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(Owen's POV) "Melissa...Melissa is my half...sister."I stuttered and choked on the words. "Yes, and that's why I fought so much for you two to forget each other." "You're f*****g lying to me, this can't be true!" "Melissa, her self sent for these tests, son, and she handed these to me the day we met." Melissa, had thought there was a chance we were related, was that the reason why she had been pulling away from me? My father patted my shoulder and got to his feet. "I have a plane to catch, son, I really am sorry." With that he left me there with my thoughts, I quickly got to my feet and ran out of the bar and headed straight to get some answers. I got to Melissa's apartment, and pounded on the door, but this time Tyson opened the door. I looked at Melissa and she looked tired and like she'd been crying for hours. I walked in and glaring at her, I slammed the envelop on the table, she flinched. "Why didn't you tell me you had done a paternity test on my father and you?!" "Because it was something I needed to know." "How long have you known?" "Sense my grandmother died, she told me Mom had miscarried a baby and had gotten pregnant about the time she and your father started seeing each other." "So you did a test, why didn't you just tell me, don't I deserve to know?!" "I was going to tell you that day at the office,Owen, but you were too busy with Roxanne!" She was yelling at me now, as tears ran down her face. "What were you hoping to get out of this, money?" "What? I wasn't going to get anything, and I don't want anything from your father!" "Then why the secret?" She looked at me and I could see she hadn't wanted to accept the truth, we were brother and sister. "I was scared, it's been nine years Owen..." "What does it matter how much time, Melissa, we can't change the truth?" She looked confused, but I just could be there anymore I tossed the envelop on the table, and walked out of her apartment. This time I was never coming back and I would have to forget I ever laid eyes on Melissa. When I got to my condo, Mother wasn't home and I was glad, I broke down in the first time in my life, I really wanted my life to end, I had really lost her. (Melissa's POV) After Owen left I didn't even brother to open the envelop, I didn't have the energy to do so. He had really made that big a deal out of me running a DNA test on me and his father, could he blame me? My mom had been around and it wasn't right. I had talked to Dad too and he had been happy knowing I really was his, but he also told me a secret of his own, he had been seeing Mrs. Blackner too. He explained he didn't mean for it to happen, he had been talking with her and she was helping him with his English for so long, then one day he found her crying and he could stand her sad so he went over, and she kissed him, but he kissed her right back, soon they found excuses to see each other, he kept both the Roger's and the Blackner's yard beautiful. "Have you seen her now?" "Actually I ran into her a few days ago, and sense she's now officially, she wants to really give it a try." "She has a concert in the next few days, it's going to be the last concert she does she's retiring." "She told me, but I don't want to chance running into her ex and ruining her night." "I don't think so, he's never really cared about her music." "I'll think about." I was glad at least someone was giving Love a chance, I had tried to call Owen to explain, but now he was ghosting me, if Blackner got to him I could only imagine what he said to him. I was sad, but I knew live had to continue, so after three weeks I went back to work, and really put my all into it. I guess as soon as he wasn't mad at me he'll coming looking for me. Or so I thought I started to see him around with other women, seriously randomly running into them, on dates and outings, but I didn't say or do anything, after all he was a free man, and I a free woman. Then after not hearing from her for a while Shay called me one morning, and said she was engaged, I about fell over. "When did this happen and who's the guy?" "It's Alejandro, dummy!" "It went that well with you two?" "Well, yeah, he's so funny and caring and and... Oh, Mel...I just feel good when I'm with him." I looked at her and she had never been so lovy- dovy for any other man, she was flat out in love. "Well, congrats, girl at least one of us won't turn into a spinster." "You and Owen still having troubles?" I told her about walking in on him with a butt naked Roxanne and how he took the fact that I did a DNA test on me and his father. She rolled her eyes and gagged. "Why are rich people so dramatic with these things, it was more for you to know right, not him, but whatever, you can find an other man if he's already moving on, why not, but anyway I got to go I'm pooped I'll talk to you later, but hey don't let him think you're sorry." "I won't, good luck Shay." She hung up and I headed to work and I'm guessing she's going to bed.  