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(Melissa's POV) A few days ago Mrs. Blackner sent me an invitation to Owen's party, and I had a mind not to go but Tyson for some weird reason thought it a good idea, we both spent the day, getting pampered and ready for the day, I also found the most beautiful emerald green dress, it was open back but not too low, and l soft dip in the front, and long they were able to take it in a little and it was perfect, I got my nails done, my hair and my makeup too. Once I got home I slipped into my dress and put my heels on, and Tyson was waiting outside for me. the slits on the dress were wide so I fixed them a little, and once I was done I headed down stairs and out the door. "Damn, woman, you look hotter then hell it's self." "Thank you fine sir, let's get going, the sooner we get there the sooner we can leave." "You party pooper." "Go." I laughed and he stepped on it. Of course the party was by invitation only and Tyson had actually been invited, he gave his keys to the valet and we walked inside like something out of a movie, the hall was huge and filled with people, rich fancy people, a lot looked in my direction, and then Tyson offered me his arm, we walked all the way in, we went to the bar and ordered some drinks. I asked for a double tequila, and downed it. "A woman that can handle her drink I like that." I turned when the man behind me spoke Spanish, thanks to my grandma I learned it well, but he had a accent when he spoke. "Us Mexican women ten to learn that at a young age.senor." I replied back in perfect Spanish. "Mexican huh, I'm impressed, Alejandro, and you are?" "Melissa.and thank you." We had a nice talk for a while in Spanish, until I noticed Tyson was gone. The man then asked me to dance, I accepted and we got out on the dance floor, thanks to the Rogers I had taken waltz, ballroom, and all those fancy American dance lessons. At the end Alejandro excused himself and I soon left a tap on my shoulder, I turned to find Mrs. Blackner. "My, my, my dear you definitely know how to to catch a man's eye, you look ravishing." "Thank you, and i was just having some fun, not everyday you get to use what you know." "So true, but maybe you could also be a good luck charm for some one too, come." She extended her hand toward me and I took it knowing where we were going. We meet up with a group of people, and she introduced me and the looks I got ranged from awe to disbelief to anger. The men greeted me, with small bows. I remembered this when we visited Tokyo and I had picked up on the language a little. I greeted them in their language and a low bow of my own. "Melissa, you know Japanese?" "Jakkan." I said and made a hand sign and the Asian men laughed, and they asked how I learned and I responded and we carried on while the other watched in awe. By the end I told them I was just a friend of the family. "Well, Mr.Blackner this young woman is delightful, you should have more friends like her, good natured  and smart, we do plan on meeting again, this had been a fruitful night." They all excused themselves and headed somewhere else in the party. Then soon round two started, when Alejandro walked up with a group of men. "Melissa." "Alejandro." I smiled and he asked if my spanish was good enough to help translate. I nodded and turned to the others, and translated the conversation. "Good evening, everyone I am sorry for the inconvenience of out translator, but luckily I found a young woman that knows you and speaks both languages perfectly."  I translated everything but the fact he called me beautiful, which made me blush lightly, and Owen noticed. I translated the fact that Roxanne had gone out to make out with one of these men and the head of the group was not impressed by the behavior of the fiance of the head of the company so they were going to decline the offer and look else where, with a company with less scandals. Owen, looked hurt and angry. "Alejandro, can I say something?" "Of course." "I've now this family sense I was young and this man, has done nothing but take money, you can find anything about him on the web, he's forcing his son to pick women based on their looks not their character, so  please don't let her actions, deter you from doing business with this young man, he's worked very hard to make all this happen, and you're in good hands with him." I said this all in spanish so the Blackner's had no idea what was said, Alejandor came and kissed my hand. "Beautiful and a heart of gold, my dear, I hope he finally sees your value." "Does that mean you'll think about it?" "I'll take it into consideration, good night." He kissed my hand one more time and they too disappeared into the crowd. I turned and found all four just gawking at me, Mrs. Blackner came up to me and hugged me. "My dear you are definitely full of surprises." I chuckled and explained what Alejandro said, and Owen seemed to deflate in relief. I turned to see Tyson heading out to one of the balconies with James. Maybe just maybe now was a right moment. "Excuse me." "Wait, Melissa!' I heard Owen call and I'm pretty sure he was following me, and I was right, when I opened the door these two were making out. "Tyson!?" "Melissa!" he pulled apart, "Sir, this isn't..." "Tyson, You're gay, sense when?" He caught on to my drama, and played along, sighing dramamticly. "I've know for a long time, Melissa, but I knew it was what my mom wanted and people just told us we looked