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(Luis's POV) I knew it Shay was here to get her friend back out into the dating scene, not that I really cared...right? When I saw Melissa in that dress she looked really beautiful, and I could only imagine how much more beautiful once she was all ready. Every man's eyes will fall to her, I could see a little of what was under that dress. She had muscle, meaning she liked heavy exercise, she wasn't bulky but rather you could see the lean muscle. She had soft curves but amazing legs, making her look perfect. Why wouldn't men look in her direction...why wouldn't I? I shook my head as I laid in my bed, just letting my mind wonder, it even as far as thinking...how she feel under me... "Carajo!" I said out loud, I quickly got up, went to the shower and got in turning on only the cold, that killed me right off. This was getting dangerous I could see why she was so beautiful to Owen. I could see why he was so attracted to her, she was beautiful and smart, that really was a dangerous combination. After I got out I decided to step out side on the balcony, just looking out. If it wasn't for the fact that I didn't believe in love, maybe I could believe I could really be with Melissa, but what I was feeling and the way I'm reacting to her, why? I wanted to protect her, and hold her when she felt sad, in a way I was already doing that. Owen had emailed me when he first broke it off with Roxanne and his father disowned him. He was sure he father was capable of anything, we both never thought killing his son was an option. He had opened and investigation, and asked if anything happened to him, I would continue it. So far it wasn't good.  Jasper was taking money he didn't even have from the company, when Owen was working for him , he could cover it up a little, but once Owen was gone he couldn't replace the money fast enough, the one person the clients trusted was gone, and doing better then his father, Jasper didn't want that. We haven't found why or how Roxanne really snapped, or how Jasper had really caused it, and that's what we still needed to figure out. For now Melissa, could find some kind of peace and start a new. Just thinking of her smiling had me smiling to myself, but she wasn't for me. I couldn't give her what she needed, and I wasn't going to pretend to.The thought of her with an other man, had my anger going up, but I had to be realistic, she hated me and men like me, I will continue making her hate me, until she leaves. With that unhappy thought I went to bed. (Melissa's POV) The next week I learned a few things, the house was bigger then I thought, they had a pool, a small bar, a small place to ride horses, along with three horses, and a gym in the basement. and to my surprise they had boxing stuff, but they looked almost brand new. There were six bedrooms and like suites they each had their own bathroom, and there was a guest bathroom just a ways away from the dining room, which was a good fit for a big family, and an amazing kitchen were I actually was welcomed by the cooks and the three maids that worked there. One reminded me of my grandma, God rest her soul, they taught me a lot of the food they made for the family which was mainly fruits and vegetables and lean meats. mainly fish which I wasn't a fan of, but I ate what I could, and I even asked Mr. Garcia if he would mind if I used the gym, he was so much nicer then any other rich man I had ever met, apart from Mr. Rogers but one of the first nice rich men. When I told him i was into boxing he took sometime and hung out with me. He was impressed on how well I could punch, and he was also impressed of the fact I spoke three languages. "If I had a daughter I would wish she was a lot like you and Shay, you two are such accomplished young women." "Thank you sir." "What else do you do, do you work for a lawyer firm or personal assistant?" "No, sir, I come from a humble family, so I went into somewhat the medical field, I'm a physical therapist." "Still a good profession, linda, there's no shame in that, you're parents must be proud!" "It's just my father and he is, sir." "Ah, sorry, but anyway you're more then welcome to use the gym, the guys rather run in the mornings anyway." "Thank you sir." He left me to my owe activities, and I put in my ear buds and started to do my work out, I use to do when Owen and I would spar, I was so concentrated on my punching I didn't see anyone coming, until they tapped my shoulder, I swung around and found Mr. Pretty Face. I sighed and took out the ear buds from my ears. "I almost knocked your lights out." "You could try, but anyway I heard the punching, I didn't know you boxed." "Why would you you don't know me at all." "True very true." "Okay you saw, you confirmed, and now you can leave." "Why is it you always tell me to leave you alone, am I never going to be in your good graces ever?' "No, and I feel sad for your father, he's a good man, and to have a son like