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( Melissa's POV) holy crap, I had the biggest headache ever, I couldn't really remember anything from when i first kissed Owen...I mean Luis. I moved and suddenly I could smell cologne? I sat bolt up I was getting a little     deja vu, I woke up and looked around, this wasn't my room, and that wasn't any cologne I could remember,  I could hear the shower running, who was in the shower? I didn't dare move, so I fell back on the pillows and also realized I didn't have my dress on. "s**t! Not again!" I exclaimed as I checked if I had my panties still on, it was a thong but it that was gone, then that meant, then I heard the bathroom door, and when I put the blanket down again, my stomach did a flip. "Luis?" "Good morning." he said casually as he walked out in just a towel that was dangerously low, I gulped and couldn't remember if, he and I really...everything was fuzzy. He came back out from his closet dressed. "Luis?' "Yeah?" "What happened last night?" "Nothing we didn't want to happen." "What, then we did... have s*x last night?" He looked at me, then gave me the smuggest smile ever, and  my insides twisted. "It's nothing to be ashamed about, Melissa it happens, when you feel attracted to someone." "I'm not attracted to you." "That's not what you said last night." I wanted to be sick, but at the same time, I was very sure he was lying, the question was why? I tried and tried to remember, but I was just getting bits and pieces. So with dignity I got out of the bed and grabbed my dress off the floor, and put it back on. "I had fun, Melissa." he said behind me, and ran a finger down my back. "Yeah, me too." I said coldly, and headed for the door and out into the hall, down the hall and into the safety of my room, I closed the door, then broke down crying. (Luis's POV) Once she was gone, my anger flared to full inferno. We had been so close and I couldn't and after she called me Owen. that was the same as a bucket of ice cold water over me. I felt so hot for her, this was bad. I was meeting Isabella in a few hours, maybe she could help ease my need. Even now just remembering Melissa in my bed, in my arms, I had never felt something like that. It wasn't just lust, I really wanted her. "Mierda!" I threw my shirt, this couldn't be happening. I finished getting ready and walked straight out of the house, to meet Isabella, and when I asked her, she sucked me and I could think a little clearly. Now Melissa really hated me, she believed I took advantage of her, and that was all I needed her to believe, and maybe that would keep me away from her. Then I went to the office and found a message from the PI, and  checked it, Jasper had left New York and was heading here for a meeting with my father. I bet anything he's here to do business with my father, but my father was stupid he would never, get involved with that monster. The PI also found that the money Jasper took from his own, company was transferred to off shore accounts, so the little he did have in America was enough, but his fortune was every where else. I sighed and was just anxious for when he arrived to meet with my father. (Melissa's POV) We were getting ready for the show, and I kept tripping, I just couldn't concentrate. I had heard Isabella flat out boasting how Luis just had a pleasurable morning with her, which got me think, if we had really done it last night, then why was he meeting up with her, the guy had stamina i had to admit.  I got up and tried and tried again. after a while i could focus and I was walking like a pro again. Shay and I spent sometime together before the show but then it got crazy. They made the announcement and then the show started, I walked out with pride and confidence, a lot of people loved Shay's designs. Every time I walked out I could feel the attention and then I almost lost it, there in the crowd was Jasper Blackner,  I continued and went back, and quickly changed, it was the out fit we had made with Shay, and to even my surprise, every one started to whistle and clap at it, it was so revealing even after I fixed it, I struck some poses and just showed off how sexy a woman should feel, then walked right back. Where I saw Luis, with a serious glance. after that four more girls went out and then this time they had a vote on the designs, It really didn't surprise me  Shay's came in second but it was up there. Then at the end we all walked out one last time in our designers best out fit, of course I went out with the one we both made, and everyone applauded and cheered. The show was done, all the other women, went down to mingle and i went to change out of the one out fit, and Quickly back into my own clothes but I could feel eyes on me. Somehow I knew it was Luis but when I came out of the changing rooms, I ran into the last person I walked to talk to. "Blackner?" "Melissa, you looked mind blowing up there, such confidence, and elegance, my my." "Thank you I guess, but if you'll excuse me.." "Actually, I wanted to talk and make you an offer." "I'm not interested." He suddenly grabbed my arm and yanked me back in front of him, his grim getting harder and tighter. "I'm not my son, you will slut, and I can see you are trying to get in an other man's bed to get ahead, why not with me, you can come home, and not need to worry." I then whacked him hard, making him let go. He looked surprised at me, as I glared back at him. "Take that offer and