend but also one of the highest ranked warriors and my mates protector. We grew up together, and I couldn't have wished for any better. 'Of course on my way,' he replied. "We will meet Pete at the infirmary," I say and finally step back, but still holding her hand, I'm not ready to let go of her completely yet. "Our king, it's good to see your safe return," my Gills guardians bow. "Thank you, and I'm happy to see you've done a good job at keeping my Queen safe." I praise them, and it lifts them up. "Good to see you as always my King" said Zaria with a smirk, she loves irritating me because I see her more like a sister and hate when she refers to me with formalities "you should know better" I raise my brow at her and she bursts into laughter along with Gill. "Come on." I roll my eyes and start walking towards the infirmary. I already know where we need to go, all families are already waiting in our communal garden, it's more like a massive meadow, different sections around the garden is designated for plots, growing in these plots are all different herbs and plants that we use for potions and spells, other plots are full of vegetables. We try to grow everything we need so we don't have to outsource. In the centre of our garden is seating where anyone can come and relax. We arrive there to find it full of our warriors' families waiting to hear on news of their loved ones. I head to the front of everyone with my Gills hand holding tightly onto mine. "Good afternoon" I say and wait for the whispers and chatter to stop "we have defeated Achlys and the threat is gone" I say and everyone cheers "I wanted to thank you all for waiting here for news, I'm afraid it's not all good news unfortunately" and it's now silent I take a steadying breath. I hate we lost anyone and my heart breaks at having to notify their loved ones 'be strong my king' Gills calming voice envelopes me "first I'd like to say that I'm proud to be called your king, everyone here should be proud of our people, I'm also proud to fight beside my people, our warriors. It was an honour... The names I say please can their families make your way to the front and the rest can make your way to Pete and Daz at the opposite side" all eyes were now on me, most crying dreading the worst "Raymond Port, Ellen Green, Vinny Vasques, Michel Grey, Jack Brown, Heidi Jackson, Sam Knight, Lee Smith and Russell Loude, everyone else please seek information out from Pete and Daz" sobs were already filling up the garden. This is the absolute worst about being a king. The families were now standing in front of me, and it felt like my throat was closing up. Not wanting to say the dreaded words. Parents, mates, siblings, and even children are stood looking at me with tears of sadness in their eyes but also hope that this isn't what they are expecting. The mate bond between warlock and witches is slightly different from werewolves. Werewolves feel the break instantaneously as a mate dies, and they know then that they have lost their one true love forever. We magical beings have the same intense and amazing mate bond but we feel the pain of a mate being hurt but if our mates die it feels the same as if they have been hurt, it's only when we are given that horrible heartbreaking, soul destroying news we feel the full extent of the mate bond break. Up until that news, we cling to hope, and that stays until the last minute. "It's with a deep sorrow that I have to give you such news... your loved ones fought a fierce battle with honour, but they have passed on over to our goddess Aislinn," screams deafened me, cries and despair filled the whole garden. Other coven members made their way towards us to offer support. This is what family does we stand by one another in the toughest times. I look down at Gill, and her sobs make my soul break. We stay and offer help and comfort before we all head our separate ways. The families head to their loved ones, and me, Gill, Zaria, and Pete head inside to my office. There's a lot to catch them up on.
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