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(Owen's POV) finding out That Melissa was really around like I thought, that flame of hope was now a small fire, as she works with me and Mother, I can't help enjoy having her touch and message my back, she really knew what she was doing, and was really good at it. Just like she wanted, she became someone that helps others. She looked beautiful and confident in herself, even in her scrubs. Every time she came close to me, my heart raced, and as these first days passed, I found myself more and more impressed by what I was seeing. I've listened to some of her conversations with my mother, and she was informed of what was going on in Tokyo and how some projects were needed to help, she knew art, not to a great extent, but enough to know, she told my mother she got into martial arts also, that would explain how she was so fit, she had visited Europe with the Rogers, but she decided to stay in the states. She had become even more beautiful to me, but if what Mother told me about her co-worker was also her partner, I didn't have too much of a chance to get her to look at me. One morning she told me we wer going to do things a little different and she helped me out of my chair and on the couch she went to heat something up and carefully placed it on my back. "How's your pain been lately?" "Not too bad." " 1-10?" "A five." "That really isn't that bad, does it happen more when you move a certain way or when you don't move at all?" "More when I don't move." She nodded and wrote down some notes, on a clip board, she looked so beautiful when she was so focused. "Can I ask you something?" "Is it related to this?" "No." "Then no." I had to grin at that, her guard was way up, and she wasn't going to be easy to weaken. Then a thought  occured to me it was a low blow, but I needed to know. "I'm getting married soon." I said but she didn't budge. "Are you now congratulates, who's the lucky girl?" "Roxanne." She suddenly laughed and put the board down for a second before looking at me still smiling, but I could tell it was a sad smile. "Good luck with her, hope it works out for you, now that this is cold, let's get going with stretches shall we?" Like I hadn't mentioned anything, she did my stretches and I suddenly felt my whole back pop, it felt great, but she looked worried. "Was that bad?" "No, but if you can't feel your legs or you lose feeling anywhere else tell me." I nodded, we continued but by the end everything was fine, she helped me get to the couch, then pulled my chair closer. "Ready?" "Yeah." She lifted me up and I tried to help with my good leg, but I ended up tripping her instead, and we both fell with me on top of her. I wasn't sure why but it was right at that moment my body decided to react, as old memories began to flash in my mind. "Please tell me that's my pen?" she asked glaring up at me, I had to smile, but I rolled off of her. "Sorry, I guess my body knows when a beautiful woman is around." She scuffed at me, rolled her eyes, and got to her feet. "How often does that one work?" I had to grin. "Not at all, sense I got here it's been nothing but work." She sighed and seemed to think upon something, but then turned to look at me. "How long have you lived here?" "Almost three years now, with the new office getting up and running." "Hmmm, I can't imagine Roxanne letting you leave the room, at all, knowing how much of a horn b***h she is." That got me to laugh, I hadn't heard anyone talk about Roxanne like that in years, and that's what I use to and still love about Melissa she always spoke her mind. "We..um. she doesn't sleep with me..more like with my money." She gave me a confused looked, but didn't ask further. I guess she was thinking why not, Roxanne had always wanted to get into my pants and now that she had me, it wasn't happening. "Anyway, I need to go I have a lunch date." "Really, who's the lucky guy?" "My boy friend Tyson." I really hadn't expected that answer and the way she said it had my insides boiling, she was with someone else. "Oh, well, he's a lucky guy alright." "Thanks, lets get you back in your chair and I will get out of your hair." She helped me get back in my chair carefully and let James know she was leaving. (Melissa's POV) He had really tried to make me jealous, trying to find out if I was with someone, and he was engaged with the biggest b***h of them all. I had to laugh because honestly only an i***t would tie that rope around one's neck. I bet Mr.Blackner was over the moon for his son, to marry an other pure blood rich b***h. I was really  burning inside, I can't believe this. I got to the dinner where Tyson and I liked to eat. "Hey, girl, what's up with you?" "Nothing, I need food." "I just ordered for you and honestly I think you're going to love me even more." They brought out two large orders of my favorite monster fries. He was right I loved how he knew me so well, I kissed him on the cheek. As I ate I felt like someone was watching us, but when I looked around there was nobody. We laughed and talked once we were done, we headed out after paying and headed back to the center. Two weeks later I was helping, Owen start to get to his feet, and see if he could actually walk, at first I wasn't too hopeful, but soon he proved me wrong, I smiled at how much he really was pushing himself. I knew he was working from home for right now, but before we really went ahead with walking, I checked his reflects and they seemed fine, I tried some sensory things and he past low but he did good, soon I had him in crutches and he was happier with that