heartbreaking news

1472 Words
Queen Gill POV I can't put into words how much releif I felt when I knew my mate was safe. He sounded so defeated and heartbroken when he rang to say they had all won the war, and Achlys tyranny was finally over. He tried to put a front on, but I know my mate better than anyone, as he does me. I know we all lost some of our warriors and I was heartbroken on hearing this news but it seemed different when he was talking to me, like there was more to it but I also know he will tell me whatever it is, when he's ready to talk. I'm full of beans, knowing he's on his way home. I've missed him so much even though he technically hasn't been gone that long. Half of me is also filled with sorrow because I know when they do return, reality will be real, that we have lost some of our people. This nightmare will become real. I sense him as he gets closer to home, closer to me, and my heart skips a beat. We have been mated since we first found out we were mates at 18 years old. We grew up together, and I was so happy to be his mate, I'd secretly loved him for years, and when we discovered we belong together, he confessed his hidden love for me and I him. To make things perfect, our best friends Zaria and Pete were also mates. I all but run to greet Mel getting out of the car. His arms feel so good around me, I've missed him so much. I couldn't hold my tears in seeing the broken families of receiving the worst news imaginable. Their screams will stay with me forever. I know Mel is broken up about having lost some of our people, but it seems more somehow, like he's holding something back, and I'm now sitting in his office waiting for him to speak. He has also asked Zaria and Pete to join us, so it must be something really important. "I had to do something that might change your perception of me. I did it, and sadly, I'd do it again if I could go back, but that doesn't mean it wasn't difficult or even wrong." and his words take a second to sink in. He's making no sense because even though he's the king, he's always been fair and just. "Whatever it is, it won't change how I see you, my love." I smile, trying to give him comfort, but even though he gave me a small smile, it didn't reach his eyes. His anxiety is starting to climb. "No matter what it is, my friend, it's ok," Pete said, also trying to give him comfort. "I'll start at the beginning.." he takes a deep breath as we nod ok. "There was a cloaked figure there using powerful magic, protecting Achlys. I approached to put an end to them, but it.. it was..." but he stopped he couldn't seem to find the words. His eyes held so much hurt and anger. "Who.. who was it?" I ask, not sure what else to say. He takes another deep breath, and his hands ball into fists. "It was Gwenny." his words knocked the wind out of me.. "Gwenny," I whispered. I've been so worried about her that I always pray for her safe return to us. "How is she?, is she ok?" I ask in hope, but his eyes say she isn't. "I.. I.. killed her, " he says, and I can't hold in my tears. She is our sister. How could he have, how "how could you? she was taken away from us, she must have been forced to help him, our poor Gwenny." I sobbed, and I can feel his despair through our bond. He would never have hurt her, but he stayed quiet. "If she was cloaked, you wouldn't have noticed it to be her." I cry to him, trying to see reason. "I'm so sorry, my darling.. she was always working with him," and it was like someone had stabbed me in my stomach. I don't understand "please Mel, I don't understand" I say hoping he will tell me he's wrong and it wasn't her, he's knelt infront of me now, holding onto my hands that are clasped together on my knees. His other hand tries to wipe my tears away. How can this be possible? "I'm sorry, my love, that you had to do that," I say and throw my arms around him, still sobbing. We stay like this for a while, everyone letting the news settle in. Zaria has gone to get some drinks, and Pete is standing now looking out the window. We always treated Gwenny like our little sister, so it's a shock for us all. "Do you need anything darling before I explain the rest? It's going to be harder to hear than what I've just explained," Mel says, and I'm even more confused now. "What could be worse?" I ask as Zaria walks back in with a tray of drinks. "It's heartbreaking, and when I tell you, you will also be heartbroken, but once I explain you will also understand why I killed her why I had to" I just nod my head, yes. "Thank you," we all say as Zaria passed us all a drink. "Ok, I'm ready, I think." I frown, and Mel nods. Zaria moves to sit next to me, and Pete sits on a chair opposite us along with Mel. "Ok.. she wasn't taken at all, she left of her own free will but not before doing irreparable damage here, she teamed up with Achlys all those years ago and has been helping him with his plans since then, from the Alphas pups going missing to packs being attacked and trying to take over the whole supernatural world" he says and I'm shocked, that sounds nothing like our sweet and loving sister. "What damage, no damage has been done to our kingdom?" I ask in confusion and looking at Zaria and Pete they think the same, "That's because it wasn't to the kingdom directly. It was to us," but I'm still confused. "We have no damages.. I don't understand." I say as Zaria started crying, she must have figured it out. I see her link Pete, and his face changes from confused to enraged, but I still don't get it. Mel moved to kneel infront of me again and what he said next felt like someone had stabbed me right through my heart "I'm so sorry darling, she poisoned you to a point of not being able to conceive" I feel sick. How is that possible? Why would she do that? "No.. no whoever told you that must have been lying trying to get in your head.. you know she would never do that" I cry "I'm so sorry" he said but no, I don't believe it "no she wouldn't" and I'm sure he's mistaken "darling.. she told me, she laughed about it. I'm sorry." I can't hold in my tears and screams. Crying for the life of being a mother lost, I cry for my lost babies. How could she, I loved her, cared for her. I cry and cry and cry until I have no tears left. I sit up and wipe my face. "She's dead and gone, and I'll never give her a thought again. She is nothing to me and I wash her from my heart" was all I could say "there's more my darling love" but how could there be more "I'm not sure I can handle more Mel" I say sadly "you can handle anything Gill" Zaria says as she too is being comforted by her mate. "She had a daughter, she wanted a boy so when the daughter was a teen she gave her to Achlys" I gasped what kind of mother does that. My heart breaks for our niece, a niece I knew nothing about "we need to go get her" I say standing up fuming at that woman "he killed her a few years back my love but not before she gave birth to 2 beautiful girls, twins" she had twins "then we leave now to go get them" I say just as determined but he smiled "my love you have already met them" he said and my brain goes haywire already met them but I haven't met any twins except "Layla and Lilley" I whisper "yes, they are our nieces, that must be one of the reasons they are powerful as they have royal blood. We have to travel to the vampires and explain," Mel says, and that explains the pull to the girls that we feel. We are family.
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