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9 years Later (Owen's POV) "Mr. Blackner we still need your final say on these projects, or else they can't be done." I took the folders out of my personal assistant's hands and skimmed the details of the projects, they all sounded promising and in these areas were really needed. I quickly signed the ones I approved and the rest I gave a brief reason why I didn't approve. I looked at my watch I had lunch with my mother and Roxanne, but I really had a lot to do, I might need to cancel, and eat at the office. I just moved and ran the our office here in New York, my father had opened it and had put me in charge we were still getting things under control, and I really didn't have time to spare. Even when I was engaged with Roxanne, I told her she could do whatever, I was going to show up anyway, and I hadn't seen my mother for a couple of years, but she understood I had responsibilities. I told James to call her and tell her I wasn't coming, I had too many things to get done. I was trying to get the deal with Spain and one with Tokyo, and was hoping to get that deal sealed at the party, hopefully walking out with both. (Mrs.Blackner's POV) "Thank you, James, I'll let Roxanne know." I hung up the phone with my son's assistant and sighed deeply, that son of mine has really lost his head with work. I was worried he has never been the same sense Melissa disappeared and a couple years ago announced he and Roxanne were getting married, Of course his father was over the moon, but just watching her right now, only on her phone and checking her reflection on every shiny surface, made me see the mistake my son was going to make marrying such a woman. "So Darlene how has, Paul been?" I raised my eyebrows at her sense when have me been on first name terms. "Mr. Blackner is doing fine, like Owen hard at work and hardly anything else." "It's a wonder how you had three kids with him." "You find a way yourself once you two get around to it." "Who me..like hell I'm ruining my body to have a brat, drooling and pooping all over me.Eww." As I said this woman was a shallow choice, for a wife. I called for the check and when the waiter came she didn't even ask for her half of things, after practically begging me to come eat here at one of the most expensive places in the city. I rolled my eyes and paid for both of us. I got to my feet and started to walk out of the restaurant, as she scurried to catch up. I was just getting to the flight of stairs when I heard her drop somethings and before I could catch my balance or even react she pushes me down the stairs.  It was a lot of stairs I fell down and by the time I hit the last one, I knew I had broken a few things, then she shows up and like moronic i***t asked what she should do, before I passed out. I came to at the hospital, and they explained I hand broken my leg, my arm, and had a small concussion. Owen got there in a huff, and asked what had happened. I pointed him to his fiance, and when she told him what had happened, she sounded so stupid. I was about to step on her Gucci wallet and if I had I would've ruined it. "You shoved my mother down the stairs because of a wallet!" "It's a Gucci wallet, Owen!" He turned to look at me in disbelief, I just raised my eyebrows at him, but he didn't do anything else but take a deep breath. He went to talk to the doctor, when he got back, he told me I was to be immobile, he had prescribed some pain killers, but I asked if there was an alternative, and he said physical therapy. "I'll do that instead I can't sit in the house I'll go crazy, for how long?" "That would be up to the therapist ma'am." said the doctor. I sighed glad I was going on tour for an other two months, my last concert too. "Okay, is there a place you would recommend?" "Actually yes, there's one just by the ice skating ring, they have really capable people, and they even have therapy underwater if you're more comfortable that way." "Oh, well, at least recovery will be fun." "I can have James drop you two off tomorrow." "No, I'll be fine on my own." Roxanne looked relieved when I said that, stupid moron. Maybe I might get a hunky therapist, I smiled to myself. Owen, came and sat next to me, looking at me with guilt, taking my hand in his. "I'm sorry I wasn't there Mom." "Honey, it's not your fault some...people are so stupid." "Yeah, Babe don't blame yourself for people's incompetence,  some times you need to do things to get them done." We both stared at her as she was trying to get a good angle for a selfie, then back at each other. "Are you sure that's who you're going to tie yourself too, darling, she might be beautiful and all but she empty up here?" "Don't worry Mom, Everything will be fine." I smiled at him and he kissed me on the forehead and went to get me released. The next morning James took me to the rehab center is what it was called and like the doctor said they had water activities and so much more. Soon a young man with blond hair and green eyes came to ask if I needed any help, I got signed up and he took me to get started, we tried a few things, and I ended up liking the water after all. "Okay, I will let the therapist of tomorrow know, by righting it down here, and you'll be in great hands, the woman is an angel." "Oh, thank you Tyson I enjoyed today, it was a little painful, but I rather have this then the painkillers." "Yessss, most definitely!" It was a shame the man was gay, he was so handsome. I called for James and he took me back to the condo, where I was staying with Owen, and to my misfortune Roxanne. I went to my room and rested hoping for a miracle for my son, before he did something he regretted for the rest of his life. (Melissa's POV) For nine years I have lived in peace and the only drama I ever had was even I got a new patient, and when Tyson got on my nerves. I loved him to death, but he had the bad a habit of dumping the newer patients on me, he just let me know I was going to work with a woman tomorrow she had a broken arm and leg, and some in balance. Thanks Tyson, the dork. Nine years ago I moved here with the Rogers and my grandmother, we had lived out in the country, but now I lived in the city because of work and because the Rogers had gone to Europe. Sadly I was now alone, grandma had had a stroke a couple years back and didn't survive it. I had been devastated but thank God I had the Rogers, Tyson and Shay. I had meet Tyson while getting my PT degree, we became insistent friends and have not separated sense then. Shay was now a designer in Europe, not extremely well known but known none the less. I usually spent my time at home, running errands, or at work. I loved it and it paid a little better then a nurse would've. Mr. Rogers was glad I listened to him