too. I kept coming for his mother, and less for him, when that started to happen I started to receive large bouquets of roses, the director asked if something was going on, I told him no, but this was Owen's way of saying thank you. Tyson was enjoying this, he really acted like the world was falling apart, because he had done the right thing, or so he thought. After a month and a half I finally had to talk to Owen and tell him to stop. That morning I went to the condo and was ready to tell him off for disrupting my work life, but I was surprised Owen had a walking boot on and was walking around like nothing. "When did you get that?" "Just a couple days ago, why?" "I'm just wondering how bad things looked I really thought they would wait." "Your notes are handed in to you director aren't they, and to the doctors right?" "Something like that, but I'm glad you're walking around, how do you feel?" "Free honestly, Mother's arm in now in a splint now and she's getting ready to head home." "Oh, than I came at a good time then, may I?" "She's not here, I am glad you came by I wanted to talk to you." "So did I." He nodded once and I sat down on the couch and he sat down not right across from me, but he was facing me anyway. "What can I help you with?" "The flowers at the office are getting ridiculous, Owen I get you're thankful and all but you need to stop." "They weren't just as a thank you." He wasn't looking at my face,  as he said that and I could see I had really missed the meaning of the flowers, just like I had missed the meaning of the necklace he had given me. "Owen, you're engaged..." "And you have a boyfriend." I fought so hard to contain my laughter it had actually worked, or what would he do if I hadn't dropped it out there that I had a boyfriend. "Right, we can't....I won't break up with him, for you Owen, I can't ruin a good relationship for something that's not going to last." "Who says so, we live out here, my father and mother back in North Dakota, Melissa, I want to give us a chance, will you?" "Owen I can't...." before I could finish my sentence, he pulled me into him and his lips cover mine, in a very heavy and passionate kiss. My body roared into flames, I hadn't gone out with many men, they all seemed to lack, compared to what I had already felt. Something that only Owen made me feel... no. I pulled away, both of us breathless and stunned by what just happened. I looked at him in a serious way. "You can't deny you felt that." "There's nothing to deny,Owen, because you're getting married, and I have a boyfriend, I won't be a cheater, and I've put too much time in it to walk away." "So you 'll be with him, because it's safe, not because you love him?" "I rather be safe then risk it for love again." With that I got up and walked out of the condo and hailed a taxi to take me to work. (Owen's POV) Over the next week I buried myself in work again, this month the two representatives were coming thank God I had hired James, he had the party all planned out. He was getting a raise for that, I also heard from my mother she was home but was coming back with Father in two weeks. I was hoping to take some one, but when I had Roxanne call me, to tell me she was coming back tonight, I cringed. She knew nothing of Tokyo traditions and didn't speak either languages, I just hoped she kept her mouth shut, I spoke a little of both but we were to have a translator  for both places. I was nervous everything was riding on this and I hoped it went well. These two would be my biggest projects I'd done in the company and to really be in with the rich and powerful, and really make the company really lay roots. I went to get fitted for my tux and Roxanne for the dress, I told her something beautiful and elegant. I thought she had had the right idea with the first dress she wore. But the day of the event I was to be there before to make sure everything was fine, when she walked in with the most revealing dress ever, it barely covered anything. I took her to the side and ordered her to go change, she flat out refused, and to my dismay the Tokyo representative was the first to arrive and as host I had to greet him, with her tailing behind me. " Kon'nichiwa, sir, welcome to you and yours this evening." "Yes, Ni hao." greeted Roxanne I wanted the ground to eat me whole, did she just greet them in Chinese. "Arigatogozaimashita, for inviting us and hope we can find something promising." "You must be the translator, yes, I hope so too, please we can talk more soon I need to greet more guest but come in and enjoy." They bowed and walked away, then I turned to see the representative of Spain. "Go with mother and father I'll join you shortly." "But I want to say hi to..." "Go!" I said firmly, she looked angrily at me, but did as she was told, I walked right up to them and one of them explained as best he could that their translator had gotten sick, and hadn't been able to come. Great.  I joined my parents and Roxanne and took a flute of champagne from one of the servers. "What's wrong son?" "The party just started and it's already going to s**t!" "What why?" "The translator for Spain got sick and Roxanne confused which Asian people she was talking to." "Well, at let's she tried, Son." "Father I have been telling her from the beginning they were Japanese  not Chinese, this can't get any worse right?' "Maybe..." said my mother as I turned and saw my fiance leave with one of the Spaniards. I looked at my father who didn't say a thing and then to my mother who just gave me the I told you so look.
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