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(Melissa's POV) I looked at him and my heart hurt knowing I had always wanted to hear those words from his mouth, but I couldn't and I had a good reason, and it took Roxanne's incident to make me remember. Slowly I touched his cheek, then kissed it. "Thank you, and I can't say I feel the same right now or else it's not going to feel honest." "I'm not going to rush you, but know that I can't wait anymore, I want you Melissa." I smiled sadly at him, but nodded kissed him one more time on the cheek. "I better get to bed, I've had a long day." "Good night." I nodded and headed to my room. As I walked into my room, I realized I still had the results in a drawer in my apartment. before grandma died she had explained a couple reasons why Mr. Blackner didn't want me and Owen together, and it crushed me to know but sense he came back into my life I actually took it upon myself to find out the truth. When the results came back I never opened them, I was scared what would this mean, for both of us? I shook my head and headed to the shower and the after to bed and slept on the thought. Over the next few days one of many nightmares was coming true, I was actually going to a trial and Mr. Blackner had pulled out all the stops. He wanted me charged with malicious intent, which wouldn't be too bad if he wasn't pushing for me to serve jail time, for "attacking" Roxanne and causing her a miscarriage. Lucky for me the judge was one that couldn't be bought, and he saw two videos the one Tyson gave me and the one Mr. Blackner later sent to be manipulated. An expert came in and saw right through the other video, I also had a ton of witnesses and backing me up. After what felt months even when it was just for a month, the case was closed when some test results for the fetus were brought forth, and it came to determine that Mr. Blackner had a lot of motive, to get rid of the baby. He was the father. That was embarrassing but I guess money really can't buy everything. He later dropped everything, and I was able to go back to work, then one day to my shock he actually came to my work. He looked around like he couldn't believe he actually had to step into a place like this. After I finished with one of my patients, one of my co-workers finally came to tell me hhe was here to talk to me, so I finished and headed over. "Mr. Blackner, what can I do for you ?" "I would like to talk to you in private if that possible." "I know of a cafe just a walk away." "Now I'm in a hurry." "I'm sorry but i have work, I'll be done in half an hour." He gave me a dirty look, as he rolled his eyes and nodded. "I'll see you there in half an hour." "Yup." I finished what I was doing and told Tyson and let Owen know what was going on, and that I would meet him at his office after it was right across the street. When I arrived and ordered my coffee and he was already waiting inside, looking pissy. "Okay to what do I owe the honor of your visit, sir?" "You must be in paradise living off my stupid son, right?" "Oh, wow, such big words for a dead beat dad, just because you gave him money doesn't mean much." "I raised him to be the man he is today!" "Oh, I noticed, but no I don't live off of him, I returned to my apartment just after the trial was over, but that's not what you think is really happening right?" I took a sip of my coffee and he seemed to really be worried of things, I could see his eyes wonder over me a bit of a mix of perverted and curiosity. "You look so much like her, it's not even funny." "Hmm, yeah I might look like my mother, but trust me when I say I don't stoop as low as her to get what I want." At that moment I took out the envelop I had opened a couple night after I got back to my apartment, and slid it over to him. "What this?" "One of the many reason why you didn't want me and your son together." He looked at me with stern eyes. "How do you know, no body else knew about your mother and I?" "My grandmother knew when she had the miscarriage and got pregnant right after, at the time she was with you and still with my father." He took the envelop and took out the results, and I couldn't decid if he was relieved or pissed off with what the paper said. I got to my feet and walked right next to him, and I got down closet to his ear. "I'm just glad, I share no DNA with you, I could only imagine what you would've done to me if I had been yours." Then walked out of the cafe and headed to visit Owen and tell him, I was ready to really be with him. ( Owen's POV) After Melissa's text, I sat at my desk nervous, thinking about what they could be talking about, when all too soon everyone went out for lunch I waited to see Melissa at the office. I was running through some reports James had left on my desk when I heard heels, that made look, Melissa never wore heels, and none of my workers wore high heels. "Roxanne what are you doing here?" She was wearing what you could call a dress, it barely covered anything, and she wasn't wearing anything under it. "I came to apologize, I um... didn't think...or more I have no idea how it happened it just did, and I hurt you I didn't mean to." "Roxanne, stop talking I'm not going to say I forgive you, when we were both using each other, you liked my money and I was trying to cover up the fact I was alone." "But I didn't just want your money, Owen I wanted you too." At that moment she came and sat down on my desk, with her legs a little open, I stood up and went over by the door. The f****d up part was that I was actually feeling a little aroused by what she was doing, Yes, I'm human and  haven't had any for a while, so sue me! "Roxanne, let's not do this, have some dignity." She got up from the desk and walked over to me slowly pulling her dress down, until it pooled around her. I wasn't going to deny it Roxanne is a beautiful woman, but just knowing she had been in bed with my father, was a major turn off. :You want me, Owen, you know you do." she walked closer and ran gentle hands over my chest and then started to kiss my neck. "Roxanne stop, just put your clothes on and leave will you!" I was about to walk past her, when with all her strength she slammed into