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( Owen's POV) The day was tomorrow I couldn't believe it, we just had to get through this rehearsal and tomorrow was the day... "Hey, handsome, ready?" Melissa and I were doing a walk through of everything and then going to the dinner right after. I was shaking a little, and nervous. We both had waited for this day. "Okay cue the bride....who will be giving her away?" At that moment Mr.  Rogers and her father walked one on each side, by her.  They both looked at me and gave me stern looks. I nodded and took Melissa up to the priest we did a bit of a run through with what was expected, and then turned. Like on cue too, my stomach growled. everyone laughed. "Okay I think we got this down and I will see everyone tomorrow." We thanked the priest and he was gone, even when Mother offered him some food. He excused himself and we headed to where we were having the reception. We had invited a few friends and family. The Rogers all five of them had made it, the guys came over and gave Melissa a hug and shook my hand, congratulating us and taking their seats. Mother and Jenny, Shay and Alejandro who also invited a man I hadn't seen in years.   "Luis Garcia, long time no see!" Luis and I had gone to the same private school, when we were younger, and the ass hasn't really changed much either. "Right back at you, Blackner, when I heard you were getting married I just had to come and see!" Melissa, covered her laugh as a cough, but I could tell she wasn't impressed. "Luis this is my soon to be wife, Melissa, Melissa this is an old friend of mine, Luis, we went to school together." It was weird for a second, I caught a flash of lust in Luis's eyes, as he kissed her hand, but it was quickly gone. "Tu angel, I can definitely see the allure." Melissa pulled her hand away, and cussed at him in spanish. "Vete a la chingada estupido!" With that she walked away in a huff, and both of us watched as she left. "I hope you can handle her, Blackner." I just laughed at him, but whatever. Then I went to check where she was. (Melissa's POV) An other smug rich asshole, great. I had a drink and was sipping it, trying to calm down. Some how that same asshole found me. Luis was tall a bit taller then Owen, and more muscle too, and light brown hair, and light green eyes, and they felt heavy when he looked at you, like they were looking into your soul. I rolled my eyes as he walked out toward me. "I guess you didn't understand my last message!" "No, I got it but I did came to apologize, I really didn't mean it the way it sounded." I looked at him and he did look sorry, but whatever. "Okay, you apologized now leave!" He stood there looking at me, with curiosity. "You know he talked a lot about you for a while, I really thought he was making up a girl." "Glad the mystery was solved for you, now if you'll excuse me!" I walked past him and back to the dinner, but I still heard him chuckle a deep sound. It made me think of the Phantom of the Opera. Scary and evil sounding. I soon found Owen and we went to sit down. I guess it was time for some toasts, but before anyone could do so, a clinging of glass caught everyone's attention, and there stood Mr. Blackner with a glass of champagne and looking at us. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the rehearsal dinner and I would like to say a few words. TO my son I know we've had our differences, but I do love you son. To Melissa, my ...future daughter in law, welcome to the family and hope you find happiness , to the bride and groom!" I felt weirded out as Mr. Blackner said that, he didn't say, hope my son makes you happy, or even where my happiness will be found, but those words unsettled me. Owen went over and hugged his father, I sat where I was. Then the other toasts were done, and  we got done with the night in peace and fun. Once back at the Condo, Owen was getting his stuff for tomorrow and his mother let him say good-bye to me. "Tomorrow's the day." "I can't believe it's happening, I love you, Owen." "I love you too, Melissa, and tomorrow will be the start of a new adventure for both of us." I hopped a little, I was really excited, but Darlene soon had to shoo him out. "See you tomorrow Mrs. Blackner." I laughed and kissed him and he was gone. Then I was shooed to my room and to bed, I laid down still thinking about what Mr. Blackner said, and the feeling was getting bigger, but soon I fell asleep, and excited for tomorrow. The next day was chaos, they got me going with the pampering first, then my makeup and then hair, by the time I got done with my hair it was already two I was getting married in two hours, they got me in my dress and did some last minute touches, and my shoes. The women lead me to the car that was taking me to my wedding and once in the car we were off, I was so nervous and excited. When we arrived the women helped me get down and then to the extra room, I waited for my cue to come out. They did some retouches and told me they'd come get me once everyone was ready.I nodded and tried to be patent. Something was weighting on me and I had no idea what it was, I thought over the things i needed and had ready, I couldn't think of anything, then why was I having such a bad feeling. "okay you ready, girl?" Shay burst in and she and Jenny helped with my wedding dress skirt, They left me at the door and soon the song came on and both Mr. Rogers and my dad were by my side, gleaming with tears of joy and pride, soon the doors opened and they lead me toward Owen, who looked dashing in his suit, my breath caught, as tears of happiness and that nagging feeling mixed, but I stood in front of him. His eyes also gleaming with love and joy. "Ladies and gentlemen, we're gathered here today to marry this man and woman in holy matrimony, please if anyone has a reason why these two should not be wed say now or forever hold your peace?" For a minute nobody said anything then the doors flew open, and there stood Roxanne looking crazy and with a gun in her hand. "I do!" she said but before anyone could move, she pulled the trigger, for some reason I waited for the shots but... they never came... I looked at Owen, and he slowly collapsed. "Owen!? No...no... baby, no stay with me! Someone call the ambulance....Please someone help me!" I started to do chest compressions and breathing into his mouth, but I could hear him choking, I turned him to his side, and he took my hand, and I turned him to look at me, he smiled at me. "I...Love..you." "Yes, baby...but