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(Melissa's POV) Over the next few days, I did something I said I wouldn't I gave Owen my number and we actually made plans to hang out, we weren't committed to anything, we would text during the day, or meet up for lunch. I came to find out his new office was three blocks away from my apartment. So it was nice I guess I really was waiting for the other shoe to drop, knowing his Father I wouldn't be surprised. Like I couldn't help the dorky grin I had on my face while at work, and maybe excited every time I got to see Owen. I came to teach Owen how to date on a budget, and finding good places to eat without breaking the bank. he was surprised such goods places existed in the middle class areas. The first time I treated him to street tacos, you would think I showed him the door to heaven. I also introduced him to my trainer for martial arts, he needed something to handle stress better that didn't involve drinking. He became my new sparing partner, he had been in this kind of thing, but once he had to dive in head first to building the company here in New York, he stopped. This went on for a month with no problem. Then the snakes started to come back in the picture. One day while i worked with a old patient of mine, ex army and with a amputated leg, with winter on it's way, his pain went up. As I was trying to teach him small tricks for the pain, Tyson came over to me and said I had a visit, when I looked over to my horror it was Roxanne and she had a bump, barely noticeable but she was purposely showing it off. I got done with my patient and right as I was cleaning things up, she waltz right over, really pissed off I was making her wait. I ignored her, and finished putting things away then once i was done I turned to look at her. "What do you want?" "I heard you and Owen are seeing each other." "Wow,  it was suppose to be a secret how did you find out?" I said sarcastically but the joke flew right over her head. "I have my ways and you can't hide these things from me, I'm here to warn you stay away from him, I don't know what promises he made you but he and I are having a baby, as you can see." "I do see and I doubt that, that belly could be the Spaniard's for all I know you haven't changed even a little, until I see a DNA test saying it's Owen's then I'll take you request under consideration." I was about to walk away, when she suddenly pulled me hard and got her feet twisted with some exercise cords and landed flat on her stomach, I reacted quickly and got up to check on her. "Roxanne, come on!" "Help this woman just pushed me, she's trying to kill my baby!" I looked around and everyone was looking, but I know what I did and didn't do. "Tyson call 911, Roxanne what are you..." I had just touched her leg, she had leggings on and I looked at my hand she was bleeding. I think she realized what her stupidity had gotten her, because she suddenly grabbed me and tried to smack me. But soon others came to grabbed her and Tyson pulled me away. The paramedics came and took her to the hospital. To my surprise Owen came up to me. "Hey, what just happened?!" "Owen what are you doing here?" "Tyson, called me." I looked at him and wanted to cry, but something inside me didn't dare. "Roxanne came to tell me, she was pregnant and when I told her I wanted a DNA test saying you're the father she just pulled me and she fell on some equipment while falling on her stomach, I think she lost the baby, Owen." "Is that her blood on you hands still?" I looked down at my hands and effective I still had blood on my hands I ran inside and washed my hands with  disinfectant and hot water and soap. Once I was done, went out to meet Owen again, he was stand right out side the bathroom, and when he saw me came over and hugged me, I cried. I was still in shock of what just happened and what Roxanne did to try and get me in trouble. These people were just really crazy. Soon the director came over to me and Owen. "Sir?" "I'm sorry to say, Melissa, there needs to be an investigation." "Sir, I didn't even touch her." "I know but this is under demand, from Mr. Blackner." "My father how did...that bastard!" "What?" "He planned this whole thing, I bet you anything...that baby was his he needed a way to get rid of it!" "How do you know?" "Trust me, I wouldn't doubt it!" "In the mean time I'm going to have to give you some time off without pay." "Oh, please sir this woman has vacation time up the wazoo, here." "What this Tyson?" "The original video we have a copy, and it shows everything, and you're right, Mel, you didn't touch that b***h, until you needed to help her." I felt some relief but if Owen was right and this was a set up, I had to get home. " I needed to get to my apartment, if what said was true they knew where I lived too." "We'll go and look for things carefully, then you're coming to stay with me for a while okay." "Owen, I..." "NO, really you shouldn't be alone, girl." "Thanks everyone." I hugged Tyson and shook the director's hand and followed Owen to the locker room where I grabbed my stuff and headed out. (Owen's POV) Taking an idea from what Melissa said I called a doctor friend of mine and asked if he could get the remains of the baby, he said he'd see what he could do, and I asked him for a DNA test if he could get one. I had just hung up with him when she came out of the center. I felt horrible she had worked here for a while and now I came along and it was costing her a lot. As we got to her apartment, like she said it was open and whoever stashed the stuff was either really stupid or just didn't find more secretive places. Melissa still didn't want to leave her apartment, but I convinced her and we left for my condo. When we got there Mother was wondering what was