you." "Meaning what?" "How can I put this nicely, Chico de Mierda." He smiled at me, but I could see in his eyes, I had struck a nerve. "Like you said, you just met me how can you know me that well already?" "You toss out money, like it's nothing, you're rich, and you can't keep your eyes in their sockets when a nice looking woman passes by!" At that he started to walk toward me unfortunately the bag was right next to the wall, and before I could walk away he pulled in back and against the wall, closing me in with his arms and his body. He wasn't smiling anymore but was very serious, as he made me face him. "Are you jealous I look at other women, Melissa, and not at you?" "Get over yourself, mijito, better men have tried to get into my pants and it hasn't happened!" He body was pressing into me and I feel him, my heart was going at a hundred miles and hour, in my chest, as he ran a soft finger along my neck, down the middle of my breasts, and along my stomach, but stopped right above my belly button, making me shiver. He noticed as he leaned his face closer to my neck, running his nose softly along my neck. I didn't dare breath, if I smelled him, I was done for. "Maybe they didn't know what buttons to push." he said as his breath tickled my neck, making me shiver again. He smiled and pulled away, leaving me like puddy along the wall. How could he...I was seriously...what the hell? Then before I knew what happened, he pressed into me again and kissed me. It was possessing my every sense, my body lit up, like freakin bon fire, I had never been kissed like this, passion, hunger, and very possessive. I pushed him and he was wouldn't budge, I couldn't think of what to do, so I bit him. "Mierda!" he exclaimed and jumped back, we were both breathless, but as he checked his lip, I smacked him hard across the face. "Pendijo!" I cussed at him and quickly walked out of the gym, when I got to my room, I plopped on the chair. My body calming down. and the buzzing in my mind wasn't as loud. I felt tears fall from my eyes, I felt like I had just betrayed Owen, an other man made me feel, what only he had. I sniffled and cried softly to myself. How can I move on so quickly from Owen, how can my body long for an other, so quickly? "Get over it, Melissa, men like Luis, will make you feel the most sinful of things, but it's only for a moment, after that moment, you're nothing to them." I said out loud to myself. I wiped away the tears and grabbed some clothes and headed to the shower. The next few days before the party, Shay and I were mostly alone in the house, except the help, the men would go to work, and come back late in the afternoon, she didn't have a show for while and the designer firm she worked for would watch and approve her work through video chats. She was too far out here to drive everyday, and sometimes she would go to them or them to her. There was once an instance where I model some of the things she had done for two representatives, they approved of pieces that would go into the show and what couldn't , when they saw the piece I had liked they had actually agreed with me that the others were too much, but approved her idea, just not the execution of it. They sat critiquing  my choice, so much the men got home, when I was still in the out fit. Mr. Garcia didn't even come to the area we were in, but Luis and Alejandro did, and their eyes went wide, when they saw me, unfortunately for me I had to keep it professional, so they gawked all they wanted, and I could feel Luis's eyes on me. Finally the representatives let me go and I walked away as casual and indifferent as I could, but I felt my face burn up. Once I changed and headed back, the two representatives were gone, and I over heard what Alejandro said to Shay, as they were kissing. "I would like to see you in an out fit like that for me." "Mmm, maybe I'll give you a private show." "I'd like that." they were having a moment so I started to walk back the other direction, when I walked right into Luis. "Leave me alone." I whispered harshly, trying to walk past him, but he wasn't letting me. His eyes hooded and running along my body. "I actually agree with my cousin, do you do private shows?" "Yeah, in your dreams!" "Oh, I can only imagine what would happen there." "Sicko, get away from me." I finally got past him and headed to drop off the out fit in Shay's studio. Then headed back down stairs for dinner. The day of the party, Luis too Alejandro and was going to distract him, while we got everything ready, they had an open bar out side and a DJ, and they even opened the pool and hot tub for the guests if they wanted to take a dip. they hired a catering business to help with the food, while the help of the house had the night off. Everything was ready and we went to get ready, I had let my hair grown out so much, it was half way down my back, but Shay did curls on the ends and did my make up, after she was done, which surprised me how quickly she had gotten ready. I got my heels on and was ready. Once we headed down stairs, we greeted the guests while some asked who I was and Shay introduced me, mostly to men and very few women. There were couples and some single men and women, I was just getting a drink with Shay, when Shay told everyone to get ready the guys were back. We sat silent and soon when Luis brought Alejandro around the corner we all shouted surprise, Shay went to hug him and kiss him.  