and said he couldn't be prouder,  Grandma had the chance to see me finish school, it's just a shame I could share my success with her now, but I was doing what I wanted helping others and making a difference. I looked at the time and saw it was 10;00 PM so I face timed Shay. She answered still sleeping. "Hey, it's time to get up woman!" "Is it because my eyes say different." "Well, you told me to call you, at ten my time so I'm calling." "Hey, whose that..." I had to grin, leave it to Shay not to be alone, I heard the sleepy English accented male voice, and couldn't be happier for her. "Sorry to wake everyone, but this is your wake up call." Shay Picked up her phone and got a clear look at the guy, and he was gorgous. Even if he was half asleep. "Chris, Mel, Mel, Chris." "HI." "Hey, so I will go and leave you two to your..activities, and have a nice morning." "Thanks Mel!" I hung up and felt the old pang in the heart, but pushed it aside. I got ready for bed and ready to face the new patient of tomorrow. I got in a little early and looked over my charts and looked at the new chart, and when I read the name, my heart stopped. Darlene Blackner. I couldn't breath and my mind started to spin, I quickly got on the phone with Tyson. "Hello?" he answered sleepily. "I can't take the new patient, Ty, it's not going to happen!" "Why what's wrong?" "She's ...she's the mother of the guy I told you about, Ty, that means if she's here he's not far behind!" I was having a panic attack. "Hon, that was such a long time ago..." "I don't want to see him, Ty, I can't take the new patient!" I was yelling into the phone now, trying to stay calm but losing miserably. "Look, just breath, if he's showing up again, then there's something bigger at play here, just let it flow." "Tyson, I don't need that bullshit right now, I don't want to have his f*****g drama here at work!" "Well, all I can do is this." He hung up the phone and then I'm guessing turned it off, because I tried calling him back, it went straight to voicemail. "You freakin Asshole!" I mumbled and slammed my phone into my bag, I went to the bathroom and took some deep breaths and some water. Soon One of the assistants let me know my new patient was in and waiting. Taking a deep breath, I walked out and remembered Mrs. Blackner's chart she liked the water exercises, so reluctantly I went to find her, she was sitting in a wheelchair just inside the entrance, I felt bad to see her like this, I had never talk to her in the past, but I still worried if she let slip I was here...I don't think he'd want to see me after how we left things, but I still didn't want him to know where to find me. I walked up to her, and when she turned to look at me, her eyes went as big a saucers. "Mrs. Blackner." "Melissa...Wow...you look amazing, you really grew beautifully!" "Thank you but I don't think you came here to give me a compliment, I'm here to do my job which is give you your therapy and that's it." "Yes, of course, it's just...nine years...it's a small world." I gave her a grim smile but she didn't insist on knowing how i have been, or anything more personal. I would just ask how she felt and it she could do a little more, but that was the extend of our conversations. By the time we were done, she was looking at me, apparently I had impressed her, and even when I wasn't too happy with her family I knew how to keep it professional. I got her comfortable and was making notes when she finally spoke. "I won't tell him, my son that is, he made a choice that day, Melissa, and now he'll have to live with that choice, I won't interrupt your life and neither will he." "I appreciate that, but I have learned in life once one stone falls, it sends a domino effect, and he'll probably find out sooner or later but it will happen, either by you or by chance." "For sure it won't be me, but I see what you mean, can I continue coming to you I really do like how you handle yourself, and you're far more gentle then your co-worker." "Tyson, definitely has a heavy hand I should know." That last part I let hang in the air, and she could take it as whatever, but the ass owed me for throwing me back into the lion's den. We finished up and we planned for the next day. Later that day I was to meet Tyson at a club, and I was going to tell him he had to pretend to be my boyfriend. I know he wasn't going to be happy but honestly that's what he got for leaving me hanging. I went home to shower and change and headed to the club and found him, Tyson looked so handsome, a half foot taller then me, blond hair and green eyes and had the right attitude, charm and brains, honestly if he weren't gay I would definitely would've tried to get with him. He was one of the hardest working men I had ever met, he worked all through high school to save to come to school and then worked through the time we were in college too, definitely a man to admire, but he could also be an ass, he liked a challenge so all the easier patients he handed off to me, but i also had a a lot of recommendations from people.  "Hey, Mami, how'd it go?" "Good, but I might of let slip that we're involved." "Of course you did, woman, you and your exes!" "I don't have exes, we never dated, but anyway, first round on you?" "You know it." I ordered my drink and watched as people danced and drank there worries away. (Owen's POV) "Roxanne I told you I have a s**t load to do at the office I can't take time to come to the club, right now!" "Babe, you need to relax okay, and besides we got the VIP seat up here and honestly, we have some alone time." The only reason I ever invited me anywhere was to get the special treatment, VIP seating and free drinks, but partly she was right, I needed a drink. Soon she was kissing me and running her hands on my chest, the drinks were doing their job which was loosen me up, but to really have me go to bed with Roxanne, not really. Our time of engagement was me giving her my credit card and her going shopping, and we lived together but she had her own room. We were never really intimate with each other, according to my father she looked good with me. We'd make out and whatever but I just couldn't bring myself to really touch her further then that. This was no exception as she kissed my neck, I looked over her shoulder for a split second, my whole stomach flipped...there she was. "Melissa?" I whispered. "What was that, babe?' she asked as I saw Melissa head for the door to leave, I quickly got up to follow. "Nothing I'll be right back!" I ran down stairs and out the door, not even thinking about where i was headed, but before I knew it the headlights were too close and I didn't have time to move, before the car hit me, threw me over and the night went dark.
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