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When i came too I was in the Hospital, with wires and a monitor hooked up. Looking around I found that James and Mom were sitting next to me. "How long have i been out?" "The night and some of the morning, sir. I was just dropping off some papers when Mrs. Blackner got the call of your accident." "Thank you for bringing her, how are you mother?" "How am I , I was scared to death, Owen, when they told me what you did..I thought maybe you had been...trying to kill yourself." I chuckled but stopped when I remembered who I saw, and something inside me sparked the hope. Nine years that I hadn't seen or heard of her... "Son, what has you so lost in thought?" I looked at her, she was the only one that knew how Melissa leaving did to me, how it had broken my heart to know I had lost her. She had been the only one to worry for me, and the only one I could really confide in, but i wasn't even sure of what I saw, so I shook my head. "Nothing , just the same old worries." "You need to heal, son, you are not immortal, take this slow okay." I nodded, and soon the doctor came in. "Mr.Blackner, it seems you have a broken leg and bruised spine, this will take longer then your mother's recovery, I'm sorry to say bed rest and minimal hard movement for starters." "How long are me talking about?" "At least two months." "Two months, no I have a business to run and things to get done I can't take two full months off!" "Then it will not heal properly and you'll be in worse pain." "Give me the damn painkillers just so I can be on my way!" The doctor looked at my mother and then shook his head, but went and got my paperwork ready. Once they had it I gave James the prescription for the painkillers and he went to pick them up, Once I was let go my driver helped me into the SUV. It was the most painful ride back, I wasn't going to be able to focus like this, maybe a week of no work and relaxation would actually help. Once I got to the condo, to my frustration, Roxanne was passed out on the couch, she hadn't even gone to the hospital to see if I was okay, she had stayed at the club drinking all night. I headed to my room fortunately James arrived and he was able to help me into bed, this was ridiculous, I had a cook and a house cleaner, but I might actually need someone to help me in and out of here, I wasn't going anywhere for a while, I asked James to look for some help. He nodded and set down my painkillers on the night stand, and after i  gave him instructions he left me to rest. The next couple of weeks were hell, Roxanne, couldn't do anything and I do mean anything, I had asked her for help to got to and from the chair, and she dropped me a handful of time, complaining I was too heavy, she couldn't give me the right dose of painkillers, the one time she gave me four to her the more pills the longer the affect lasts, I seriously thought she was punking me, she wasn't this stupid right? She was more worried about her nails, hair and makeup. She would walk into the room to ask for my card, after a while I told her no, and that was the last straw with her, she said I was mistreating her, and causing her distress, that she was going to France with her parents, for a while and finish planning the wedding there. I didn't stop her, but I was half tempted to ask for my ring back, it was obvious we both didn't want the other but I had thought that with time, she would come to actually grow a heart. Guess not, I hated the painkillers they made me sleep a lot and I wasn't getting anything done, it had been a month that my mother had been going to the therapies and looked to not fuss about pain, maybe that would be a better choice to the painkillers after all, and I would offer them enough to let me have a personal trainer. "Mother?' "Yes, dear?' "Would it bother you to share your physical therapist, I don't know anyone who would actually recommend one to me, and I need someone competent." "I don't think, my therapist is available for new patients, but maybe one of her co-workers?" "No, that way she can do two jobs for the one, and she'll be well paid for it." I looked at my mother, why was she trying to keep her therapist to herself? Without telling her I called the center and asked for the therapist my mother went to, and made a deal with the director, and he agreed to send her over as soon as possible. (Melissa's POV) "You did what?!" "Melissa, why are you so bent about this it's a great opportunity and you'll be paid very well for doing so." "I don't do house calls, sir, I'm not comfortable with that kind of thing." "Look I'll make you a deal, if he over steps, let me know and I'll cancel the agreement, it's only for two months give or take some time." I sighed in frustration, that jerk just couldn't come to the center like everyone else! "Fine, but if I break his nose, I'm not being held responsible." "Fair enough, you start tomorrow." I nodded and went to get some things I was going to need.  