great together, I'm so sorry..." "All these years, Tyson, all this time you could've been honest with me!" "I'm sorry, please forgive me." "I don't know if I can." I turned away dramatically and stormed out of the party with Owen  hot on my heels. I thought of the saddest thing I could think of, and just balled. "This can't be happening to me, what the hell is wrong with me!" "Melissa, I'm so sorry, I could fire James." "No, he didn't owe me anything, Owen, Tyson did I just don't understand why, why can't I find a good man that really and truly loves me?!" He hugged me tightly and I just cried now I really was, because that had really been my question all those years ago, was I not worth leaving everything, was my love not worth something?After a while, I pushed him away, I have to be honest and it was going to suck but I needed to come clean. "You're going to hate me but honestly, it might just get you away from me, Tyson isn't my boyfriend, never was, he's been a really good friend to me for many years." "So what was all of that, and this whole time you two hanging out and all?" "I told him, to behaive but I guess he liked James, who I'm guessing you had no idea was gay." "I had an idea but I don't pry, he gets the job done right and that's all that matters to me." I sat there for a second and I wondered if he was really that cool with the truth. "Are you mad at me?" "Not really, just concerned." "You're engaged, Owen, I'm not free to you until you're free yourself." "I can't just leave this job or this family, Melissa." "I'm not asking for you to give up your family Owen, stand up to your father he can't make every decision in your life, can he?" He was quiet, I could see the fight he had in his head, but I couldn't wait for that fight to end until he picked me. My whole life I knew the moment he stood up to his father the man would threaten to disown him, take away the luxurious life Owen was use to, and I felt awful to think he would lose everything, but I wasn't going to be a mistress, settling for scraps of time and moments of love that only lasted in bed and nothing more. We were both adults and hard choices had to be made everyday this was one of them. "Life isn't as easy as that, Melissa." "Yes, it is, but the loss of money always makes it harder, but you lose so much more, dignity, self-worth, Owen, money can't buy that back and it doesn't matter what you do, once you let one thing pass, you justify everything else, for what money and power." He got to his feet, and glared at me. "Good-bye, Miss Rodriguez." I also got to my feet, and stood tall. "Good-bye Mr. Blackner, I hope we never see each other again." With that He turned and headed back inside, I called Tyson and asked if he was ready to leave, he said he was, and met me outside. When I got home I thanked Tyson and apologized for the scene, but he just kissed my forehead and said he'd see me later, it was the weekend and he was leaving for a couple days, he had invited me but I didn't feel like going anywhere, so I was going to hang in the city. (Owen's POV) I had been so impressed by Melissa all night I had no idea she would be my guardian angel tonight, but I guess every angel falls, she really wants me to chose between my hard work and her, I've worked too hard to turn away now, I have the contracts with Tokyo and Spain...but that was thanks to who. "s**t!" I mumbled and soon as if things couldn't finish worse this night I heard someone giving a speech, that was my job, and looking at my watch it was ahead of time too. I looked and of course my father was giving the speech already. "Ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming out this evening and hope you have enjoyed yourselves, thank you all for your hard work and hope you continue to support us into the future, and when we get any future projects, thank you again and have a good night." He walked down and Mother looked angry and Roxanne kissed him cheerfully on the cheek. I had a better speech ready, and he didn't even mention the people that really did all the hard work, mainly James and the staff that got the job done, while I was unable to. "Us" who is us when he lived in North Dakota,  and this was my company to run. I walked up to my parents and Father looked proud of himself, when he gave himself the credit. "What the hell was that?" "I gave a thanks our workers, son, is there a problem?" "Do you even know who arranged all of this, Father?" "Of course all the lower workers, and we paid for everything." "You mean my employees, yes they did, and they did it when I pay them the least of what they deserve, while they do all the work you stand up there thanking only the rich people, what's the point in that." "I can look into that son, maybe give them a three day weekend as a thank you." "Father, people don't just need time off, they also need money to pay for things they need!" "Hey, you watch your tone with me, they have a job and they should be happy with that!" I glared at him, I hated to admit it but Melissa was right, my father didn't have dignity or honor he would work people to death and wouldn't blink if they up and quit, but I did I valued my people. I took a deep breath this wasn't the time or place for this. I stepped next to Roxanne and plastered a smile on my face, and went about the night like my fiance hadn't been caught cheating on me and my father took liberties he wasn't entailed to.
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