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(Melissa's POV) My head was fuzzy and I was finally falling a asleep with, I heard the knock at the door. I looked at the time it was about nine in the morning, but I ignored it. I just wanted to be left alone. I wanted to die at least like that I wouldn't hurt anyone else. The knock became louder. "Melissa, you better have a guy in there if you can't get up!" "Tyson." I groaned and got up and walked over to the door, and opened it. "Shay, what are you doing here?" "This is an intervention." she said pushing into the apartment, and stopped," Tyson, did you know it was this bad?" "Yup and we had it cleaned that was two days ago." "Melissa, this is bad even for you!" I walked to my couch and plopped down, they just walked around, coughing and choking on the smell. Then finally came back to me. "Okay I'm going to sound like a b***h, but you need to get out of here, and meet new people." "I don't want to meet anyone anymore Shay, I just want to be left alone, so I can drown in my misery!" I started to cry and Shay came over and wrapped her arms around me, and held me. "Mel, I get you miss him, but you being locked up is not going to help anyone, or even bring him back, you need to find it in yourself to move on." "I don't know how, Shay, I don't even know where to start." "Well, come with me for a few months, I have some designs I could use your help with, and even have you as my model again." I looked at her, and my insides churned in discomfort, but seeing her face made my guilt of not talking to her come up. "I don't know...I don't feel like doing anything right now." "All the more reason for you to do it, come on Spain is beautiful and the best part of the season is about to start!" She gave me her puppy dog eyes, which have always got me. I just nodded and she and Tyson, got my things together and got me in the shower, dressed and ready. Tyson asked for my key in case of anything. Then Shay pulled me to the Tahoe sitting outside and she and I headed to the air port. I had no idea how they got it but I had a passport to go to Spain. "How long have you been planning this?" "Honestly, even before I met Alejandro." We walked toward a more reserved area of the air port and saw we were heading to a private jet. We walked out and headed to the jet, they got my bags loaded and we walked inside, it looked and smelled expensive, there were comfy bench like seats as well as regular chair seats, there was a small mini bar which Shay kept me away from only having lemon water or iced tea, which they did have. "So how long are we going to take to get there?" "6-8 hours I think, so if you want to sleep here." She handed me some pills, I looked at her. "What?" "Is Alejandro in a side business I don't know about?" "NO, their sleep pills, they should help, and I'll wake you when we get there." "You sure?" "Yeah, according to Tyson you haven't been sleeping and I can tell you have big under eye circles." "Yeah, I just can't seem to..." "Hey, I get it...you don't need to explain, but just be open minded on this trip okay, have some fun." "Careful what you wish for." She laughed and we waited to take off, once they were ready, I took the pills and for the first time in a year I felt sleep engulf me. (Luis's POV) "You did what?" "Shay, is bringing her friend, you remember, Melissa right?" Of course I remembered her, my mind had always imagined what she would look like, but my thoughts didn't do her justice. When Owen, Alejandro and I went to school all those years ago, his father was trying to get him away from someone, sad to say his plan didn't work. Owen would gush about the girl he had at home, and he would read her letters in private, away from prying eyes. I never told him I had actually read them too, Thinking he might have faked the letters and had written them himself just to be stupid, but no when I read the letters and what this girl was doing and how and how she missed him, I couldn't help feel jealous. When I finally saw her for the first time, my heart slammed into my chest, she was nothing like I imagines in a very good way, but she soon was to be married so now I had to find someone else. God forgive me but when I heard what happened to Owen, I felt it was like a sign to me. A sign I ignored and now found myself with the situation of she was coming here to me, in a way. That girl with an angel face and heart, but the body and a fire of a she devil. "Of course, cousin how can I forget my best friend's wife to be." "Well, she hasn't been doing so good after Owen's death, and Shay needed help with her designs so, two birds one stone kind of thing, she gets a little distracted and out of her emotional state, and my wife gets the help she needs." I sighed, Shay wasn't going to be the only one distracted either. "Fine, when do they arrive?" "I think in the next four hours." "Okay have one of the maids prepare a room for her." "Shay already took care of that, it the one next to yours." I slowly looked up at my cousin, I knew Shay enough now to know when she's playing match maker, and I wasn't liking in what direction this was going. "Primo, what is you wife up too?" "Nothing, but if