7. Deal with Blood

2100 Words
Aileen was a little scared upon seeing her cousin, standing in the doorway. She didn't want her to see color tubes, pallets, color brushes scattered all over the floor. Seeing her gazing at her in suspicion, Aileen knew she needed to make up a story to divert Jane's mind to some random topics.  She told her truthfully, "I didn't have anything to do when you two left for shopping. That's when I decided why not do some cleaning. You forbad me to go inside your potion room. So, I found this one and was doing the dusting, at the time, I heard a knock on the door and there I found that old man,"  She watched her cousin gazing around the whole room to see if she was really telling the truth. In different circumstances, she may lash out at her for not trusting in her. It was not like she never did house chores before. But she kept her calm, not wanting Jane to catch her through her lies.  Her back stiffened when Jane asked, "What are you doing with colors, Ailey? Did you get visions again?" "What? No. It just slipped from a box when I accidentally stumbled on it." Aileen instantly denied her. She didn't want Jane to think more about it recalling the last times' incident in their hometown.  "You mean you didn't draw anything," Jane didn't believe in her cousin completely. She replied upon staring at her color-stained clothes and the water on the floor, "Then why do I see colors on your cloth? In the way, color brushes scattered on the floor indicates someone must have drawn something here." Seeing Jane marched toward her to see the drawing stand, she got scared and in a blink of an eye, she snatched that paper from the stand, telling, "I didn't draw anything, - " When Jane didn't get to see anything on that board, Aileen smirked saying, "Now happy? You didn't see anything here," "Alright," Jane exhaled sharply. "Let's go to the living room. We have a lot to discuss with that creature." Aileen hurriedly cleaned stuff in that room and left after closing the window and door, walked to the living room with Janette. She met Cosette who was questioning the goblin about the ceremony and other things like whether he can bring a group of pixies or nymph with them as dancers because the trio can't dance, only sings except for Aileen who was a music composure, can be a backup singer if that is necessary.  ~ ~ ~  "Hi, is this one Music Technology department?" Aileen asked the guard near her who nodded to her, saying, "Yes," She thanked him and walked inside the cabin to meet the HOD of the MT department.  She didn't feel uncomfortable in those creatures stare at that campus. It was not new to her. In their school full of rogues and low-key feral werewolves, all of them used to give that kind of stares to her. She wasn't scared of vampires for even a bit. To her, werewolves were the more vicious creature than them.  Coming out from that department, Aileen directly started walking to the lab. It was her first lab. And that's why she didn't want to be late. She was about to cross the hallway, she bumped into someone and her bags and papers in her hands everything fell on the floor. Oh, hell. "I am sorry. I didn't see you coming," She apologized instantly, was about to bend down to grab her bag and register copy and books for the professor who was standing just in front of her, she stopped in her place when she heard a familiar voice said coldly, "You didn't see me coming, or, you intended to run into me to gain my attention on you...?"  As her head snapped up, her expression instantly hardened to see prince Keiran standing in front of her, giving glares to her. She thought her day would go well, but after seeing his face this early in college, she couldn't help asking God why she didn't stop him from coming to their college like the previous day.  She told him in a firm tone, "Sorry, but you are wrong. If anything, I would like to stay far, far away from you." She didn't care who he was. She didn't care what he was doing with that register copy. He can be anything or anyone, she didn't give a damn about his status. She hated those who look down on others.  She stared at his face for a while blankly. No matter how stunning he looks, and authoritative he was, his heart was full of thrones. She couldn't get why she got a vision of him to be the king of Northland.  Well, it was evident that as he was the eldest son of their kingdom, he would obviously take after the King, his father. Then? She also has no idea why she drew that portrait of an angel's birth years ago.  Keiran was staring at her in rage. Those who were in the hallway, staring at Aileen in disbelief. They were stunned by the audacity of her talking back to their future king. How dare her? Doesn't she fear for her life? They couldn't get why Keiran was tolerating that lowly human instead of giving her a death sentence.  Keiran gave them a deadly look in which all of them scattered away from that hallway fearing for their dear life, except for Aileen who was still staring at him with a frown on her face. He didn't give a damn about her thinking. The only thing he was thinking of the way he would teach her manners so that she would not dare to raise her voice at him, let alone dare to look at him with anger and disgust in her eyes.  He ran his gaze on her, saw her in baggy clothes. Her black hair was tied in a bun, rough locks were hanging from either side of her face. She didn't put any makeup on, yet she looked enchanting and take his breath away at the very sight of her in that hallway. It was he who bumped into her. It was not an accident and that was what irritating him to his core that why that human was affecting him in that way.  