I gave him a hug and congratulated him. Soon Shay and he went off and I stayed by my drink, but soon I was being invited to dance by men, or a drink, I would agree but more often then not they would grow bored that I wouldn't go talk in a more secluded area, so they would look else where. I ran into a couple models I have worked with in the past, and we stood there, talked, and laughing. Then almost out of the blue, Luis brought a gorgeous woman, to meet us. "Hey ladies, I think you all know Isabella right,  and you know Chole and Sasha, but this is Melissa, she'll be in Shay's show." "Hi, Isabella, it nice to meet you." I said extending my hand out, she barely touched her fingertips to my fingers before pulling them back. "Muncho gusto." she said boredly. Isabella, was really beautiful, full lips probably lip fillers, big chested and big butt, but not like you see in an exaggerated way, but it really made her drop dead gorgeous. "So Isabella, you work in the clothing industry as what?" I asked really not knowing, she scuffed and rolled her eyes at me. "As a model I represent all the thicker women!" "Oh, that's great, good to hear, models should really be any size but they want the..." "They can't let just anyone on the platform, or else you can't define beauty at all!" "Well, we're all beautiful right?' "Please that's what ugly people tell themselves to feel better!" My blood was boiling, an other b***h in heels. "Right...if you'll excuse me, I need to refresh my drink." I walked past them and went to the bar, and asked for a shot of the strong stuff, which was aguardiente aka firewater, it burned on the way down, and I asked for an other one "Hey, take it easy, with that." I turned to look at Luis, and I was so chill, yup the alcohol was kicking in. "Just leave me alone, you and barbie go back to your room and leave all of us poor boring people have fun!" "Melissa are you seriously drunk right now?" "What if I am, Luis, I'm an adult I can do whatever I want!" I turned and asked for one more shot, the bartender did and I tossed my head back and swallowed. All too soon my liquid courage, was kicking in, when I heard Isabella, was up in Chole's face. I was about to walk right over there and smack the b***h, when Luis grabbed me around the waist and took me into a hall. "Let go of me, that ignerite b***h  needs to be taught a lesson!" "Nope, Melissa you're drunk, take some time to chill." I was feeling so many things, things I had locked away, and not let to come to the surface. I needed to do something before the feeling drove me crazy. I suddenly turned to Luis and just flat out pulled him toward me and kissed him. He was confused for a minute, then I could feel him loosen up, and his lips moved with mine, he picked me up and pinned me to the wall, and I could feel him, the friction of him, made me moan softly, his hands started to wonder,  up along my legs, then up my back. The sound of laughing and something falling, made us realize we could be seen. He put me down, and I was tipsy a little. Breathlessly he kissed me one more time. "You're drunk, Melissa, come on you need to sleep it off." He lead me toward my room, but the courage I was feeling wasn't gone yet, and when we got to his door. I stopped he looked at me, and I opened the door and lead him in. Once in side I locked the door, behind us, and without thinking or second guessing, I pulled open his shirt, running my hands over the muscle, and gently pulled him down toward me and kissed him. He slowly undid the clasp and the zipper on my dress, and it fell to my feet. I lead him to the bed, and he took his shirt off and got on top of me, he kissed me like before hungry and possessively, but his hands were gentle as they explored my body, touching and teasing me. I was moaning and gasping as he touched me in all the right places. "You're so beautiful, Melissa." He kissed me as my hands went down to his pants, and undid everything. He took off the pants but left his boxers, he kissed my neck and I could feel his teeth, and that got me excited too, but something happened and when I spoke next, I wish I hadn't. "I love you so much Owen." Luis froze and looked down at me, he went cold so fast, but he didn't do anything over the top. He just kissed me one more time, and he got off of me. "I'll be right back." "Wait don't leave, I really don't want to be alone." He looked at me, but came to lay back down, and I cuddled up next to him. All too soon I fell asleep.  
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