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Stanley got to the hospital and found out that Abby's friends had already left and so it was just she and him. He still seemed nervous but he could not hide the excitement in his face. He put the food on the trolley besides Abby's bed then walked up to the cot where the baby was sleeping. He stared at her and adored how tiny and beautiful she was. Abby lay on the bed quietly observing her and when he turned to help serve her food, their gaze met and Stanley avoided her like he was guilty about something. "Took you long enough, did you have a hard time preparing the food?" Stanley sat on a chair besides the bed and started to unpack the food. "Leave it, I won't be eating now. My mother came and she had also prepared me some food" He had a disappointed look on his face but still did not say much. Abby had told everyone that she and Stanley had gotten married in a secret wedding and that Stanley didn't want to go through the process of engagement and stuff because he knew he had found the one. Stanley had no choice but to do a photo shoot with Abby so that they could both have wedding photos to show and act all happily married but to Stanley that was not marriage and it was only pretence. He heard Hailey call Abby his wife several times and that's when he knew that the title had stuck and there was not much he could do about it. He never disputed because from the look of things, she had fought so hard to earn that spot. Stan and Abby had been fighting alot and that is what kept him from engaging or even marrying her the way he ought to have done in the first place. "You seem to be very quiet, you have barely said a word now and you barely said a word earlier. What is going on with you?" "Nothing . I wish you just called to tell me that it was not necessary for me fo cook. It would have saved me the trouble." "Wow !. So you find it a bother preparing food for me, it's almost like you regret being here as well. Did i do something?" "No you did not. I'm fine." There was a bit of a silence as Abby turned her face from him. She seemed upset about something and Stanley could not tell what was going on in her mind. Abby was always very explosive and her silence scared him. "My mother asked when you are officially marrying me as your wife because we both know what we had was not marriage. I had to tell her the truth when she condemned me for getting married without the parents consent." "And whose ideas was it, who started spreading those stupid rumors?" Stanley was calm even as he threw bombs at her because he didn't want to upset her but the truth was he could nolonger care about the marriage. He didn't want to continue staying in the pretence marriage because the woman he truly loved was his ex girlfriend who also happened to be Abby's best friend. It was a f****d up situation. "I'm sorry i acted out of a place of jealousy, i had to do something to keep the hawk eyed w****s from throwing themselves at you. You agreed to the photo shoot and playing pretence didn't you?" "Because i had no choice damn it. You put me in a spot that i could not say no to what tou wanted. You wanted me ro look like the bad person yet I tried to do things the right way. Didn't you reject my first proposal?" "Because i knew you were not over her and i was just some rebound love. I wanted you to be sure its me you loved. Was that roo much to ask for?" They seemed like they were in some sort of a yelling match that was not going to end soon. Stanley was tired of the back and forth between he and and Abby and he wanted out of that relationship long ago only that he had to make sure that she safely gave birth to the baby before he broke the news to her so that she would not harm the baby. "I can't do this right now. I'm sorry." He got up from his seat and and went to see the baby one more time. He planted a kiss on her forehead and started ro walk away but Abby called his name and he turned to look at her. She was already tearing up in an attempt to make him feel guilty or maybe it was genuine tears no one could tell. She was a good actress alot of times and she was in the act of manipulating situations and people. "Is this about another woman?" He could not tell her about his love for Hailey, a love that never died and a love that came back strong and knocked him out when he realized that things didn't work between Josh and Hailey. He was not happy that she was hurting but he had at some point said a prayer Hoping the relationship never got anywhere because he loved her and he wanted her back into his life. God had granted his wish snd he was not going to take chances. "I'm going to speak to the nurse and make payments so that you get discharged as soon as you are cleared tomorrow" She did not say another word to.her but watched him walk out then she broke down too. She could not fathom the thought of another woman because she had fought so hard ro keep the man. What else did he want?. Josh got back to the apartment and Cindy had prepared dinner. Zoe had left and Cindy seemed a little bit more excited about how the day had turned out. She couldn't wait to tell Josh the changes she had made in hope that he would be as excited but he was gloomy and so unmotivated. "What happened out there babe?" He calmly sat on the couch and leaned back holding his beards like he was thinking about something.. Cindy walked up to him and stood before him staring and wondering what could have happened that left him in that state. "Are you okay?" Her voice awakened him from his trans and he shook his head and