Chapter 5. Stranger

881 Words
I headed up to our villa.I enjoyed walking with my bare feet through the sand and pebbles.It didn't hurt, it tickled my feet. While I was walking I could smell the briny sea air and recognize the sounds of gulls squawking in the area. The path was almost enchanting. I loved nature, and I always felt content when I could escape the busy streets of London to sit in a park or go for a ride in the countryside.When I felt overwelmed I would turn to nature. "I need to explain to you what is happening, Zaria." The voice began... I quickly cut her off. "Shut up!" Since my feet touched the sandy shore, Aniyha came alive.The uneasy and soft voice in my mind kept getting louder and more frequent. Maybe I am losing my mind like Marcus said. "Zaria, you are not alone." Walking faster and ignoring the voice, I made my way up past the palm trees focusing on the path. "Zaria, I will never harm you." the voice said softly. "please just f**k off!" I spatted through my teeth. I suddenly stopped and looked around if anyone saw or heard me. "Aniyha is my name, and you dont have to be a b***h" Fine if I was losing my mind atleast I would live to know why I thought to myself. "Why are you talking to me?" I asked coldly. silence. "I don't know why, I have always tried to break free but I could not." I started to walk again...focusing on my steps. "I am Aniyha. and I have always been here. I was not able to communicate with you because you never learned to summon me, and you were not raised by your own wolfpack." I stood frozen on the path. Yes, I was raised by my father's brother and have not seen or heard from any family members, but that doesn't mean I'm broken. "I did not call you broken," "So I do not need to speak to you. You just read my mind?" I snapped back. "We are lycan,Zaria." Aniyha was silent for awhile before she continued. "We have been Lycan since birth" Aniyha said. Lycan, werewolves it sounded like a story out of a book."We must keep it a secret,Zaria.I am a wolf,but it is unsafe for us if humans knew we existed. Marcus,Taryn and Jess can not know. It is dangerous for us and for them. We need to protect them." I smiled at Aniyha. She really cared about my friends. I saw that I was nearly at the villa.I felt relieved, I wanted to continue the conversation behind closed doors. "I have been with you for a very long time, Zaria, but I was trapped" I held my bag and towel close to my chest and asked. "My parents were Lycan?" My strides grew smaller as I waited for the answer."We are purebred,yes." So I am living in a fantasy world, better not step on a fairy I sarcastically thought. Aniyha intrupted my sarcastic thought" I dont know about our parents but I know we are purebred.What you know I know,I sense things you can not" I noticed that I made it to the villa.Infront of our villa was a small frangipani it had a lovingly smell, for a second I just adored the beautiful flower. I stood infront of our villa door.taking a breath and started looking for the keys in my bag . Where did I put the keys?I kept digging in my bag,but could not find it. Irritated, I dropped all of my bags items on the ground and started to go through the items on my knees."Zaria, get up" Aniyha sounded cheerful all of the sudden.I felt a feeling of bliss wash over me. It was a strange feeling. A scent of invigorating honey and earthy oak almost knocked me over.The smell was the most comforting smell I have experienced, it covered me like a warm embrace. With instinct, I stood up and felt someone staring at me,I slowly turned around, and the deepest brown eyes met my pale blue eyes. I locked eyes with the stranger. His eyes held me captive.I noticed how he frowned for a second,and then his face soften again. "Mate," Aniyha purred. What's a mate? but I already knew the answer when I felt embers inside my heart started to glow.I was filled with desire.It felt like a knew this stranger. This stanger was almost a foot taller than me.His thick dark brown hair was neatly comped.His eyes were locked on mine.Was he searching for something? He's face was rough and appealing, he was inches from my face. I felt his warm breath on my skin.With my index finger, I gently pushed the handsome stranger away from me. "Excuse me?" I said softly. As he took a step back, I could see his broad shoulders, his earthy and musky scent swirled around him and I felt drawn to him, almost like a magnetic force. He was well-built but my eyes lingered to his hands next to his side, he had rugged large hands, for a moment I wondered how his hands would feel on my body.Aniyha purred in my mind... O wow, my mental disorder had a crush, great.I thought to myself.
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