I was to open today, and get things ready, I don't get asked too often, but I guess I got to leave a little early today.I walked into the center and just got into doing things, then a while later I heard a sound, and it reminded me I hadn't locked the door, I felt a cold chill run down my spin, as I carefully walk toward the hall and then to the door, it was moved slightly but I could've been the one that left it like that, I looked around the outside and then closed the door and this time I locked it. Right then the smell of alcohol hit my nose, and then a gun. I turned and found Roxanne, swaying and holding a gun a little shaky in her hand. "Roxanne, what are you doing here?" "I should've done this the first time you just can't get out of the way can you, b***h!" "Okay, you're right I stick my nose into everything but I don't make the choice Roxanne, Owen isn't with me." "But he's away from me, because of you!" "Roxanne, put the gun down..." She shot right next to my head, the bullet going through the glass of the door. I was shaking but I needed to keep my cool. I looked around and noticed the camera was recording everything, then as I looked around I noticed the door to the back door, I took a deep breath and when Roxanne took a drink I took my chance to run, she shot at me like a pro, shot ,after shot and everyone missing me by inches, but when I was running to the break room she got me on the side, which made me slow down, then right when I got inside, she shot at the door and got me in the leg, I screamed at the pain, and hid, trying to stop the bleeding, then I heard a click, click. She was out of bullets. I heard her take a drink from her bottle and she was gone. I looked at my wounds they were both bleeding pretty bad. Looking at my watch, it would take two hours for someone to come in, and my phone was in the locker room. I tied a tourniquet and got to my feet carefully but I was losing too much blood, when I got to the locker room it was already looking fuzzy, I got to my locker and quickly got my phone, and called Tyson. "Hey?" "Ty...Tyson..get..help here." I said before I felt to heavy to continue talking and just collapsed, and was out fast. (Owen's POV) I woke up this morning I had a bad feeling, like a really heavy feeling. I looked at the time and it was six in the morning. I got up and headed to the kitchen to get some water. Standing there trying to figure out what was wrong and who it could be. Then I turned the TV on, and there was a report on the news, there was a crazy person went to the center and had tried to shoot down...Right as they said that they pasted with someone and my stomach dropped. "Melissa!" I whispered to myself harshly, as they showed the camera footage, and it showed Roxanne shooting at Melissa and then Melissa running away. Quickly, I got ready and headed out as I called Tyson and I had seen him on the TV. He told me where they were and I drove over. When I got there they still had her in surgery and they were asking if we wanted to donate blood, she had lost a lot of it. Tyson and I went in and did so. He looked pissed at me as they hooked us up, but didn't say anything until the nurse was gone. "I really shouldn't of said anything to you, but I love that girl like a little sister, and no thanks to you she's in there!" "Tyson, she's important to me too, more or less the same way." "Well, I can see what she was scared about, you're hot and cold, one minute you're I love you and I care the next, I can't be with you and we can't love each other! Make up your freakin mind, man, Leave, her alone, if that's what you're going to do!" "I want a relationship with her, not in the way she wants but I want to be in her life.." "You can't have it both ways, ass hole!" Soon the nurse unhooked us and we walked out of the room and we sat in the waiting room. Then an other man came in, it was the man I had seen her with a while back, the one she told me was her Father, poor man had believed his child was his when she wasn't. They spoke and soon he was asking if she was out yet. Then an hour later a doctor came out and spoke to us, but mostly to Mr. Rodriguez. She had lost a lot of blood, one bullet had ripped right through her hip and then the other had been in bedded  into the back of her shin bone, now she was going to need care, but Mr. Rodriguez said he couldn't have her at his home there was no elevator only stairs, and Tyson, wouldn't be able to care for her the way she deserved. Suddenly Tyson looked over at me as I didn't say anything. "Hey, Owen you have room and an elevator in your building right?" I suddenly knew what he was doing. " Yes, I do but I don't think that's a good idea, my mother hasn't been back to the city for a while..." "She's going to need to be in bed for a while anyway, and only gradually getting up." The doctor was trying to be helpful, but had pushed me further into a corner. I was trying to keep some space between Melissa and I, and these guys weren't helping. "Well, think about it, she still has to stay for a while here, just so we don't have any scares, but she'll have to have a place to stay, with someone." With that the doctor left and we just sat there all in silence, we really did have things to think about.
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