me and forced her mouth on my mine, this woman was f*****g super glued to me, when I heard the office door open further and when I could finally get Roxanne off, I looked to find Melissa. "Melissa.." "No, don't let me interrupt!" She was gone as I finally got Roxanne off me completely and tried to catch up with Melissa. "Melissa, will you stop, that's not what..." "I don't care Owen, if it was or wasn't we don't owe anything to one an other, we're not together and by the looks of it we never will be!" "You don't mean that, look just..." "NO Owen, I'm done, and I don't care okay, you do you and I'll do me." "Melissa, why are you doing this...?" "Doing what Owen, like I said we're not together, so I hope you're happy with who ever you finally decide, just leave me out of it!" With that she was gone out of my building and shortly after so was Roxanne. (Melissa's POV) I had waited too long and...and...did it matter what I saw, no I just couldn't do it anymore. I wanted to be sure Owen was really for me and I guess the DNA test, and everything else were just excuses, I was scared shitless, all these men with power only wanted their wives when they were young and had something to offer, and as soon as they find a new piece of meat they would trade down most of the time.  I wasn't going through that embarrassment, I'll live alone for the rest of my life if I needed to. I got to my apartment and just cried, with a bottle of tequila and some sad tunes, to bury myself in the sadness. I wasn't brave enough to let a man take charge of me, only to walk away from me, I wasn't risking it. I knew Owen really meant what he said, that night our first and only night together, had been perfect, even when we were high out of minds. His kisses and the way he cared...But I guess the beauty of things only last for a moment. My heart hurt in a way I never thought it would ever hurt again, I was angry at myself, and frustrated with how things are. A lot of people say I came very far, and how brave I was for doing it, the sad truth was I wasn't. For too many years I understood that a woman was never really important to a man, and the first moments were perfect, but soon they would want more, never being happy with what they had. I wouldn't be enough to him in a few years... "f**k!" I screamed and threw now the empty bottle. I wanted to blame Mom, for making me see the world like this, but she was never around to really show me what it all really meant. So it was just because I was scared to really see if it was all worth the chance. I got on my bed and curled up in a ball and just cried myself to sleep. (Owen's POV) After that day I would call Melissa or at her work but pretty soon her phone was either off or disconnected. I'd gone to her work and was told she asked for some time off again, but when I went to her apartment she was never home or she just wouldn't open the door. Two weeks, I had no idea what to think or do, until one day Tyson came to the office to see me. "This place is nice, but i bet you miss you're old office right?" "Not really too flashy for my taste, but anyway I'm working with what I got." He stared at me for a minute, the look was "big brother mode." "What happened with Melissa?" he asked firmly. I got up and closed the door to my office, and sighing turned to look at him. Quickly did a recap of what happened and Melissa walking in. "She doesn't want to talk to me." "I wouldn't either, but I'm not here to judge you, I'm here to enlighten you." "How?" "Dude, I've known Melissa for a few years and it's no secret she's a great person, very hard working and willing to better herself, but I also noticed she never went out with guys, not that there weren't any, but she shut them all down, and when I mean men, I really mean it some CEOs, mostly business men, and good looking and able to buy her as many houses as she wanted, but..." "What?" "She was scared, she never told me, but I noticed, she's not afraid of commitment, but she seriously doesn't think there are honest men out there anymore, they promise her the world, but that's not what she wants, Mel is more simple then that she wants something that's going to last and I guess she saw a little too much how you people trade your loved ones when they get in the way." "Not all of us, and I've never married, because I could never find someone like Melissa, she's unique and I wouldn't trade her for anything or anyone else." "Well, words don't cut it with her, and I know you two have been seeing each other as friends and from the way she looks at you, I bet she wants more but she's not sure.." "I've been nothing but supportive, but she won't tell me anything, she told me she was meeting my father and meet me after that didn't go so well, do you know what that was about?" "No, she told me the same, she was going to talk with him, after that she called work saying she needed time off." "Damn it!" "Maybe you should ask your, Daddy he might answer you." He said as he got to his feet and headed for the door, once he was gone I picked up my cell phone and called my father.He was in the city still and for some reason had decided to go talk to Melissa, but he didn't say over the phone, but he wanted to talk to me too. We decided to meet at his hotel just before he left, of course he picked the most flashy and expensive place, I walked in and met him at the bar, he had a big envelop of the counter, more paper work I guess. He was sipping his favorite drink when he saw me he got up and came to hug me. I stopped him, he never hugged me and he didn't need to start now, we sat down. "I'm here wasn't with all the secrecy?" "I just want to be careful with this information." "Is this what Melissa wanted to talk to me about?" He seemed to think about it, but then nodded. "This is something I thought I could hide for a long time, but like they say the truth will out." "Truth of what?" He pushed the envelop toward me and I opened it, and pulled out three sheets of paper, each with names mine, Melissa's and my father's. I read mine they were paternity tests, then I read Melissa's my blood ran cold, J. Blackner 99.9% to Melissa Rodriguez. 
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