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Hailey got back home and reality hit her yet again that Josh was getting married. She launched herself on the couch yet again and grabbed the envelope from the seat and checked the card again. He was getting married to a lady called Rosette. Hailey had never heard of her before because if she was a workmate or something of that sort, Josh would have mentioned her. "Who the hell is she and where the hell did she come from?" She asked getting up them she walked to the kitchen to fix herself something to eat as she had left the house a bit early when she took Abby to hospital. She had not had breakfast and she had only halfway cleaned the house. There was no meeting she was attending, that was her way of getting away from Abby's presence before she could sense anything between she and Stan. Hailey checked the fridge for some leftovers from the party and just as she was about to put it in the microwave, the door bell rang and echoed inside the house. She left the food and hurried to the door because the noise from the bell somehow irritated her and she didn't want it ringing several times. She got to the door, turned the knob and pulled it open, it was Stan. She turned around and walked away leaving him standing by the door. Stan coming to see her was certainly a bad idea. He ought to have been with his girlfriend at the hospital. Stanley ushered himself in and stood in the middle of the living room right Infront of her. "You should not be here" "I know. But i had to check on you" "I'm fine" She nervously rubbed her hands together. "Are you, because that is not what it looked like at the hospital, I'm sure Abby could tell that you were not" "And what if I'm not, do you think Abby will be thrilled to know we have been hooking up behind her back and banging even a few days to her delivery, do you think she will be happy if she knew you were here instead of being at the hospital with her and your baby?" Hailey was worked up and Stan had to find away to calm her down. He let her say everything she wanted to say then watched her catch her breath. "I care about Abby and you know that, I also hate it when you are hurting because I love you Hailey, what am I supposed to do?. "How about you go and be with the mother of your child and show some support. She needs you more than I do." There was a bit of a silence between them. Hailey couldn't look at him another second so she turned around and walked to the kitchen. She went to continue what she had started before Stan could do or say something to make her strip for him again because Stan had a way of turning her on just by staring at her. He followed her into the kitchen and leaned on the door frame watching her warm the food and when she turned around he was standing right there. "I love you." She did not respond to that and for that reason he walked in and stepped too close that she could feel his body brush against hers. He lifted her from the floor and sat her on the kitchen counter. He leaned in on her with both hands on the counter and he could literally hear her heart beat..she didn't know what she was feeling at the moment but Stan being that close was always the beginning of her bad decisions. "Do you know how it felt seeing you with josh, holding hand, kissing and laughing at his Corny jokes?" She maintained her silence and her gaze that was intact on his..she felt goosebumps and butterflies in her belly. "It made me feel like someone had ripped my heart off my chest and all that was left is pain, pain I tried to cover for by dating and marrying Abby but the truth is I'm not in love with her." "Does she know that?" "She does know I care about her and that she is my wife. I think she also knows that my heart is with someone else." "Does she know who?" "No she does not otherwise she would have already confronted you. She's asked several times if I'm in love with someone else" He was rubbing his hands on her hips the entire time he was talking. He was standing too close that Hailey could not come down from the counter. When she and Stan parted ways, it broke her and she also couldn't wrap her head around him being with another woman but in order to forget him, she hooked up her best friend with Stan and she thought they were both doing okay until they met alone, the sparks still ignited between them and they just couldn't keep off. "Stan you have a baby with her now, our lives are nothing like what they were before. We can't continue like this." " I know, the baby happened during one of those moments I felt vulnerable. I was a total wreck over you and Josh. I did not think you would move on that fast." "We both did, I had to somehow find a way of moving on from us. Isn't that what you wanted?" He did not respond to that but he kisses her. He wrapped his hand around her waist and kissed her so deeply she gasped for her breath. He mopped her lips with his tongue and caressed her hips and butt. Hailey too unbuttoned his shirt then kissed his neck as ran her hands all over his body. He carried her from the kitchen counter with her legs wrapped around his waist. He took her to her bedroom and put her on the bed, he pulled off his shirt and unbuckled his trousers and let it fall to his feet. Hailey tied her hair in a bun then laid on her back and pulled Stan on top of him when he climbed to the bed. Back at the hospital, two of the friends who were at the baby shower showed up to congratulate Abby on the birth of her baby. Becky had been Abby's friend for two years since they worked in