
The hidden warrior


Zaria Johnson was having a getaway with her friends on the beautiful Bali islands.It was magical until Zaria started to lose her mind. A voice in her mind, questioning her sanity, Zaria tried everything in her power to ignore the voice, but when she met Elion Alexzandria, a whole new unnatural world was opened. The voice in her mind was not her imagination. It was her wolf Aniyha.

Not knowing her werewolf heritage and not knowing the danger that follwed her, she could only put her fate and trust in Elion, a stranger that called himself her alpha mate. How would she survive in a world she did not understand?

How could she protect herself, not knowing her own past.

Should she give herself to the handsome stranger with the dark brown eyes that could turn golden, or should she run from the darkness that waited in the shadows?

She also did not know that her past would soon return and send her in a whole different direction, tearing her away from all the things she holds dear.

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Chapter 1.Friends
I watched the unending grains of white and golden sand that stretched for miles.The palm trees were swaying, back and forth in the ocean breeze.The crystal clear water was shimmering with the sun rays reflecting of it.It was breathtaking.I felt the warm sun on my face and I welcomed it. "Zaria! Let's get the carriage with the brown horse, " Jess yelled .My attention was brought back to the busy street where we waited to be assigned a horse carriage to take us to our beachside Lodge.The sundowner. I really love my friends, and spending three weeks at the Bali Islands with them was nothing more than perfect. I just turned twenty-two, so we decided a vacation and birthday getaway before we get back to our daily lives would be fantastic. We neended a well-deserved break from London and her loomy weather. Jess was standing next to the horse carriage she had her dark black hair in a knot on her head, effortless and flawless. She was already in her swimsuit and shorts, and of course, her spanish blood gave her a body that would make any man drool. I knew when we met that she was a coquette, but I admit I always envied her self-confidence and the way she could dress to impress.She had a lot of style and always put in alot of effort into her looks. Next to her was Taryn, Taryn was the same height as Jess. She had chestnut hair down to her shoulders with beautiful green eyes. Next to Jess, you could see that she had a more modest personality. She was wearing a pink top with her denim shorts and white flipflops.She was a saint compared to our Spanish Nena. Marcus loved that Taryn was the opposite of his sister, and I saw that he grew more fond of her every day. Marcus was our own personal body guard, and being Jess's big brother, his service came free.I on the other hand, was quite different from my girlfriends.I had fair skin and light blond hair, with pale blue eyes.My father was French and mother British so I was the perfect combination of pale milk. I always envied my friends with their dark and lovely features, compared to them, I looked like a ghost.I never wore tight fitting clothes and loved my summer dresses. I always preferred more natural style.I wore a brown bodice style sleeveless dress and my long hair hung over my shoulders and stopped at my waist, I took pride in my long hair. I was standing in the sun next to our carriage. Marcus was loading the horse carriage, putting our luggage on top of each other with not much effort. When he first heard about our little trip, he started hitting the gym every day, and of course, it started to show. His black hair flopped over his sweaty brow. concealing his green eyes... As he took the last of the bags, his muscles tensed beneath his green button-up shirt.I turned my head and watched the locals go on their morning routines few of them were caring baskets of fish others were cleaning infront of their small shops and a feeling of bliss entered my body. Everything seemed to move in a slower pace here. "You are perfect." A voice went off in my head... "Who said that?" I whispered... "I am Aniyha, and I am your wolf." With terror in my eyes, I searched for the voice that had me questioning my sanity... Had I just spoken to myself? I frantically took my handbag and stood next to the carriage and searching through the dense crowd of people to see the face behind the voice.. No one was watching me.No one was speaking to me.I realised that my imagination was running wild.I turned my attention to our documentation.I quickly scrambled in my bag, trying to get our papers "Taryn,Zaria ,Jess, can the princesses please just come and check if all your bags are here?I am not in the mood to come back all the way, if someone lost there precious shoes or anything like that." Marcus's voice startled me for a second as I looked up at him. Jess came strolling past . and Taryn kissed the horse's snout before joining us ...We went through the luggage and made sure everyone had their phones, papers, and staying passes.Marcus suggested we take two carriages to take the load off the poor horses. Marcus would be going with the chestnut horse, and we girls would be riding with a grey horse carriage. When we climbed into our carriage, the scent of dust and hay filled my nostrils. it was overbearing..."What on earth are you doing, Zaria?" Jess said with an annoyed look while I pinched my nose closed. "Can't you smell that?" "don't be rude," Taryn said.I stopped and took a deep breath and wondered why the scent was so strong,I was interrupted by the powerful voice in my head."You can smell, taste, and do far more things than you could ever before," I stared blankly at my two friends who were chating away about the things we were planning to do. No one was near me... What on eath was happening to me, did I just hallucinate? Have my father's disease caught up to me? My uncle told me that my father had lost his mind.I hoped that I would never have to experience it, and it seemed fate had other plans. "I will never harm you, Zaria," the voice said. I indeed was losing my mind.

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