trying to help

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Kylie POV Freddy was standing in the doorway shocked. Anton is Maddys dad. I never met him, but from what Freddy has told me, he was just as sick as Achlys. He must have been to do this to his own daughter, chaining her to a room until she is given to Achlys. There must be more to this than meets the eye, but I shift my focus to Maddy. "It's ok, he won't ever be coming back here, Maddy," I say, and she looks unsure. "How can you be sure?" she asks quietly, and I'm not sure what to say. "We were in battle to help everyone here, and I killed him," explained Freddy from the doorway. She cried. Cried and cried, and I sat with her with my arms around her. 'I will go, see if we can somehow get help,' Freddy says in our link. 'ok love,' I replied. He looked so worried. 'Is she ok?. Maybe I should have been more sensitive.' he's upset he has made her cry. 'It's ok, my love, it's a lot to process,' and he leaves the room. We sit there a while as Maddy cries it all out. When she quietens down, I take a breath "Maddy" I say, hoping she doesn't hold it against Freddy for long. He's had enough hate and anger sent his way to last him a lifetime. "We are sorry, Anton was.. erm he was.." I'm finding it so hard to find an acceptable word that is the truth but also that doesn't upset her more "a monster" she said and I was relieved she knew, I'd never want to shattered the image of a dad to any child. "Yes he was, I thought you might have seen him differently because you are so upset and I didn't want to upset you more" I explain but she gives me a small smile and shakes her head no "I sound awful but those were tears of relief and happiness not sadness" she says as she looks down embarrassed "that's not awful at all, none of us know what you have been through but we would never judge you, ever" I explain but she doesn't look convinced "he was my dad and I wished him dead daily, even prayed for it" she looks so guilty. I take her hand and give her a few minutes. "I was kidnapped as a baby and dumped at a horrible place. I, too, prayed that both of them died so we could leave that horrible place. It's normal especially when that person is cruel and unworthy of our positive thoughts and love" after I finished she looked at me stunned so I carried on "Achlys is Freddys dad, not that Freddy would admit that but Achlys was a despicable person who didn't earn the right to be called dad, in fact he didn't earn the right to be respected, to be called leader especially King. He was cruel to everyone he met, and I killed him. I will do anything to protect my mate, to protect all of you," and she is in shock. And started crying again. We sit and talk for a while, she fills me in on how she has lived in this room for as long as she can remember, she doesn't know who her mum is and how Anton was mean to her. He was starving her and laughed when she begged to be free. Maddy also said that a woman came into do the magic chain. She was so scary and mean. The woman did magic so she couldn't escape. All she kept saying to her is that she needed to stay pure and unscathed for the ritual to give salvation to them all. Anton explained to Maddy a few weeks ago what was going to happen, well he more gloated and laughed rather than actually explained. Maddy would be married to Achlys after he would get her pregnant, and when she had the baby, she would be sacrificed. When I asked how that would bring anyone salvation, Maddy explained that the woman was going to use her magic to guarantee that Maddy would carry and birth a hybrid of untold strength. All I keep thinking was I'm so happy we have found and saved Maddy before she can be used and abused by HIM. My stomach turned when Maddy was explaining everything, but I tried to keep my face neutral, I didn't want her to think I was judging her in any way. What I don't understand, though, is that a woman used to bring her food and drink. Not every day, but when Anton allowed it. Not one person here has told us about Maddy. No one has brought her anything in days. The only explanation I can come up with is that the woman helping with food and drinks was at the battle. That would explain it, plus Maddy said the woman was cruel. Mocking her, laughing, and calling her names, I'm glad that person isn't here. I'm so happy we have found Maddy. I'm just so sad we didn't get here sooner. Freddy came back but looked defeated. I'm not sure what we are going to do. We can't seem to figure it out. We are sat trying to come up with a solution, and after an hour or so, Freddy looked at me, and I could feel fear and uncertainty through our bond. "I know what we must do, but I really don't want to," he said, taking a deep breath. "What is it?" I ask but I have an inkling of what he's on about "the vision Layla had wasn't them just coming was it" he said closing his eyes shut and rubbing his hands down his face in frustration "I don't think so" I say and he stands and leaves. He's worried, but I know he will do what he must to save this girl. She is one of us, and we won't give up on her.
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