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(Melissa's POV) The next few days everyone was on edge, Roxanne was out there somewhere planning God knows what, and ready to hurt anyone. The only silver lining was that we were getting ready for a wedding, Owen talked to my father after we took yet an other DNA test and it just showed what we already knew, we weren't blood related. My father gave him his blessing and like all good fathers warned him not to break my heart again, if he knew what was good for him. Also Darlene and my dad came out with the truth that they were dating, and she's never been happier, she moved her date for her concert and Jenny was going to be singing with her. I was still staying with Owen at the condo, we'd have intense make out sessions but it felt like every time would get into it, something always came up or a call would come in and interrupt us. So we agreed to take it slow. Then one day Shay called me and said she was having her wedding in four months and I showed her the ring, she exploded with excitement and asked when we were doing the wedding, I told her in two months, she looked impressed and said to send her the invite, and I agreed I would. I also sent the Roger's theirs in the mail. As Owen was working from home for now, I looked over some of the projects he had and was actually able to help, with a few things, I translated somethings for him in Japanese and some in Spanish, he got a project from someone in Mexico too. How was he able to get these project internationally was any ones guess but he was being paid well for them and he even made sure who they were before taking them on. Slowly Owen's business bloomed, he wasn't to what he once had but he was definitely on the right track. After some time I actually was strong and well enough to go back to my apartment, but then the day I actually was returning, I got a call from Tyson. "Hey, Ty..." "Oh, thank God, where are you?" "Still here with Owen why what's up?" "Turn on video." I did and my legs gave out from under me, there were firefighters and police where my apartment was, which was up in flames. "Tyson, please tell me nobody got hurt." "Lucky nobody did, everyone was gone they estimate this happened about an hour ago, and the psycho used gasoline, Mel." I couldn't breath as I thought of all the people that could've been killed in that. "Every thing is burned to a crisp, sorry girl." "That doesn't matter everything of great value, I keep in a safety deposit box." "Hey, I like the way you think, but no point coming back here, sorry girl." "Thanks for letting me know but I should they'll have questions." "Yup, the cop from before just arrived, so good call." "We'll be there in a while." I told Owen what happened and we drove over to where my apartment use to be, and when we got there it looked worse, people were sitting outside and looking at their homes, I asked them if anyone was hurt, but like Tyson had said everyone had been gone and so far nobody had been hurt. The officer from before asked where I had been and I told him with Owen and he said a handful of people saw a person running away from the scene, but they didn't know if it was a woman or a man. "okay well, then I wouldn't know either really, so whatever you find let me know." "Will do ma'am." I looked around and found Tyson doing something, I walked over to him as did Owen. "What did you find?" "Camera, let's hope it works." all too soon the officer came over too and only for a moment it showed Roxanne's head, but there was no mistaken who it was. The officer asked the land lord whose camera it was and she said it was hers, but she let them take it, poor woman looked very pale, but she stood strong. They finished asking me questions as we headed to our cars, when Tyson asked if we could eat, we did and headed to a Chinese buffet place. I got my food but I wasn't really hungry after all, all those poor people were left without homes and without belongings. The guilt of that was eating at me. Then I looked at Owen, and I had an idea. "Babe, I just thought of a good wedding present you can give me." "Did you now, would that be fixing the building and replacing it with new apartments?" "See you two are scary like that." said Tyson, just as James walked in. "Hey, hon, you should've gotten here sooner these two are having mind sex." I rolled my eyes and laughed at him, but I looked at Owen and he agreed only if the land lord agreed too. I kissed him and now I could eat a little easier. (Owen's POV) I never thought I would be so in love with someone, but Melissa proved that and more, she was beautiful in so many ways. Her mind, her heart, and just her spirit of not giving up. I took on the project of the apartments but she was the one that over looked everything,  She was a natural born leader and she seemed to enjoy seeing how things were coming together. The tenants were able to find places to stay in the mean while and She also asked the center and me to be secret Santa for the kids and some food. I loved seeing her glow with happiness at giving to others, and that's all she wanted for Christmas but I gave her a small something, and she gave me something too, she had started a photo album for us, and it started with pictures of us when we were younger until now, I loved it. Also I was looking into my father's motives for doing all this, and until now, all the detective had was that same thing My mother had already said he was a d**k, he was losing money and clients, because a lot of the workers he had didn't take their work serious and some didn't have the experience, I had worked for the company for years and very meticulous with the money the client invested with us. Also my father was stealing half of that money for his mistresses, or more for his mistress he was living with Roxanne now and I bet anything she was really cleaning him out of the little money he did have. He just didn't like that I was succeeding without him, and some how wanted me to crawl back to him. Which even if I was really scraping the bottom of the barrel I would never go back to him, after everything her did to me and Melissa, I just can't believe the lengths he's gone to keep us apart, she made me keep focus and see what was really going on around me, Roxanne had me so twisted I didn't have time to think or so bitter with my life I didn't want to look around, to see how everyone else was doing better then me. Stressed and willing to do whatever it took to keep my father happy, while he had all the glory and money, while i wasted away in the shadows as a nobody but doing all his work. It was sad really, but really pathetic. As the date of our wedding drew closer, I got a little nervous, as Mother and my brother helped me pick out my suit, it wasn't going to be a big thing of a wedding, but definitely wanted the best. Some how Tyson and James also had come along and Tyson really knew his stuff which was also annoying, After about six suits he finally approved one and I looked it over I actually agreed with him as did my brother and my mother.   "My little brother finally tying the knot, who would've thought." "Shut up, old man, you need to be looking or else your sense of humor is the only thing left." "I'm immortal little brother, unlike you with dark eyes shadows already you look older then me." We played around but he really meant well, and Mother looked at me tearful eyed. "I'm so proud of you, my baby." "Love you too Mother." After that we headed out and I back home. (Melissa's POV) The day of my wedding with Owen was getting closer and closer and i was so excited and nervous. All I needed was my dress, I had Darlene and Jenny and to my surprise Shay, she had offered to do my dress but I'm just too into simple is better, I got one that was not white per say, more like a very subtle silver, the women loved it and it clung so nicely to my body. "Girl, he's going to want to rip that right off of you." "Isn't that the point to a wedding dress to give the idea of what the night is going to be like?" We all looked at Jenny, and we all laughed but agreed with her. I looked back at the dress and liked how it was low cut but not super low and then how it clung to my hips then flared out at my feet. As I got out of the dress Jenny came in, and just looked at me. "Is there something wrong?" I asked and she shook her head, but looked kind of guilty about something. "I have a confession to make, Mel, and I hope you can forgive me." I put on my clothes and then sat down with her. "Okay what's going on?" "It was me...I got you and Owen all high...that night that you and him slept with each other." "I kinda of figured that..." "But it wasn't to get you into trouble, Mel, I just saw how much you two were fighting with your feelings, and I thought you two were being stupid, so I planned it out, but that night I guess Roxanne kinda had the same idea, get Owen drunk and have her way with him, but when she found you two, she was really pissed of and took the pictures and I felt horrible I had put you guys in that kind of spotlight, but it crushed me when you left and my brother was so sad for so long, but I'm glad that by some fate you two are finally together." I hugged her and thanked her, I feel like if I would've found Roxanne and Owen together then I really wouldn't be here now ready to marry him. "I don't have to forgive anything Jen, thank you for caring that much." She grinned shyly and nodded. After that I bought the dress and we headed back to the condo. With one week for the wedding we were getting all details settled and looked over, and rechecked the places we were using for the wedding and the reception both not going to be a big thing but Owen really wanted the best for a small wedding.  Then one day I was walking back to the condo when, I ran into a woman, she had half of her face hidden, but she stopped me. "Melissa?" "Whoa, yes, can I help you?" The woman slowly lifted her face up to me,  half her face was melted off, but I could see who it was. "Mom?" It had been years but I still recognized her face, from pictures. I can't believe she was standing here in front of me. I hadn't seem her in years and just by chance before my wedding she shows up?She looked around her and we both stood awkwardly around, but I could tell she wanted to hug me, or just looked worried in general. "Twenty-five years, and you so happen to show up now, Mom?" She looked hurt at my implication, but she really had no right to be hurt when she was probably here to cash out on the fact I was marrying Owen. "Um...can we talk, mami?" I really didn't want to but I guess I'd hear her out. We walked toward a park and sat down on a bench. "How did you get here, to New York I mean?" "I...um...had a boyfriend he brought me here to live a while back, but after...his wife threw me out of the house he "bought me" after he died." "Oh, and how did this happen?" "That's what I wanted to talk to you about, mami, Roxanne did this to me...when she first heard I was living with Blackner again, this was months ago." "So what brings you out to see me?" "Blackner watched as Roxanne threw the acid in my face, mami, he didn't even flinch, that man is sick, and when I heard you were getting married to his son, and that you got shot, I knew I had to come...Please mamita, don't do this that man is crazy out of his mind and hates to be over seen, more when it has to do with his money...He will step on whoever it takes to stay on top...he won't let you two be happy..." I looked at her and felt fear deep within me, but we were getting married and nothing was going to stop us from do so. We could move away and stay away from his father, but would he really want to move more when this small company is taking off so well? "Thanks for your warning, but I think we can handle it, Mom." I got up to walk away but she grabbed my hand. When I looked into her eyes, she was terrified and had tears falling too. Looking at her arm I could see how badly she was burned, how many times had people told me I looked so much like her, but looking at her now I felt pity. "Mami, please listen to me...I know I haven't been around, but I did care enough to stay away so you didn't see me in the light the others did. I always loved my little girl, but I knew I wasn't the best example for you...I was just so selfish, all I could think of was money, but please...please don't go through this!" She was pleading but something in me just felt anger at her. "I've waited long enough to be happy, Mom, and I'm not waiting any longer." I said firmly and pulled out of her grip  and walked away. (narrator) After her daughter left her Maria walked around aimlessly, she had been gone her daughter's whole life she couldn't expect her to take her up on her motherly advice out of the blue, but she really was worried and actually scared of what those two would do to Melissa. She walked down a alley, when the silent shots hit her in the back, one in the back of the head and the other in the heart. She fell dead to the floor and left there unnoticed by the world. 
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