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(Owen's POV) We had so close last night, if she would've kissed me, I don't know if I could've held back. Why was she acting like it was nothing, was she really sick in the head? I rubbed my hands over my face, and looked outside. I had heard her leave this morning but her things were still in her room so she would be back, how many times had I imagined going into her room and... and this was crazy, as much as I wanted to digest that Melissa was my sister, I just couldn't my mind and body wouldn't let me, maybe I was sick in the head and should be looking for some real help. There was a knock on my door, I got off of the bed and walked over, and was surprised to see my mother. "Hey honey, you okay?" "Yeah." I walked away from the door and let her come in, and dropped on the bed, she came in, closed the door and sat down on the arm chair, waiting to hear me out. "You look like you have something on your mind, baby, what's wrong?" I really thought before finally deciding to tell her the truth. "Of all the women my father's been with have you ever had some kid claiming to be his come to the door?" "No, according to him he was always careful, and I have never thought he's want more kids anyway. Why did one come talk to you?" "No, but she found out who she was." "She, you found a sister?" "She had always been close to me, Mother and I was either too blind to notice or, too in love to care." She thought about it for a second, then closed her eyes as she realized who I meant, and her eyes filled with sadness. "Melissa?" I nodded and my insides turned. "Father told me, she had handed him some test results and said she wanted nothing from him." At the mention of my father, Mother seemed to be knocked out of her funk, and got up. "Baby, I need you to show me the results, do you still have them?" I got up and went over to my nightstand, and pulled out the envelop and handed it to her. She quickly opened it and skimmed the papers, and she laughed. "What?" "These are fake, sweet heart, I know this "doctor" he specializes in your father dirty work!" "No, why would he do that?" "Because he's an ass hole son, plain and simple!" I was so confused and again my mind wasn't processing things, something inside me was relived, but then an other part of me still believed the lie. I knew my father was capable of things but was he capable of lying to me about this, to what end..? My body felt drained and tired, like i had run a marathon, all of this hit me hard, the hope and the fear all of it hit me like a ton bricks, Mother came closer and touched my cheek, her touch reassuring me. "Sleep, sweet heart, everything will be fine." "Thanks Mom." She kissed my fore head and walked out of my room as I dropped back on my bed and fell asleep. (Melissa's POV) Darlene told us exactly what the problem was and how it had hit Owen hard, this was something big. She explained how Mr. Blackner had convinced Owen that he and I were half brother and sister, and that was why Owen had been really distant with me, he would never get romantically involved with a blood relative, and neither would I. Poor Owen, I had been stupid enough to leave the test results and that probably gave Mr. Blackner his idea.  " we need to take an other DNA test just so he sees, we're not committing incest." "That would be fine, but maybe let things flow now, see what happens." I sighed but I agreed and thanked her for her help and finding out the truth. I went back to the condo and did like always I did my sessions and then headed to shower. Once done I got dried off and dressed and headed to the kitchen to make lunch. He didn't wake up until after I got done, and by then I was done with mine, I went to the sofa to give him some room. I was watching an episode of my show and soon he came over to watch with me, I was half dozing off and half watching, when he came to sit next to me. "There's something I need to ask you, and I want you to be honest." "Sure shoot." "Why did you do the tests?" I looked at him, and then back at the T.V. "You have no idea always being told over and over that you're just like the person you least like in life, everyone that ever met my mom or had something to do with her, has said so. I really wondered how far my mom had gone to get what she wanted, she left when I was two, if I was really her meal ticket wouldn't she have taken me with her? Then the math was a little off, she got involved with your father while still being with mine, so it was a toss up, and for a while i thought just maybe your father was just being careful in keeping us apart, but just to make sure I asked for a test of the both of us." What did the test tell you?" "That your father just wants the money between him and his, nobody else and that he wants it his way or no way." "So they were negative?" I nodded still looking at the T.V. "If I knew we were brother and sister