shove it so far up your ass, I don't want or need your money, and no matter what you think of me, I'm not my mom! So leave me alone!" I yelled at him and pushed past him. When I got back to the house, I went down stairs to the gym, and punched the bag. Getting my anger out on it,  after a while that anger became sadness, and i started to cry, and I just remembered those moments I had with Owen, when he had doubted me and had gone as far and compare me to my mom. I got so mad and I punched and punched, until I was covered in sweat. Would her freakin shadow loom over me for now on, will every man look at me and say, There goes, Maria's daughter is she just as easy to get into bed then her Mom, I guess I was. Just get me drunk and I would sleep with anyone. "ahh!" I punched so hard I felt my knuckles bleed, I fell to my knees, crying and frustrated. "What are you doing?" I heard him, which made me wipe away my tears and put on my brave face, " Getting tired, Shay won't let me drink so...I need to get really warn down to sleep." Luis walked toward me and looked at me, he lifted his hand toward me and I moved, I had forgotten about our night so quickly, but the sad truth was for a moment, I had started feeling something for him, call it a friendly feeling or whatever, he had made me feel safe, but now I didn't even want him around me. I sniffled and took a few steps away from him, then he grabbed my hands and he looked down at them, my knuckles were bleeding. He walked over to the table and pushed a stool toward me, and opened a first aide kit. I hesitated for a moment, but Luis glared at me. "I promise I don't bite, I just want to help." After an other second I took the stool and he took a hold of my hands and started to clean them with some disinfectant and was dabbing the stuff a little better on my skin. "Owen told me you two grew up together?" I looked up at him, and remembered he had gone to school with him. "Yeah, from when I was two until I was eighteen." "Then you stopped seeing him?" I nodded as he started to wrap some gauze around my knuckles. "If I told you I'd have to kill you." He went still and just looked at me, I could help but laughed at his reaction. The story was out there so why not, tell him. "Kinda like what happen last night, me and Owen were intoxicated by drugs someone gave us, and they got us into bed, Owen had been my first, but the next morning, he wondered why I had given into him and his father made him think I was trying to pin him down with something, and I realized. Owen wasn't ready to have my heart." "If he loved you so much, why did he doubt you so much?" "My mom, was very well known among the rich men, she was always trying to get ahead in life by sleeping with rich men, it didn't get her anywhere, and she came to warn me not to marry Owen, said his father was dangerous, I didn't listen...I found out a few months ago she had been killed about the time I last saw her." Luis's eyes went soft and concerned, as he wrapped my other hand. "It's weird to think he hesitated so much, he always sounded so sure of what he wanted, more when it came to you, but I guess time changes people for better or for worse." "What about you, what does the great Luis Garcia hide?" "Not much different from you to be honest, my mother was American my father is from here, he worked to give her everything, but to her it wasn't enough, she left him for a rich American, and dumped me off on my father, I was five when she finally decided to leave, so I saw a lot of the things she did, and I felt like my father was stupid to accept her like that, but he didn't even know about it." "I wondered?" "What?" "If not taking things seriously was a dad thing or a mother thing." He smiled and nodded. "You still miss him don't you?" I knew he meant Owen, I did but it was more the guilt that we wasted so much time. "I do, but not the same as I use to, I don't know if it's the fact that I'm away from where I shared most of my time with him, or just being around different people but I'm sorry busy, I don't have time to wallow." "Would you...um...nah, never mind." "I haven't tried, Luis, and I guess the right man has to come first before i know if I can love someone else." He looked at me. "Good to hear." I smiled and looked down at my hands, he was done so I got to my feet. "Thanks, I think I'll head to bed now." "Yeah, I'll be up to bed in a while." "Okay good night." "Good night." I walked up to my room and took a cool shower and up my night gown on,  I was just getting into bed and I suddenly felt a rush of heat through my body and the memory of last night flashed in front of my eyes, everything the feelings and the heat between us, I gasped as I finally remembered everything. We didn't have s*x and he had lied why? For his ego sake, or did he feel embarrassed he couldn't take advantage of me? Then I remembered what he just told me, he couldn't let someone take advantage of him like his mother did of his father. I shook my head and laid back, but unfortunately for me the memory just replayed it's self over and over, after a while I fell into a n uneasy sleep. (Luis's POV) Over the next few days, I was so busy trying to get all the clues for the case against Jasper, but then when he finally came to our office, he walked around like he owned the place. The man was an ass, plain and simple. We heard him out and his plans to gain us more money. Father looked at me and I at him. "Sounds like