That night, I called shay a little earlier then i usually did, to my surprise she was a wake. "Hey, what's going on?' "You're not going to believe, who found me again." She went quiet on the other end. "Owen, are you sure?" I explained his mother was seeing me I didn't say for what, and now he needed me, and had called my director to get me to come to him. "You think she told him?" "I have no Idea, because he referred to me, by his mother's therapist, not my name." "Girl, have 911 on speed dial in case he has a heart attack." "How do you think I feel?' She was quiet for a moment, and then sighed. "Maybe fate has a plan, and is giving you two a second chance, hon." "I'm still mad at him, Shay." "Then use that to see if he's still worth it or move on, this could be the closure you need, girl." I thought about that for a minute. "Yeah, maybe." "Well, I have to head into the studio early today so I will talk to you later." "Have fun." "Always." He hung up and so did I, maybe she was right, this was my closure. The next morning I brushed my hair out, I use to ave it half way down my back, now I cut it into a medium bob, but i usually always tied it back, when at work. I got my uniform on and headed to the address Owen left with the director, of course it's the one of the nicest places in the city, it was on the fifth floor, I got the things I needed I was going to do Mrs. Blackner's while I was here so, I got my things and headed up in the elevator. Once at the floor I found the room door and rung the bell. My heart was like a jack hammer in my chest, and I was breathing so I didn't pass out. Soon the door opened and a young man stood in the door way, he was about my age if I had to guess, platium blond hair with black roots, not thick but thin, muscled lightly, and about half a foot taller, I stood at 5'5. His eyes were sky blue, and they looked a little confused to see me. "Yes, can I help you?" "I'm with the rehab center Mr.Blackner, asked for a physical therapist." "Oh, yes, this is his home, come in." "Thank you." I walked in and of course the place was breath taking, and spacious with a pool just outside. Good money pays for the best I guess. I turned to look and found Mrs. Blackner coming toward me, looking anxious. "Thank you, James." He excused himself and went to a room. Mrs. Blackner looked at me. "I just found out he called over there, I'm sorry, I didn't say anything." "It's fine, like I said sooner or later, what happened?" She explained how he got hit by a car and how he had tried to tough it out, but after Roxanne dropped him his pain was becoming more and more. "I wouldn't be surprised, if his back got worse, but let's not go there, and hope it's not that bad." "Mother, James told me the therapist is here what is..." Both Mrs. Blackner and I looked at Owen as he came out in his wheelchair, and his face when he saw me, was like he had seen a ghost. "Melissa?" "Mr. Blackner." I could see that wasn't what he had wanted me to say, but I wasn't here as a friend I was here to work. "You're my mother's therapist?" "Yes, she is, and I didn't want to make trouble for her, so I didn't tell you I had ran into her again." He put on a stone face. Owen hadn't changed much, his features were more grown up, his dark hair was cut into a fade, while all the curl was neatly on top and trimmed. He had light facial hair growing, which added to making him look older, and from the looks of it he still worked out a lot. "If this is really going to turn into a emotional gathering I rather leave, I have other patients waiting for me." "Not at all, whenever you're ready." "Where do you want to do this?"I asked pulling on a floor mat I had brought with me. "Living room looks fine." He said I set the mat down and he rolled forward, and I helped get him off the chair and on the ground, then started to move his leg, he flinched and winced a little too often, my guess was the falls had hurt him further, which sucked for me, because that would mean I would have to stay longer, if he wanted. Carefully I bent and stretched his leg, and he was gritting his teeth, even when I was being as gentle as possible. Finally I stopped and sat back, sighing in frustration. "What I can't help how much it hurts!" "Obviously, but it's not that, how many times did Roxanne drop you exactly?" "Three or four times." I groaned in disbelief. "You should've asked her to stop by the second time, the bruising in your back got worse, that's why the doctors recommend minimal movement, and with someone who will be careful, this is going to take longer then two months." "Money isn't a problem, if I need..." "Stop talking, if you fall any worse then before, this can paralyze you, which is worse, thank goodness your mother's wasn't like this, but this can cause a lot more problems then just pain." He sat there thinking, then looked at me. "Then let's find a solution, I'll pay extra if you come helps us in the mornings and at night to get both of us in and out of the chair." "I'm not moving in, I have my own place." "But we need the help." "I can come in the mornings and help, and in the night but I will not stay here." He really thought I would jump at the idea of his money, will that's one thing that didn't change about me. "Fine, we'll see yeah here in the mornings." I nodded and got up to help him back in his chair, I wrapped my arms just under his armpits  and lifted with my legs, and James quickly brought the chair, and I sat him down. He and James left me and his mother to do her session and soon after I got done and headed to the center. Sighing in relief that I was done with them, for now.
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