Owen, I would disappear again and this time to some place you could never find me, even by chance." He looked at me for a bit then looked at the T.V. "I believe you, and I know we've been really dancing around this, but I really want us to try, Melissa." "It's not going to be easy.." "I think after everything I think I can handle it." I suddenly got a surge of courage and very carefully, I got up on my knees and straddled him. My calf protected a bit but I was okay. Slowly I leaned down to him and before I did anything else he pulled me into a kiss. It was like a drinking the freshest of water, after walking in the desert for a long time. Our hands in each other's hair and over each other's skin, our kisses hungry and passionate. After a while he flipped me on my back and laid on top of me, softly grinding into me. Soft moans and gasps left my lips as he kissed and nipped my neck, that and the friction between us, was getting me really excited, but I had to pump the brakes.  As I slowly pushed him back, he kisses turned into pecks. "Let's slow down." "I'm not the one that started it." I grinned and kissed him once more, and tried not to wince as I got up. "So the question now is what are we?" "Friends with benefits would be fun." I snorted but I turned to look at him, and took his hand into mine. "Seriously what do you want and I'll respect you choice?" He kissed me softly and then sat back to look at me, I heard a small sound and he pulled out, a necklace. "My birthday necklace, you've had it this long?" "I promised myself I would find you and give it back, but in this case I want it to be a promise of how much I love you, and always will." I grinned and let him put the necklace back on me. We kissed for a bit and it was like everything fell into place. One of the final pieces was in place. But then I felt something being placed in my hands, I looked down and saw a small box. I looked at Owen, he smiled and got down on his knee, was he... He opened the box and there was a beautiful ring. "I got this a while back, I wanted it bigger but..." "Shut up...it's perfect the way it is." He took my hand and offered me the ring. "Melissa, I know we just found each other again, but I feel like we've known each other our whole lives, and I don't want to wait any longer, will you do me the honor of being my wife?" I was stunned, I had always imagined Owen purposing to me, and it was like i was dreaming but not, I actually pinched myself and it hurt so I was awake, all of this was surreal. I looked down at the ring and stuck my finger into it, and closed my eyes as I felt the realness of it on my finger, when I opened my eyes again I was crying, "Melissa?" "Yes, yes, for now and forever, yes!" I jumped at him and kissed him again and again, hoping not to wake up from this beautiful dream. "How much time do we have?" I looked at him and grinned, but I didn't want a big wedding a small private wedding was fine with me. "Two months." "Two months, wow that's really fast." "I don't want to give you the chance to change your mind." "Trust me, now that you said yes, you can't back out now." I smiled to him and he kissed me, suddenly like a very sensual air settled over us. All too soon we found ourselves making out again, and it was escalating little by little, until he picked me up and took me to his room, then gently placed me on the bed. I helped him out of his shirt and  he did the same with me. We were slowly getting lost in the moment, when my phone ran in my sweat pant pocket, it was the police. "Hello?" "Ms. Rodriguez, I have some news about your case I really thought you should know, I don't agree with the choice but it was done." "Okay which is?" "We found the woman, that shot you, and she confessed to it, she was going to spend time in jail, but her bail was paid, and she's loose, I'm very sorry." "You let her get out on bail, she was there to kill me if she hadn't been drunk she would've done so!" "I know but this particular judge took it easy on her, and then she did have the money to pay for her bail." "So what do I do if she comes after me again?" "Call us and this time she'll stay in jail." The was the bucket of ice cold water, they really thought I would be able to actually call them the second time around. "Thanks let's hope I can make it to a phone the second time around." "I really am sorry, ma'am." "Thank for letting me know." I hung up and Owen had heard everything too, he shook his head. "I bet anything that was one of my father's people and my father who paid her bail." "What does he gain from doing all this?" "I really think he's trying to prove a point, to all of us, hand out enough money and even the dog will dance for it." I grabbed my shirt and put it back on, the moment was gone, but now the new promises were in place. I kissed Owen and we headed out of the room ready to embrace the future.
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