she puts her next to our room she's going to hear....things she shouldn't." My cousin ducked his head a little seeming embarrassed, he and I grew up together all our lives, and he has never really the ladies man, he could but he rather not, he would ask for advice from me but never share details of anything, and when he found Shay the man was gushing like a teenage boy. I on the other hand was more if the women want me, who was I to deny them the pleasure of my company. "And how do you know she won't hear things from my room too?" Alejandro sighed and started toward the door... "Just leave her there, I'm sure I can find a way to keep it down." My cousin coughed out a laugh, and as he walked out of my office, leaving me to my thoughts. What the hell did this mean? I went to check on the room and made sure she would be comfortable, she would have her own bathroom and nice clean sheets and blankets. I was actually excited to see her again, but keeping my distance from her, she was still in mourning even if it was a year later. Four hours later, we both went to meet the women at the air port, and only Shay stepped out, as we walked up to greet her. "Where's Melissa?' asked Alejandro as he kissed his wife. "She's still out cold, our friend told me she hadn't slept well, for a few months and you could tell, she took the pills you told me, and she was out, I tried to wake her but she's still out." We followed her into the plane again, and my heart couldn't help beat faster when I saw her. She was curled up on the seat, she looked more fragile from the last time I saw her, thinner. Shay tried to wake her again, but I stopped her. "Let me." She moved and I picked up Melissa in my arms, she didn't stir and cuddled closely to me, once I got her settled. I followed the others out and even in the Tahoe I told Alejandro to drive, once at the house I took her to the room, when I laid her down, she curled into a ball she was cold. I covered her and she just slept on through the night. The next morning I was up early to go for a run and found Shay already sitting outside. "Buenos dias!" "You still need to work on your accent, but good morning to you too, what are you doing up so early?' "I wanted to check on Mel, but she hasn't woke up yet, I'd hate for her to wake up and freak out." I"m guessing you didn't tell her who you live with, huh?"I asked and she so innocently, put her book down to look at me. "Now dear cousin in law, why would I do that, it would ruin the surprise." I glared at her as she looked at me mischievously smiling. "I know what you're up too." "And what exactly am I doing?" "Whatever, I'm going to shower!" I left her and her book and headed to my room. (Melissa's POV) I stretched and moved and bolted up right and found myself in a strange bed...I looked around and tried to remember where I was, but all I remember was Shay, the plane, and then...nothing. I tried not to panic, but I was. What did I get myself into...I jumped out of bed and saw I still had my clothes on...that was a good sign right. Then I looked around the room, then the bathroom. My things were here, but where was here? Without thinking I ran out the door and ran right into someone. "Whoa, what's wrong?' I looked up at the man, and my stomach dropped. "Luis! where..where am I?' "Melissa? Hey are you okay?' I looked around and found Shay running toward us. Quickly I ran toward her and she hugged me. "I got scared for a second, where are we?" "You're in Spain, honey, remember I brought you to relax and get away from everything." I took some deep breaths and started to relax. "Right, yes, I remember." I looked up at Luis who was still stand there, with a look of seriousness. I turned back to Shay and turned away from him. "What's pompous ass doing here?" "I..." "Pompous ass lives here." answered Luis before Shay could, I looked from him to her, she gave a nervous smile, and I glared. "What's going on here?" "Come on, I'll explain at breakfast." "No! Now!" "This is mine and my father's house, Alejandro is my cousin who lives with us and now so does Shay, who is married only to him, nothing else is going on, now if you'll excuse me." Luis said it so matter a fact, but I took it. I turned back to Shay who took me by the hand and lead me to the dining room. Where we sat down and a woman came out with some fruit and asked if we needed anything else. Shay answered in spanish, no she didn't, the woman turned to me, and I asked for just more fruit,  the woman smiled at me when I spoke. "Mexicana." I told her and she really smiled this time and nodded, and walked back to the kitchen. "You'll get along just find with people." "Don't you, I mean you're married to on of the family members?" "Yeah, but I still have troubles speaking spanish and sometimes it's all a guessing game with me and the workers." "Well, everyone seems nice." "They are, very chill people." We talked about the house a little, then the area, and soon we talked about the designs. Soon we were joined by the men, I knew Alejandro and Luis, and I think I recognized the older man. He had been the one wanting to do business with Owen, at the party. "I'm sorry we haven't officially  met, I am Ignacio Garcia." "Nice