6. Stolen Portrait

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Aileen instantly walked down the stairs to the creature, who was lying flat on the mud slab outside the cottage. Squatting down, she eyed that keenly and asked him loudly, "Oldman, can you hear me?"  The creature looked small and fat, with wrinkled skin. There was a cut on his forehead, blood dripping down from it, must hit by something hard or just hit himself as soon as he fainted on the ground.  Her eyebrow raised when that creature said whining after sitting on the ground, "Please, I am not even that old," Seeing him struggling to move his body, Aileen helped him by holding his arm and made him sit.  She eyed him keenly and identified that creature was a goblin, who was wearing thin fabric with a dart on it. She could smell spices coming from his clothes. His face was round, and his eyes were small.  Weakness was visible on his face. Its eyelids were heavy, wanting to sleep for a while.  Its long and hooked nose downcast and its bat-like ears dropped in a way that covered his ears, preventing himself from hearing anyone due to tiredness or - it's just the way he is maybe. Ignorant... Aileen asked, "Do you need- " *thud* Her mouth hung open to see that goblin guy fell on his face. A sigh escaped from her mouth eyeing his unconscious figure beside her. Her cousin told her not to let anyone enter their cottage, but Aileen had to break the promise for the sake of that poor creature who needed nursing at that moment.  She stood up and slowly dragged him up by his hand before walking him inside to treat his wound. She didn't see it, but a pair of golden orbs were on her, watching her talking to a goblin inside the cottage.  She laid him on the carpet which Jane cleaned the time they came. Closing the door, Aileen ran inside the kitchen and came out with hot water, a clean towel, a fabric roll, and leaves paste after three minutes.  He was still asleep when she cleaned his wound and rubbed the leave paste lightly on it.  Jane told her not to go near the stove, but Aileen didn't listen to her. She can't tolerate heat. But that doesn't mean she was a snowman- sorry, snowwoman, that she may melt in that heat. She is just an ordinary human. As she was done, she went to the kitchen to clean it up.  She decided to make something for that goblin so that he feels much better after having a light meal.  There wasn't much anything in that kitchen except three different types of fruits, bread slices, and a milk carton. Then she understood why Cosette was so hellbent on convincing Janette to go to the market.  She was hitting the milk, at the time, a hand grabbed her hand harshly.  Her heart jumped in her throat to see sharp, dirty nails around her hand. Trailing her gaze up, her gaze mate with huge brown eyes of that goblin to whom she tended a few minutes ago.  "You are up," It didn't take time for her to get back of her composure and snatched her hand away from his grasp. She was not scared of him, or anyone in general. It was she who got startled by his sudden attack.  The knife stayed in the midair when she heard him saying, "You're a human,"  She glanced at him, before getting back to cutting cucumber for him.  From her peripheral vision, she saw him blinking at her repeatedly. "Yes, I am." She paused for a moment before asking, "How are you feeling now? You should rest for some more. You are still weak,"  The goblin stared at her in curiosity. He saw milk heating on the oven and a few slices of bread on a plate beside that human girl. Hearing and observing her keenly, he found her kind and also guarded a little bit.  "Why are doing this to me?" He couldn't see any reason for her taking care of him who may hurt her for his benefit. He's a goblin and he has a dark side. Maybe she wants something from me. He thought himself.  His eyes glinting in mischief, when he said, "What do you want from me? Gold bar? You know I can't give you anything in return. My magic is limited. And I am poor," His face sunk as he admitted that truthfully.  Aileen side glanced at him before turning off the stove, saying, "This is called humanity. I have enough to live for." She poured the milk into a bowl and asked him before cutting the kiwi, "Do you eat kiwi?"  His long nose scrunched in a way as if he just got the taste of that fruit in his tastebud.  "No, why do you ask?" He raised his head, looked at her with his eyebrow raised high.  Aileen placed a milk bowl and a plate with slices of bread and cucumber and banana slices in front of the goblin, saying softly, "Eat it. You will feel better,"  The goblin's eyes turned teary. No one ever offered him food let alone take care of him when he was sick. But this human girl... He came for some reason, but he didn't expect he would run into her in that cottage.  