making friends

1347 Words
Kylie POV We are currently knocking down the old buildings ready for our plans, we decided to do these first to show we mean what we say about there being changes for the better. We haven't had any opposing views about our plans, and we are powering through them. I think that the whole clan is looking forward to moving forward and starting our new lives, and those horrible buildings they have been cramped in for far too long have to go first. They deserve the best, and being their leaders its our job and honour to make sure they all get it. Our list of jobs is.. 1- knock down out buildings. 2- scour our land for viable places to build houses for the families that want to live separately. 3- designate areas for a new clinic and also training. 4- Strip and restore the main house. When these jobs are done we can take on the other jobs such as schooling & a creche for the children, allocating jobs so everyone does something to keep the clan working smoothly and a few more bits but we will cross these when we get to them. I know the visit from King Melvin and Queen Gill is playing on Freddys mind, we are not sure what it is they want but I know it's something to do with the twins and Freddy is worried about it. Doing our jobs will hopefully keep it from the front of Freddys' mind, and we will face it when they get here. "What are we doing with the rubble, my Queen?" asked Nancy, pulling me from my thoughts. She is one of the volunteers who were helping. I've still noticed it being really quiet, but I hope to help with that, I understand it's going to be a long while until every person is comfortable around us. I hope that when we move past this, we will be a stronger and happier home. "Erm.. I'm not sure Nancy I hadn't thought to ask Freddy" I say with a chuckle 'where are we taking the rubble' I ask him in our link 'out to the west border my love' he replied making me smile "All rubble is to be taken to the west border please" I say and everyone moves at vampire speed, getting the work done. In no time at all, both buildings are down, and everyone cheered, happy to see them go. Seeing their happy faces brings me so much joy and I can't wait for it to be this way all the time 'me too Ky, I feel like we are finally home' Janey says making me smile more 'we are home Janey' I reply and she hums in happiness before laying back down and going to sleep 'you could help you know' I chuckle but she yawns 'no I'm good you're all doing a great job" I laugh startling Nancy stood beside me "sorry Nancy I was just talking with Janey my wolf" but she looks embarrassed "forgive me my Queen" she says quietly "no need you have done nothing wrong" I smile and she lifts her face but still looks unsure. "TIME FOR A LUNCH BREAK," Freddy shouted loud enough for all to hear even though they probably would have heard him anyway with their vampire hearing. "Come on," I say to Nancy, wrapping my arm through hers and walking with her. She really is lovely and I'd love to make a friend here. "How old are you, Nancy?" I'm curious, but I hope she doesn't take offence. "I'm 20 years old, my Queen," and I love that we are similar age. "Great.. I would love to get to know you better I could really use a friend" she faltered mid step and her eyes went wide "friend" she said quietly "yes a friend so what do you say" I ask and she starts stuttering "ok spit it out" I chuckle full of nerves and also a little upset that she probably has her own friends or maybe because I'm their 'Queen' she might refuse. I'll always lead them and love them with my whole being, but I don't want to be lonely here with no friends. "I've never had a friend.. the others have always been friends, but I've always been on my own, " and a tear drops from her eye before quickly wiping it away. I look to where she is looking, and a group of young vampires are quietly talking and laughing. "Let's start over then.. hi I'm Kylie, I'm new here and need a friend" I say as I hold my hand out for her to take and shake, with a smile "hi kylie I'm Nancy I'd love to be your friend" and we both laugh while shaking hands. It felt good to laugh with a friend. "Looks like you have a friend my love" Freddy says walking upto us, Nancy looks at the ground straight away "my King" she says quietly "yes my love isn't it great" I say full of excitement "yes it is and a friend of my kylie is a friend of mine" he says as Nancy lifts her head in time for Freddy pulling us both in for a quick hug. He is such a great mate. I can't stop giggling. We all made our way back to the dining room where food and drinks were waiting. I blurred to our room to retrieve my phone and a small speaker. I love music. All kinds, and I'm so ready to hear some now. We have worked so hard, it will be nice for a good break. I blur back, and if I'm honest, I'm starting to get used to it now, and I love it. It feels and looks like everything around me is in super slow motion. I plug the speaker into my phone and find one of my playlists. Pressing play and turning the volume up to max. As soon as the music started, the dining hall went silent. 'Why is everyone looking at my phone' I ask freddy who is sat smiling 'because only Achlys high ranking followers had phones but most in this room have never seen a phone or heard music before' his response has me confused. I pressed stop. "I didn't think to ask, but is everyone ok with the music?" I didn't want to upset anyone. "Music, what is it" a young girl asked maybe 9-10 years old with a look of wonder "it's music, there's all different styles for all different occasions, most songs are sung by a singer/band and some are just calming beautiful pieces of music" I explain with a smile "would you like to listen and if any one wants to have a dance feel free" I say, they nod their heads but look confused "ok come here" I smile at the young girl she stands and walks to me slowly with caution. "Ready?" she gives me a small nod, yes. I press play, and my 80s playlist starts. Girls just want to have fun. I love all genres. I giggle excited and start to dance. The young girl just stands staring at me not sure what she is supposed to do "just move with the music" I say after a minute a hold her hand swinging it to the beat and before I know it we are dancing and I grab Nancy hand pulling her to us and she copies and I go for Freddy who is sat there smiling at me like I'm a crazy mad woman. He takes my hand, and we join the other 2. We are all laughing and dancing when the song stops. Don't stop believin' starts and I carry on amd so does the others, "join in if you would like" I shout over the music as I look around at the smiling faces that surrounded us. Before we knew it half the people were dancing. This is how it should be. Laughter and music filling the whole house.
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