Chapter 4.Wayan

876 Words
The bartender gave everyone their drinks by hand, and then he placed my cocktail beside me.His sweaty brow and black eyes made him look like a villain. "Thank you," I replied, but I could not meet his eyes. Taryn was the first one to break the silence. "I am sorry if you heard us. We were just curious."She said softly.He straighten his back and locked eyes with everyone. "It's fine, I've had it for a while, so you get used to the questions.It was a wolf that attacked me a few years back." He calmly answered. Saying these words made me tense up."A wolf?" I asked, my voice trembling. Wayan stared into my eyes, and he spat the word "Yes." Was he trying to scare me? It could have been any kind of animal in the world, but it had to be a wolf. He gave a low smile and walked away. I stared at him while he walked back to the beach bar. We sat in silence for at least two minutes. The others took sips of their cocktails and stared at the ocean. "Can you believe this estúpido" Jess said, joking, while mixing her cocktail with her straw.I took my glass and stirred the fluid and watched the beautiful colors of red and orange mix turned into vermilion, it was beautiful.I brought the glass to my lips... "Don't," Aniyha growled. I stopped and watched the liquid in my glass slowly move in circles. Why?Why could I not even drink my own drink."Don't drink it, It does not feel right." Why is this voice so stubborn today.I looked at the glass in my hand and tried to bring it to my lips again. "Don't." her voice was stern, and for a moment, it felt like IT was trying to protect me. I stopped and put the glass down annoyed. Taryn, Jess and Marcus were sipping away on the delicious cocktails and it made me more angry than ever.The voice, the wolf telling me what I am allowed to do. I was not a child. "Guys, I'm going to head up. I'm really tired and would like to lay down for a few hours before we paint the island red again." I smiled, trying to convince them and myself I'm fine.Taryn looked at my full cocktail. "You didn't even touch your sunrise ,Zee" Taryn said, pointing to the glass. "I honestly just don't feel like drinking it today," I said and sighed.I stood up and stretched in the sun trying to get the tension out of my back. "More for me." Marcus said cheerfully and grabbed my glass,and with one gulp he finished my cocktail with a big smile.I took a few moments to take in the sight before me, it was amazing how the ocean calmed everything and yet the waves were powerful my eyes wondered to our little beachbar. Wayan was standing in the shade watching us. I felt so uncomfortable.As I turned, Marcus and Jess were in a mid argument trying to debate how they thought the bartender got his scar. "It can't be a car accident. There are no cars here," Jess hissed at Marcus."You understand they can leave the islands to go to Kuta or any other place?" Marcus said annoyed at his sister.Out of the two, Lopez's ,Marcus surely had more brain cells.Marcus looked at me with a facial expression that said ' Is she serious?' "Do you believe a wolf did that? Here on this island? He said. "We haven't even seen one dog or stray animal except can a wolf do that?" Jess said .I could feel Aniyha stirr up as soon as I smelled the bartender. "Bloody hell, I can smell him a mile away..." Aniyha growled again. "Maybe a chicken did it?" Taryn mumbled. We all burst out laughing.Taryn always knew how to stop conflict between them. "Maybe he was making a joke, but I'm leaving, I will catch you guys near the villa?" I said while putting my belongings back in my bag. "You're losing it,leaving a perfect cocktail, and your friends on this spectacular beach...I think I should have made a bet with my sister that you'd be the first,to lose their mind" Marcus said, looking at my face."Shutup Marcus, I think i just had too much sun and fun for today. I'm going to head back to our viĺla" Seeing that I was getting irritated, Jess hissed at me. "You were always the lightheaded one." While stretching out on her beach towel. I made a mocking face at Taryn and picked up my bag and towel. The specs of sands that clung to the towel went flying everywhere. "Zaria!!" All of the screamed in anger, the specs landed everywhere.With half a run, I left them and headed up to our villa. Just past the beach was a overgrown path we took. It had tall palm trees on the side and the path was scattered with sand and pebbles. "He is watching us," Aniyha whispered, and I felt the hate burning into my back. Why did this Wayan make me feel so uncomfortable, and why would he comment about a wolf... I walked towards the path and his scent burned my nose.
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