stay with me please." I pleaded but all too soon his eyes became foggy and he just shook once and was gone. All I remember was looking at Mr. Blackner who was actually smiling smugly, as tears ran down my face, and then I was screaming. "Owen!" The rest of the day, pasted in a blur, the paramedics got there and they rushed Owen to the ER but they just confirmed what I had already known, I felt my world falling apart, his face swam in front of my eyes and the freezing cold reality was hitting me hard. I was a wreck, screaming and crying. After they finished checking me for wounds, Tyson took me to the condo, I dropped on the sofa, but then I walked to Owen's room, his cologne hitting me and an other wave of tears came. I ripped off the dress and wrapped myself in his shirt, and just laid on his side of the bed, soon Shay and Jenny came in and laid down with me. Both hugging me tightly as I sobbed and just cried, at my pain. Soon we had to get things ready for the funeral, every morning i woke up wishing all of this was a horrible nightmare, of which I was going to wake from at any moment, but everyday it just further confirmed he was really gone. I had really lost Owen and this time for good, there was no way of coming back from the dead. The day of the viewing, my heart tore at seeing him there. "I'm so sorry, baby, it should've been me, not you!" Tyson, held me tightly as I couldn't even stand as I cried, everything just speed by, I didn't hear the talks or anything. What finally was pushing me over was when Mr. Blackner got up and fake cried for his son, it made my insides boil in anger, Tyson knew how I felt, and held my hand as I squeezed his trying not to explode and make a scene. Once they took Owen's coffin out and put him to rest. I stayed there until the cliche thing happened and it started to rain. Tyson and James had to pull me away from the grave sight, in a fit of screams and cries. 1 Year later (Narrator) After Owen's funeral life had to go back to what it was, for the everyone else, the memory of Owen how much time past and time wasted in fighting and being unsure of what she had wanted. The guilt of that was eating at her, she couldn't or didn't deserve to move on, from it. Melissa was a mess at home but drowned into her work, you would never know of what she was going through until someone asked about Owen, she'd answer but once she was alone the tears fell. She had actually gone to see Roxanne at the mental ward, and demanded to know why. "If he wasn't mine, he wasn't going to be your either." Roxanne laughed at her, in a crazy cackle. then screamed at her "He's mine!" That echoed all the way behind her as she walked out. Melissa asked a little of what had happened to her, the Doctor said drug abuse and it looked like she had a mental melt down from which she wasn't coming back. Melissa couldn't find it in her to feel bad for Roxanne on the contrary, she hoped Roxanne's delusions scared her shitless. She walked out of the building just heavy with sadness she felt exhausted. The angel everyone knew was turning into a black angel if nobody did anything. (Tyson's POV) So much has happened in this past year, not so much of a good thing. James and I had moved in together. Shay had gotten married with her Spaniard hunk, and Mr. Rodriguez had tied the knot too with Owen's mom, Darlene. Melissa putting a brave face for her loved ones, but anyone who really knew her, could see right through that mask. She had moved out of Owen's condo, even when Darlene had offered it to her, she couldn't live in home she would've shared with Owen. She moved back to the apartment that use to be hers, and even then she felt sad Owen had rebuilt the building because of her. Her apartment was cluttered with trash and bottles she would down a bottle right after work, just to sleep. I told her she needed help, and she exploded on me. Melissa was scaring me and she was turning colder and colder as time went by. she didn't smile anymore, or even laughed anymore. She didn't want to go out, she wasn't even eating too much either, she was so thin, and tired looking, someone needed to do something. It's sad to think that everyone had tried, her father, Darlene, Jenny, and even me. I tried my tough love thing I usually do with her and it hadn't worked. But something had to be done. My phone rang in my scrubs, and I answered. "Hey Shay, what are you up to, how's Spain treating you?" "Tyson, please tell me you've seen Melissa, these past few weeks, she use to answer my calls and now, she won't answer at all?" "Yeah, she was at work today did her thing, then left, the woman is like a robot." Shay sighed deeply, I could tell she was worried. Even all the way across the world, didn't keep her away from our best friend. "Shay, I know it sounds dramatic, but we better do something or else I feel we're going to be finding her with alcohol poisoning, or hung somewhere." "You're right you're such a drama queen, but I don't blame her, Ty, we grew up with Owen and those two had the biggest of crush on each other, and the hot and cold thing...and to have it all ripped away by some crazy b***h, how would you be?" I thought about losing James to death and a shutter ran through my body. "So what do we do?" Shay went quiet for a second, thinking. "Why don't I bring her to Spain for a while, I need the help with some designs, and she has always been my go to model, the party season started maybe some time away from the familiar could be good for her." "Sound better than anything we can come up with, the Rogers wanted to take her back to Japan, Darlene offered to take her to France, for one of Jenny's shows, but she said no to all of it." "Than how is what I suggested any different, it's more or less the same thing?" "But it by her best friend, woman!" Shay laughed. "Okay, fine, I'll be there in a few days to get her, she'll love it here." "Let's hope so...hey Shay do you know of anyone who sent a PI to look into things?" "Not me and I don't know of anyone who would." "Okay, I just thought I'd ask, see ya in a few days." We hung up, and I sat there thinking. A while back a PI came in asking questions, and even told Melissa her mother was found dead a while back, that didn't affect her as much. but it scared her. Just after she had spoken with her but she wasn't found until months later. Well, let's hope this plan of Shay's helps or else, Melissa would never come back from the depression she's in.
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