said he was okay. She didn't ask again but sat down next to him and gently rubber his thighs. "I can make you het off that foul mood. All you have to do is ask" She planted a kiss on his neck and her hands were already grabbing his d*ck from the trousers. He leaned his head back and she kissed his neck while she unbuckled the belt. The idea was to give him a quick head but that was interrupted by a call that came through his phone. He gently pushed her aside then reached for the phone from his pocket and it was Stanley. Cindy did not stop despite the distraction from the call. She pulled down the zipper and did what she knew how to do best. Cindy had been a stripper and so spicing up the bedroom was not something new to her. "Stanley, what's up?" He said in a not so excited tone because he knew what was coming up. He was going to ask him about the wedding and he was not ready to give explanations. He was infact very angry at him because Stanley was part of the reason he walked out on Hailey despite his womanizing tendencies.. "We need to meet up over a beer or something, I heard you are getting married" "Yeah i sent yoh and Abby a card." "I must have missed that because Abby has been in the hospital, she gave birth today." "Oh s**t!" Josh couldn't help it when Cindy's tongue tickled him. He pushed her head and closed his eyes trying not to moan on the phone. " Sorry, what was that?" "I'm sorry, I tripped over something, that's good news and we should celebrate over beer. When should we meet?" "Tomorrow , 8:00 PM. At the usual spot." They agreed and when they were done with the conversation, Josh put the phone away but Cindy was done with her mischief. "I'll get you some wipes" She got up from her knees and walked away leaving Josh gasping for air. That was one of the reasons he loved Cindy, she never held back when it came to making love or showing her skills. With Hailey he had good s*x but that was just it.. Hailey had taken a shower and sank under a blanket on her couch watching tv and feeling sorry for herself when a call came through her phone. She lazily reached for ot and it was Abby calling from the hospital. She then remembered that she was to get back when she was done with her meeting that never got to happen because it was a lie. "Hey girl" She pretended not to have been feeling like crap but what met her was a crying Abby from the other end of the phone. "Abby are you okay?" "It's stan" She said between her sobs and Hailey made a sigh like she knew things had gotten bad ro worse. Did Stanley tell her about them?. "What happened?" Her voice was very calm but she had her fingers crossed then Stanley had not blown up their cover. "I feel like Stanley doesn't want me anymore, he has been cold towards me and i thought it was because of my mood swings during the pregnancy but that's not it." "Have you talked to him, maybe you just need to tell him how you feel." "There was a silence then followed by " I don't know how to do that when he won't even look at me. Do you think he is seeing someone else, Maybe he found comfort in someone else's arms when i gave him hell of a time." How could Hailey talk to her about Stan with all the guilt she was feeling inside because she was the other woman Abby was talking about. She and Stanley made out a thousand times when Abby was pregnant and she could not tell her that. "Calm down Abby, you should not be stressing out because its not good for you or the baby. You both need to sit down and talk about your issues. He is your husband and he ought to listen." "Yeah about that, I lied." "About what" "About Stan and I getting married. We never did." "You are kidding me" Hailey couldn't hide the shock that cane with that. If you had seen Abby flaunt her ring and brag about her husband to everyone that could listen, you would understand the shock in Hailey voice. "I'm not kidding, I wanted this perfect picture of me and Stan and so I made it all up and convinced him to play along. We were never husband and wife" Hailey took a deep breath. She was low key happy that there was never a marriage but why didn't Stanley say anything when she attacked him after she had seen the photos Abby showed them. He never even disputed when she called her his wife. "I'm sorry Abby but like i said, you can't be stressed out right now. Calm down, give Stan a minute and he'll come around, they always do." "You think so?" "You have made him a father Abby, men love children and that could be a reason for him to look at things differently." "I really needed to hear that from a friend" She wiped her tears and after saying goodnight, she ended the call then kept her phone away and moved closer to the baby's crib. She stared at her little girl and tears fell again. Abby wanted a perfect marriage, she wanted to be loved and appreciated, she wanted to be a mother so bad and she made it happen but was this the begging of her nightmare?. She picked her baby up and gently held her in her arms then kissed her on the forehead. Only then had it dawned on her that maybe this love thing between her and Stan was forced and he couldn't care if the cute little one existed. I will fight for you my sweet little angel, i will fight any woman that has her claws on your daddy because i promised you a good life and that's all i intend to give you. Your father thinks he has seem the limit to my madness but i dare him fo confess there is another woman. I dare him. Her smile turned to a frown as fast as she had said those words. She had no idea what was waiting for her.
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