to see you again, sir, I don't know if you remember me, I was the woman that helped translate at the party for Mr...Owen Blackner." I swallowed the lump that was starting to come up. He took my hand and looked at me. "I'm sorry for you loss, my dear, Owen was a good man, and a very hard worker, I would've done business with him, but then I'd have to deal with that... Jasper." I nodded as he let go of my hand, and I put on my brave face again, as the men spoke of business, we excused ourselves and went to a small balcony studio, Shay had the most beautiful view of the beach, and the trees. The sun was just over the ocean now. I looked back at the designs Shay had been telling me and I was surprised. "Um...what are these?" "The designs for the clothes I told you." "If you can call them clothes, they barely cover anything, where did you get these ideas from?" She gave me a evil smile. "A nudest beach." I burst out laughing, my mind just couldn't imagine Shay at a nudest beach, but then it would explain the designs. Looking at them carefully I could actually see some potential, I grabbed a pencil and lightly drew a few things, once done Shay looked at it and smiled. "I'm so glad I brought you, which one of these are you going to model?" "No, nope not happening!" "Hey, you said you'd help me so, can't back out now, missy." I groaned and looked down at the designs again and picked the least relieving.We worked on a few more and soon some one came knocking. "Hey, you two, ready for some food?" "Yes, I'm starving!" Shay got up and stretched, and followed Luis out of the studio. I followed behind them. "Okay so I was wondering if you have everything planned, he hates parties but I think it would be fun don't you think?" "Yes, I have everything ready and ordered, for the day, and I invited the friends you suggested." "Okay good, Melissa, you're more then invited!" He said looking at me, I rolled my eyes, but considered it for a minute. "Nah, I don't do parties very well." "Hey you said you'd have a open mind!" "Yeah remember that last time I had an open mind at a party and what ended up happening?" She stopped and nodded. "This time it won't be like that, Mel, come on please." "I'll think about it." "Well think fast it's this weekend." "Then I really can't I didn't bring anything to wear!" "Why don't you take her shopping, after lunch on me." "No, I have money, or at least I have dollars." "Yeah, that's no good, you can pay me back later." said Luis like he just handed out money all the time. "No, Shay is there some place I can exchange my money?" "Yeah, but that would take all day?" Luis looked at me smugly, I groaned. "Fine, but I will pay you back!" We walked in and sat down for lunch. After lunch as promised Shay took me shopping and I was blown away, it really was beautiful here the buildings and the design of those building, the history these places held, I wanted to come out and see things too. Soon we arrived to the mall which was just as big, and Shay took me to all her favorite places. Not once letting me see the price tags on things until I snuck a peek at one. $500, I smack her arm. "How much is this in dollars?" "Like $595.48." "Shay we already bought two bags of stuff and if it's looking like this for everything, I won't be able to pay him back for the next two years!" "Are you serious, you were really going to pay, Luis back?" "Yes, I don't want to owe him anything, he can later rub in my face." "Okay, I understand what you mean, but Luis doesn't care, so come on, try these on." "Shay!" She pulled me into the dressing room and I tried on all the outfits, then last one was a two piece dress, and red with black, I walked out and to my surprise there was Luis and Alejandro. I froze but before I could run back inside of the changing room, Shay called out to me. I stopped and she walked over to me. The dress a asymmetric cut right along the abdomen, off shoulder, and bikini top mix, the skirt part being really snug and on me just above the knee, if I were taller, it would probably be shorter. "Spain suits you well."said Luis from the entry way. "I don't know, I thought it would be more daring." said Shay looking at it. "Shay this looks like i just ripped my dress sleeve off and put a bra or bikini top just to cover the one boob how much more daring do you want me to be?" Luis chuckled that same one that made me get goosebumps, but now I wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing. "Okay you're right, maybe something a little more in the back." "NO, I've seen those other dresses and honestly, I'll take this one." "Hon, when a woman is on the prowl we use what we have to get the attention." I suddenly felt Luis go very quiet in the entry way, and his eyes very serious, what was his issue? "I'm not going on the prowl, Shay, just leave it at that okay." I walked back into the dressing room and put on my regular clothes on. We bought a few more things along with Shay getting me in with her hair dresser and a eyebrow wax and leg waxing. By the time I got out I was ready to go back to my room and just sleep, but I was feeling a little more like my old self. 
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