going on, when we explained everything, she was not in the least surprised, we didn't tell her we thought Roxanne's baby was my father's but we told her everything else. I had Mother show her to the other guest room, which was right next to mine, Roxanne's old room wasn't ready and I wouldn't give her that one anyway. I put the tape somewhere only I knew, and saved it for now. Then went to check on Melissa, she looked really lost in thought as I walked closer to the door. Knocking softly I walked in and she glanced over her shoulder, when she saw it was me sat down to be able to look at me. "You seem to have something on your mind." "I just don't get it, but then again I'm not going to pretend to understand rich people." "Ouch, that feels like a hit." "Owen!" I stood there and waited for her to say more, but she just seemed angry and frustrated. I don't really think she has ever know how much it hurt me, when she disappeared on me, and now that I had her close again, everything in me was yelling at me not to let her go, but to do it right. To see what she's accomplished had me impressed and so far I wanted to know more of her, but I had a feeling all she wants to do is run. Slowly I sat next to her, and I could see she had tears in her eyes. "Melissa, I'm sorry, for all of this, you don't deserve all this drama and troubles." "I seriously think there's more to this then meets the eye, but I have no idea where to start." "Like what?" She shrugged but something in me was telling me that she knew she just wasn't sharing, but I wasn't going to push her. "Is there something you would like to eat?" "No, I'm not hungry." "You sure before me order?" "Order don't you have a cook?" "Did, but I had to let her go, with all the other changes...." "Then let me make you guys something, maybe it might even make me hungry." "Melissa, you don't have to..." "I know I don't but I want to." She went into the kitchen while I worked in the office and Mom was working in her room. Or at least I thought so, until I came out of the office and found both of them in the kitchen actually laughing and talking. The kitchen was giving off a really delicious aroma, and spicy. When I walked out Melissa was giving Mother a taste of what she made, and my mother seemed very impressed, she was smacking her lips together. "That is amazing, and perfect in spiciness." "Grandma, always made me help in the kitchen and I picked up on a few things." "I had always liked her, a very hard working woman, but I never got the chance to really talk to her." I could see Melissa had somethings on her mind, but like with me didn't say anything. She effortlessly changed the subject and soon I came out. "Where's the party and am I invited!?" "Of course you're invited come and sit dinner is ready." I sat down and Mom helped serve as Melissa, had some home made tortillas done. When I looked down at my plate, I recognized what it was. "Hey this is what you call it...Mole!" " I had a glass of it at home and brought it with me." "So you wanted to make dinner?" "NO, I was going to see if the cook would make it, but I guess." "It tastes amazing!" said my mother, as she dug into her meal, we ate and enjoyed each others company. By the end of the meal we moved to the living and talked even more and laughed as, Melissa told how she had learned Japanese, and how she just couldn't sound mean or tough when she spoke but she enjoyed learning it. We talked well into the night and by the time we decided to call it a night, it was twelve O'clock. "Oh, goodness, I better get to bed, I have a long trip tomorrow." "You do what happens tomorrow?" I asked suddenly worried of where she was going, until she gave me a glare, and understood she was just giving me and Melissa some time alone.Melissa smiled and Mother walked to her room. I looked back at Melissa and suddenly I had no idea what to say, this woman had that affect on me. I cleared my throat and she was looking at the coffee table. We had been taking things slow but I really wanted to be more then just friends, but the question was would she really give us the chance? Sighing and finally getting the nerve to say what I was feeling, I went closer to her. "Dinner was great, thank you." "You're welcome, it's been a while that I actually made dinner for someone." "What about Tyson?" "What about him..." She suddenly seemed to remember something and laughed. "What?" "I have something to tell ya, I was never dating Tyson." "I had a feeling more sense the two of you are too nice to each other, but why lie to me?" She takes a deep breath and thought about her answer. "I wanted to keep you away, make you see there really wasn't a chance of us being together, Owen, I've never had a problem with you , but I use to think I would be making you choose between me and your family, but now I realized it is what it is, and a choice has to be made, I can't be you second choice to money and power, as a team we can make something or separately we each make our own lives." I understood what she meant and now I could really see why she wanted me away from her, and I also realized not having some there, someone who can help you and would be a great support to you, not just money but emotionally and physically. Someone like Melissa would be a blessing to me. Slowly I turned her face toward me with my hand on her cheek, I had loved her for too long and not realizing how precious she really was to me, until I lost her for nine years. "I love you, Melissa, I always have and I just can't keep it to myself anymore. I want you not just sexually, but all of you, your beautiful mind, your fighting spirit, and that generous heart, I want to be there for you in every way possible, if you'll allow me to be."
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