2009 Words
JOSH'S APARTMENT Josh had been sleeping on the couch waiting for his girlfriend Cindy and the wedding planner to come over so that they could finalize on his suit and a few other things like the decorations because they had both differed on the type of decor they wanted. Cindy had been influenced by her mother all along as she insisted on a big classy wedding claiming that her daughter was only getting married once and so she deserved the best. Both Cindy and Josh came from a well off family and their families had high expectations as far as the wedding was concerned. It was a bit hard to get them on board with whatever Ideas they both had. Josh had been nervous the entire time, he kept breaking his sleep to check his phone after he had the invitations sent to Hailey and their friends. He was expecting her to storm into the apartment and cause chaos but so far, nothing had happened. He had every other person congratulating him but her and that kept him wondering if she had really seen the invite. Not that he had expected a congratulatory message but it would make him relieved if he got a response or a reaction. Marrying Cindy was a big decision and it sure came out of the blues. Josh had introduced Hailey to his family before and not everyone in the family loved her. Two of Josh's sisters didn't care about that relationship and the eldest even called her a gold digger.. Hailey didn't come from the well off type of a background but she had known what it meant to work hard and earn a living since her mother had left her with three of her other siblings that she had practically raised on her own from teenage hood. When stan met Hailey, she was so broken and so wasted that no one thought she would amount to anything. She worked two jobs but still, the money was not enough to cater for the bills leave alone paying for her siblings fees. When Josh met her, she was a different women and had Josh's sisters seen her then, they would have done everything possible to make sure the relationship failed. She hated them too and when Josh saw the bad reception Hailey got from her family, he suggested the blood covenant so that none of them could leave and that their love would last forever.They did not tell anyone else about the covenant they had made and when Josh's family heard Josh was marrying someone else, they literally organized a party to celebrate and welcome Cindy to the family. Josh heard the door and he opened his eyes and sat up when he saw Cindy walk in holding shopping bags in her arms. She was closely followed by two ladies, one was her friend Zoe and the wedding planner..Her name was Claudia. "Babe, I'm home" Cindy announced as she dropped the shopping bags on the floor then walked up to him, sat next to him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Claudia and Zoe showed themselves to the other seat waiting for the moment to get less awkward. Cindy introduced the wedding planner as Josh already knew Zoe. The wedding planner pulled out some magazine and after a few discussions she started making suggestions on what would work best but Josh still seemed distracted. Babe everything okay?. Cindy asked when she noticed that Josh's attention was drifting and he seemed to have had alot in mind. "Babe, can you and your friend handle this, I've got to take care pf something urgently" He didn't wait for Cindy ro respond because the last thing he needed was for her to beg him to stay. Josh had a weakness of giving in everytime Cindy bat her eyelashes with the cute puppy dog eyes. He planted a kiss on her cheek then hurriedly left the house having grabbed his car keys from the key holder. Josh sat in his car with his phone in his hand contemplating whether or not to call Hailey and after thinking long and hard, he decided to go and see her. She deserved and explanation and he needed to see her one more time before his wedding to Cindy. Josh turned on some music and drove off to Hailey. On the night of their first date when Hailey invited Josh for a cup of coffee, the coffee never made it to the table, not that evening and certainly not after Hailey dared Josh to stop talking and they ended up kissing. Hailey pushed him back and he lay on the couch and she got on top of it. Josh was so excited about that moment that he held her tight and rolled on to the floor so that they could both get comfortable. He kissed her neck and gently caressing her thighs as she unbuckled his belt and kissed his chest. There were soft moans when the kisses got deeper and nothing could stop them at that moment. Hailey was trying to get over Stan and for Josh, it was just another s*x but this time with a woman he was actually attracted to. "Stop!" Hailey stopped kissing him and Josh stopped on confusion, they had not had s*x just yet but they were headed there when Hailey pulled away from him. "Did I do something?" He asked sitting up from his lying position. He supported his head with his hand and looked deep into Hailey's eyes, they were teary and she couldn't help but fan her face to keep the tears from falling. "You didn't do anything, I'm sorry. I can't do this" She tried to get up but Josh took her hand in his and moved closer. "You think we are going too fast?" He had a concerned look on his face and she shook her head then looked away. "I thought I could just move on from everything but i can't. I mean i enjoy kissing you but what if its not the right thing to do?" He made a sigh then Moved even closer and put his arm around her and kissed her on the fore head. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you were not ready and when you unbuckled my belt I thought..." She raised her face and looked at him. She didn't know how to tell him that all she could see and think about at that moment was Stanley her ex lover. "I wanted to but, we don't know each other that well. For me its never just s*x and I'm sorry i gave you the wrong impression" He smiled then hugged her again. "I will wait until you can comfortably do it with me. I will wait because I like you alot Hailey and i want to get to know you." He said getting up and pulling her up as well. He buckled up his belt and Hailey was standing there staring thinking of how disappointed josh might have been with her that night. Why did she even invite him over and why did she dare him to a kiss of she never really wanted to?. "I know i made this awkward. I'm so sorry" "Don't be." He pulled her in for a hug then announced that he was leaving. He couldn't stay after what he felt like a rejection but he was josh and it was her loss. No one really rejected him and the waiting crap was just to make Hailey feel like she was special, the truth is, for him s*x was like a phone call away and women couldn't wait to find themselves in his bed. The drive to Hailey's place was quite smooth as there was no traffic on a Saturday afternoon. He pulled up by the parking then sat in his car for a second to gather himself before he got to face Hailey who by then had finished all the cleaning and was laying on her couch covered by a blanket watching a movie. She was stressed and for a moment she had a headache trying to wrap her head around everything that was going on in her life. When she heard the door, she got up and dragged herself along the corridor to go open and to her shock, Josh was standing right there. "Hey" Josh mumbled and Hailey stood there looking at him all confused. What the hell was he doing at her door, did he come to pluck her heart out literally? "I got your wedding invitation, is that what brought you?" "We need to talk, i need to explain that" Josh was nervous because he knew Hailey was hurt and nothing he said was going to change things. He wanted to see her in an attempt to explain his decision but Hailey almost slammed the door on his face but he blocked it. "Hailey I'm sorry, i should have told you" "Hell yeah, you should." She shouted making her way back into the house and he was right behind her. "You made a promise to me Josh, you made a promise never to leave me." "I know, but you are not exactly the easiest person to love. I have tried, we keep arguing and fighting over silly things. My family don't even like you and I got tired of defending you every other time." Hailey was already tearing up. Josh's words cut so deep and knowing that josh resented her was the last straw. She loved him and he promised to protect her and fight for her. "Leave my house Josh" Her tone was filled with pain. She grabbed the wedding invite and pushed it to his chest. "Get out!" She walked back to the door, opened it and waited for him to get out. Josh walked out without another word and after Hailey closed the door, she broke down profusely and cried her heart out. Her face was messed up and her heart was shattered yet again. Back at Josh's apartment, Cindy, zoe and the wedding planner were having a good time, she had made a choice on a the pending area and they were now making a toast. Cindy was the type that made her life known on social media and everyone knew just how elegant the wedding was going to be because she could not stop talking about it with exaggeration that left everyone waiting to see how the wedding would turn out. Zoe had alot to deal with as far as Cindy's ego was concerned but she stuck around because of the gifts and flashy lifestyle Cindy had introduced her to. She enjoyed driving Cindy's car around and eating in big restaurants and having come from a poor family she could not join the clique that hated Cindy because of the handouts. "I should get going girls, I have to get a few things done before the day ends and I'll leave you two to your blissful moment" The wedding planner said as she collected her magazines from the table and flashed a smile at both. That was one of the toughest wedding she had got to plan because the bride was very indecisive and arrogant at times, how did Josh's family even get to like her?. "Great, I'll see you soon" Cindy walked her to the door and then came back to zoe. She launched herself on the couch and made a long sigh like she had been tired of having the wedding planner around and her exit was a relief. "You seem happy, everything is coming out just as you planned." Zoe said adding some more wine into her glass. "Of cause darling, Josh's family is rich and they agree to everything i want. Soon, I'll be the queen to that kingdom" Her smile was not so genuine and she had evil written all over her face. What was she really upto?.. "What does that even mean?" "You will know when the time comes."
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