a good plan Jasper, however, I don't think so, we are not interested in making YOU more money." "Now gentlemen, there's always risks in investing money, but I promise, you are in capable hands." "If I were talking to Owen Blackner I'd believe it, he was a man of word and honor, but we've heard things about how you disowned him for not continuing your scam, and we can not work in questionable conditions." I said and he smirked at me. "She's a nice piece of ass, boy, but that one's been up and around the block, just like her mother." "You would know, Blackner, I wager you had the mother as a mistress for a while, like you said if the daughter is anything like the mother, she must be very good." Jasper's face fell into a serious look, he hasn't slept with Melissa , he just threw that rumor around to tarnish her person. If I wagered a guess he's tried to get to her, but she's not interested. He shrugged and looked out the window, apparently lost in thought. "Well, all I know is that any man involved with that girl, is not safe, I'd hate to see the same thing happen to you as to my son." "Is that a threat, Jasper?" "Take it was you wish, but the truth is, that girl is a bad luck charm." "Why because she doesn't want your money and you want everything you set your eyes on right." He looked at me then back at my father, gave one last smirk and took his plan with him and walked out. "He's been after her from the time she had turned of age, but nothing has ever turned his way, she's too well protected, I bet you anything, that's what he thought would happen when he had his son killed." I said to my father, he nodded, and looked sick. "He wants to scare her, Luis to make her run." "That much I gathered." "This man will stop at nothing for money, power, and when he sets his eyes on something he'll not stop until it's his." Like I felt before that need to protect her was overwhelming to me, and I wanted to talk to someone but wasn't sure with who. "Son, I might be old, but I've seen how you look at Melissa, she a woman any man could be proud to have on his arm, son, and I know I haven't been the best example in this situations, but you really should rethink you life style, love is worth it, more when it comes from the right person." "Thank you, Father." He nodded and I excused myself to go finish some work, as he went home. a few hours later I headed home. When I got there I noticed something, and that was that Shay and Melissa were out on horse back, that woman has found yet again an other thing to impress me, more because she was riding my horse, and she could handle him just fine, soon they started a race and she put the horse at full gallop, the way she let the horse more under her, made my mind wonder, I really had it bad for her and even more now that I've heard her moans and gasps of pleasure. I thought back to what my father said, but I just couldn't change it wasn't a light switch, but I could imagine her in my life, I have no real reason why, but from the moment I found out she was real I could really see a future. I took a deep breath, but where do I start.. As if to answer my question, my phone rang, it was Isabella and it sounded weird as she talked her tone was breathy and more like a gasps then actual words. Was she talking to me while being f****d, and like an answer to my question she moaned into the phone. "Luis, it's over, thanks for the fun." Then she hung up, I looked at the phone and didn't know to be aroused with what just happened or grossed out. I really didn't know how to feel at being dumped, but I guess it was a step in the right direction right? When the girls finally got to the stable, I went out to meet them. and saw the ranch hand help Melissa off after already helping Shay, he was being a little flirty. My insides boiled in anger, but I kept my cool or at least I tried as he didn't move his hands from her waist, soon she turned away. Both she and Shay walked toward the house and I met them by the door. "Hey, Luis, how was work?" "Pleasant, but Shay could I steal Melissa away for a second?" "Sure, I'll see ya at dinner." Shay walked away and I glared back at Melissa, and pulled her to a more secluded spot. "Luis, you're hurting me!" I finally let her go, but then grabbed her face, covering her lips with mine own, she fought for a minute but then gave in, all too soon she wrapped her arms around my neck and I picked her up, pinning her to the wall.  Dear God I know I had said I'd stay away, but I had never felt so pulled toward someone, no other woman has made me FEEL.  After a while of us kissing, she pulled away. We looked at each other while catching our breaths. I could see her confusion, but also something that made my heart feel full in my chest, the one look I had never thought I would see especially toward me. "Luis, what are we..." "I have to be gone for a few weeks." I said I had to find more answers and the PI could only go so far, I could get the deeper scoop then he could. "Where are you going?" "To America, I have to it's important, but in the mean time..." I kissed her again and pushing all my...love, desire and need for her into it. When I pulled away, I looked her in the eyes, and hoping she could see my honesty clearly in my eyes. "When I get back you can tell me how that made you feel." "Luis..." "Shhh, I'll be back soon." I carefully put her down, and then walked away to go get ready.

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