the same company and Laura was the mutual friend between she and Hailey. They were excited about Abby's new progress and so they bought balloons, some flowers and car. Becky set the flowers besides the table as Laura tied the balloons on the edge of her bed. She looked so in love with the little human in her arms. "Oh how cute" Laura said taking a peek at the baby that was nicely wrapped up in a shawl. "Hailey told us it's a girl, does she have a name yet?" "No , Becky, Stan and I had noted a few names and i think we will name her together." So where is he. I thought he would be here" That was Becky, she was always straight to the point with whatever she wanted to know. "He was here with Hailey earlier. Hailey went for a meeting and Stan went home to get me a clean set of clothes and he also said he was going to prepare something for me.. I hate hospital food" They talked and laughed as Abby told them how dramatic she had gotten during the labor. The pain almost drove her insane that morning before Hailey took her to the hospital, there was no dance she had not performed to a non-existing audience in Hailey's room that morning. Childbirth was like a horror movie to Laura, she was scared of giving birth but when she saw Abby's little girl, she was excited about being a mother and the two ladies couldn't stop telling her how fulfilling the feeling of being a mother was. Hailey and Stan both lay on bed covered with a sheet as stan played with Hailey's hair. At that point, nothing else excited. It was just them. Hailey needed the s*x to help her get her mind off Josh and his wedding for a few minutes before she figured out what her next move would be because Stan and the s*x was not the answer. It was only as beautiful when Abby was still in the dark. It was only going to be a matter of time. "This has to stop Stan, we cannot continue like this. This is the last time you and I are having sex." "Are you sure about that?" He asked drawing circles on her chest and teasing her with light kisses an her neck. To let him know she was, she pushed him off her then quickly got out of bed wrapped a sheet around herself and asked him to leave. He sat up in bed and stared at her. "I mean it Stan, go be with your wife and your newborn." "Are you sure that is what you really want, it did not seem like it a few minutes ago when you were pushing me deep inside of you and digging your nails in my back moaning and asking me not to stop" She did not argue with him because he was right, when she said those words she meant them because that's what he did to her. He made her want him so bad she could not stop saying how much she had longed for him and all those other things she said when she was not thinking straight. She let the sheet drop off her then she grabbed a towel and headed straight to the bathroom. She turned on the shower and started scrubbing herself before she broke down in tears. She did not want her life to turn out the way it did. Josh was marrying another woman and Stan, she had completely lost him too because she was never going to go between him and the responsibility of raising his baby. How could she be so selfish to deprive the little girl an opportunity to grow up with both parents?. She would want that for her baby and that was the best time to break off whatever ties she had with stan. She was devastated. Hailey was talking long in the bathroom and so Stan decided to take his shower in the guest bedroom before he dressed up and took off without goodbye. He knew Hailey was mad about how everything turned out but what was he supposed to do. He could not abandon Abby and the baby but he deep down wished he could have Hailey back now that Josh was moving on with his life. He sat in his car quietly driving home to prepare a meal for Abby as he had promised. His mind was all over the place, he remembered seeing his little girl for the first time and it was a good feeling. He wanted to see her and hold her again but was he really in love with Abby as she was with him, Hailey looked serious when she said she was done but was he?.. all along he had been so careful not to get Abby pregnant and he kept wishing that Josh would screw up so bad that Hailey would eventually leave him but that never happened. They were always breaking up and making up and most of those times, they found comfort in each other's arms and Stan felt like there was hope. Hailey was finally free from Josh but he was now entangled in a baby mama and newborn situation that he was not going to get out of anytime soon. "Damn it!" He hit the steering wheel expressing the disappointment in himself. He should not have made Abby pregnant. A few hours later, Stan had prepared Abby's favorite meal. He packed it up in a container then packed a few clothes Abby had left at his place to mark her territory. Girls did that alot just so that a man would not bring another woman into their house. According to Abby, she had won Stan over and she had been waiting for him to propose but either way, the baby happened and that was going to take longer than expected. Stan had never spoken openly about his ex to Abby and whenever she would ask, he made sure Hailey's name stayed out of it. The same went for Hailey and Josh, Josh thought Hailey was being secretive and that brought about an insecurity that made them make a blood covenant that no one was supposed to leave the other. None of them was aware of the consequences of the blood covenant they had made but they would soon find out.
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