Her eyes were sharp, showing him even in her dazed state, he could get a frown from her only. "If that's true, why are you ogling me shamelessly, human?" He spat on her, made her jerked back to reality.  "Huh?" His jaw clenched to see her giving him a look of confusion.  Aileen shook her head, cursed herself for spacing out by standing just right in front of him.  It was the second time she lost herself in those mysterious green orbs that flickers between golden and emerald once in a while. What was there within him that draws her to him like a magnet?  It was confusing. Aileen didn't want to ruin her mood to go for a talk with him. That's why she decided to give him his things and leave that place with her belonging, hoping not to see him again on that day.  She bent down to grab things again, but a sudden force yanked her by her elbow and in just a blink of an eye, she found herself standing in the middle of an empty classroom with Keiran, whose back was facing her as he was locking the door, preventing others to step in. She was shocked and enraged with him.  "You! How dare you? Did I give you my permission to - ?" Her words died in her throat when he moved faster than air and trapped her between the teacher's desk and him. Her breathing went uneven, a jolt of unfamiliar wave passed in her body that made her shudder when his breath fanned against her face.  He bent his face near her, she stiffened in his deliberate spoken words, "I don't take permission, but others need to take that from me. Everyone is aware of the between a future king and a commoner... except for you," She hated to admit it, but his sight was scaring her. His speed, his ferocious look, and his teeth growing into sharp fangs... That's enough for her to know the bloodthirsty monster was on the surface.  His eyes fell on her swan-like neck, seeing her smooth white flesh, he wanted nothing except to sink his fang and suck her delicious blood out of her body and make her numb. And then he asked himself what he would get to end her life like that so soon, so easily. Nah, there has no fun in it.  "Look," She started. She sounded guarded, way too stiff.  Moving her face away from him, she calmly said, "We can sort things out instead of going after each other's life. That was just an accident. Why are you making it a big deal?"  Besides, you have other things to do. Why are you bugging me around like that? Isn't it enough for you to come to my dream, my vision? Aileen was frustrated by him, but she couldn't show that to him.  "So you mean it is my fault," He sounded maniac. He pressed his body more into her, made her feel warm instead of cold. What the...?  "Do you want to lose that witch friend of yours, human?" Her body stiffened.  Her heart sank, thinking about her only family. Her head snapped toward him, and her nose bumped into his concrete jaw. Her nose was hurting, may bleed anytime, but she didn't care.  She asked in rage, "What do you mean? What did you do to her?" She struggled to move away from him, but couldn't able to escape from his steel-like grip. She forgot about her life threat, stared at him in anger.  "See yourself," He smirked after saying those words. She frowned, was not understanding of his intention.  As soon as he pressed his hand on her head, she became numb and a bright light flashed in her eyes.  Her eyes closed and as she did that, she saw Jane in her lab, doing her task with some equipment.  Chills ran down her spine to see one of Keiran's brothers was inserting a silver bullet in his gun, with his eyes fixed on her. She couldn't see more as Keiran has already withdrawn his hand from her.  Her eyes snapped open, and she gritted out, "Leave her, or it will be the end of your kind of this land." She didn't lie to him. She'd do that with or without anyone's help. She was not the kind of girl who gets scared easily. If someone hits her once, she wouldn't think twice to return that favor to them in the same way.  Keiran smirked. That was what he wanted to listen from her. He knew she was not an ordinary human. Their arrival to their land at the time of the yearly ceremony of their Kingdom, he suspected she and Jane must have a link either with their enemy pack of werewolvesogues or with vampire annihilators.  "You will? To whom are you going to use to get back to me, human?" He seethed to her. "That demoness?" He remembered the King, his father, told him they were special to that demon king in hell. He became more furious with the thought of her using everyone for her protection in his land.  "I don't need anyone's help to you and your kind," She threatened him. Her blazing eyes fixed on him as she said, "If you want to fight me, then do it fairly. Don't bring our family in between our enmity,"  He has no problem with her demand. He also wanted to play with her alone. Including his brothers in it, was preventing him to take steps freely. Now that he has her consent, he'd not form a barrier in his limit. To make her reveal the truth, he would go far. Luring her, swooning her, and caging her... He'd do that. "Fair enough," Titling his head, he smirked at her, told her, "If you lose, you will come to me and..." Her heart sunk lower to her stomach as he said in a venom-coated tone, " ...beg me to suck your blood out of your body,"  Composing herself, she nodded to him and told him sternly, "If you lose, you'll not show your face again to me in the future," 
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