Chapter 3. Learning

773 Words
"Danger," Aniyha said again ... "Zaria, what's wrong? You look worried," Taryn asked. "Yea did scarface freak you out, girl?" Jess said with a smile on her face. Marcus stood up and came over and settled in between me and Taryn, holding his biceps up."dont worry, girls, I will protect my ducklings." smirking, he flexed his arms next to his head, kissing each muscle. He pressed his arms in my face, laughing. "We can't call him scarface," I said, pushing Marcus against Taryn .He eagerly leaned against Taryn, only inches from her face, they both smiled. As much as I love him, in the hot sun, his armpits just smelled worse.My friend smelled like cheese to me. "I have been smelling him since I woke up," Aniyha said cheeky. "Then why dont you just go back to sleep!" I snapped out loud. Everyone froze.. Did I just say that out loud? I could not believe I said that out loud... "Zaria? you okey?" Jess asked, concerned .My friends eyes were locked on me, confusion written on their faces.I was scared they could see through my lie. "I'm fine, guys. I am just stressed about some stuff." I smiled, hoping they would just let it go. "They know you are lying" Aniyha growled at me.I just rolled my eyes. Marcus and Taryn still had their eyes on me, but Jess already moved her gazed to the bartender that was heading our way with the cocktails. "Aw yes, just what we all needed on this fine afternoon!"Jess said happily. Marcus gave me a stern look before he turned his attention to the cocktails, and Taryn also moved her gaze towards our bartender . "grrrrrrrrrrrr"...Aniyha growled, and it felt as if she would take control of my body ... My body started to tense up. He had an awful stench. I realized with some surprise that Aniyha might be right, that something about this man had me feeling unsafe and in danger. I closed my eyes and prayed." Please dont let me lose my marbels here," "Please let me explain to you ,Zaria. I am your wolf, and I need to protect you." Her voice was calming and almost hypnotic. I felt an instant relief when she spoke. You are a mental disorder that I need to take care off, its been fun being crazy but it is done now. "You are not crazy," the voice replied. Good, the crazy answering the crazy. The bartender came closer with the tray full of cocktails,It was our usual.We have been ordering sunrises everytime we were here and it has become an habit to stop at our favorite spot before heading up to the villa to change and recharge for the night life. I was amazed by how easily fantasy and reality intertwined when we relaxed at our spot,but the precence of the man made me feel unwelcomed.My eyes were on the waves that played on the shore.A saw a little crab that ran across the beach. Jess leaned towards the bartender,of course making sure he had a full view of her breasts peaking through her bikini."What can we call you?" Jess said sweetly, this man was not her tipe but he was male, and all men could be her tipe. "Yes, what's your name?" Marcus asked, trying to divert the bartender's eyes away from his sister display. "Wayan... or scar-face."He said with a straight face, showing no emotion. Our eyes all widened with fear... Did he hear us? It was impossible he was too far to have heard us, or we spoke louder than we thought."He is a wolf" Aniyha was sure of herself. An uncomfortable silence filled the air.Only the seagulls were making a low, piercing 'keow' He smiled. He had a corrupted smile, and his smile did not meet his eyes. I felt Aniyha stirr in my mind as if she wanted to rip him apart.I felt her anger towards this man.How is it possible that I could feel her anger? Taryn adjusted herself on her towel and looked at the bartender."We did not mean to offend you, sir," and we all nodded in agreement. His face was still emotionless. "We were simply curious."Marcus said with a smile. trying to ease the tension. Wayan stared blankly at me,I felt exposed, I felt the hatred in his black eyes.They had a cold and vicious attraction."It is fine,I have been called worse" He said and he moved closer to us with the tray full of drinks. "He is dangerous,Zaria" Aniyha said. For the first time since Aniyha started speaking to me, I believed her this Wayan was dangerous.
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