He came back from his thought when Aileen said, "I didn't mix anything here to kill you, old man,"  His eyes widened to see her dark gaze on him. She was offended by his behavior.  He didn't mean to hurt her, but he can't accept her kindness like that. As he opened his mouth to say he wasn't hungry, a rumbling sound came out from his stomach, stopping him from lying to her.  The mouth-watering smell of milk made him hungry. He didn't want to, but his stomach was protesting him by making a sound in it. "Thank you," He said and began eating bread and warm milk in delight.  She needed to give two more slices of bread and the rest of the milk that was still in the cattle. The goblin was very hungry. When he was done, he burped loudly and rubbed his big belly with a smile on his face.  "Why did you come here?" He looked at her and saw her staring at him with a harsh gaze.  It was like she was trying to see if he has any bad motive in coming to her place. She did treat him well. But that doesn't mean she didn't suspect him one of those who want her dead with her cousin.  The goblin said hesitantly, "I am here to meet the old lady who stays here. Can you call her to come here?" Aileen said, "She left for somewhere. She will not be back here for a few months. Why do you need her?"  Cosette's aunt, Elora, was a witch, part demon, and also an angel. She was a lady who looked nearly thirty years old, but she wasn't really. It was she who cast a spell on her which stop her aging. She did that because she wanted to look young and if she looks young rich and the royal family will ask her to come as a performer with her group of pixies. She sings and the pixies dance with ballerinas on the stage.   Aileen and Janette thought Cosette's aunt left to perform somewhere, but that wasn't true. She left to find the truth of Aileen's birth which Cosette suspected after seeing some supernatural power in her. Cosette relied on her aunt who may help her as Elora has access to both, hell and heaven from the earthy life.  "Oww, nohohoooo, Elora," The goblin cried out and began sobbing loudly. Aileen looked at him in shock.  ~ ~ ~  Outside the cottage, the whole ground shook out and a storm appeared that made dart and leaves flowing in the air which short-lived, and there came the demoness with the witch who stumbled on the ground with all of the bags that she was holding in her hands. She hissed in pain.  Seeing her crying, the demoness mocked running her gaze over the vegetables that scattered over the ground, "That's why I didn't give you the bags of eggs and cookies jars. You still aren't used to my teleportation power, Janey," In her mockery, the witch seethed at her and stood up wincing in pain.  She was about to yell at her for being a bad friend of hers but stopped when a faint smell of blood invaded her nostril. Her wolf became alerted. Her grey eyes shone brightly and she wasted no time in running to that cottage with her heart beating in anticipation.  The demoness stared at her in confusion before running inside the home with bags in her hand knowing well there must have happened something in their absence.  As they both entered, became shocked to see a goblin was crying miserably and hitting his head wherever he can. The human was trying to stop him, but he was not ready to listen to her.  "Old man, please stop," Aileen pleaded. She didn't see her cousin and friend were present in the living room. The goblin was howling loudly.  Janette was speechless. She opened her mouth several times, but words swore not to come out from her mouth.  Cosette stared at the drama the goblin created in their home and roared which trembled that room in her power, "What is happening in here?"  Aileen was stunned to see her friends there but didn't react. She was helplessly staring at the goblin who didn't stop crying at once. He stopped immediately when the demonesses threatened him, "If you don't stop, I'll summon a hell hound here." The goblin stared at Cosette in horror. He hated dogs, cats, and other domestic animals. To him, they are vicious creatures and he doesn't want to meet his enemies there.  "Why are you here?" Cosette asked ruthlessly towering over his small frame. The goblin could help, crawling behind Aileen for safety, and grabbed her skirt tightly, thinking she will help him.  He knew better not to keep a demoness wait, not when he knew well she was one of the highest-ranked demonesses and demons in hell. He said cautiously, "I came to meet your aunt. But she is not here" Janette asked that goblin, "Why do you need her here?" Cosette and Aileen both were waiting to hear him.  "There has a ceremony in the Kingdom in two days. The group, I have talked to before backed away as one of their members fell sick suddenly. She was the main lead and - " He looked at the girls with teary eyes and said with sobs, " - I have given my word to the master. If I fail to keep my word, I will be s.laughtered." The sisters gasped, but Cosette didn't. She was aware of the rules and she was also aware of the consequences one faces for breaking the rules. She would have asked for help from her aunt, but that wasn't quite possible. Cosette has her access in the hell and earthly world, but not in heaven.  "We will help you," Cosette opened her mouth to say more, but stopped when she remembered her friends were still mad at her for bringing them in the Northland knowing well here different kinds of deadly creature lives. She cleared her throat and told him, "It is not up to me. My friends will decide. If they say yes, then it is fine with me. And if they say no, that's fine by me too," She eyed the sisters and moved away.  Janette looked at Aileen only to see her eyes fixed on her. They both were thinking the same. That place may not be safe for them, but how could they let the goblin down? Cosette's aunt gave her home to them to stay. She knew it was very uncomfortable for them to stay in the dorm full of malicious, cruel creatures. If her aunt was there, she would definitely help that goblin for sure. Besides, it was her who has been performing at the Kingdom's ceremony for over a hundred years. They can't let her down, now can they?  Aileen blinked her eyes at Jane who nodded to her in agreement. No one can slaughter them when the sisters are together. The demoness is also there who gave them her words that they would be safe.  Exhaling a long breath, Jane took a step toward the Goblin who whimpered out and cringed into Aileen as he was scared of Jane knowing she was a werewolf. Janette frowned at him in confusion, clearly not understanding why that small creature was terrified of her. Cosette rolled her eyes and felt bored there.  Aileen sighed and squatting down at his level, saying, "Old man, don't be scared of Jane. She never hurt anyone. Among the three of us, she is the peacemaker here. She rarely gets angry with anyone, you know. Now go and listen to her, okay?" The goblin eyed her cautiously. He was trying to see whether she was genuine or not. The time he realized Aileen was truthful to him, he turned his gaze to Jane and gulped hard. Taking a deep breath, he began taking small steps toward Jane holding Aileen's hand firmly.  When he stopped in front of Jane, she asked, "When is the event?" Cosette didn't look surprised at all.  Tilting his head to her, he said respectfully, "After three days, ma'am,"  Jane nodded. Then she said, "We don't know much about this ceremony. So, you have to help us with it. There have many things that I need to know before we three starts preparing for - "  Jane didn't get to finish at the time the goblin exclaimed, "You'll help me! Thank you so much, ma'am."  Aileen remembered something and she walked inside the storeroom to the portrait she drew.  The portrait wasn't there anymore. She began looking around the whole room thinking maybe that slipped for the air outside but she didn't find that paper anywhere. She looked back and her body became rigid.  The note on the board made her shocked as hell. Who might that creature be who stole that portrait and stick that note on the board? She was so lost in her thought that she didn't realize someone else's presence in that room. The time she heard the voice, her face paled instantly. "Ailey? What are you doing?" ~ ~ ~  Meanwhile, King Jerrick Donovan, the father of three vampire princes, waiting for his eldest son who didn't arrive at the hall yet. The main servant went to Keiran's room to call him, but he didn't see the prince in his room. The King became worried, thinking where his son might have gone all of a sudden.  His other sons were sitting one after another with their heads down. Karter and Knox were sitting and were a bit edgy about the meeting. It felt eternity when they heard the sound of the door opening and there entered the eldest son with all his glory. Closing the door, he walked around and took a few steps toward the King who was sitting on his armchair with some file resting on his lap.  Prince Keiran asked, "Did you ask for me, father?" He didn't apologize to his father for coming late to him. He and his brothers don't like their father for some good reason. The King was disheartened. His son didn't even ask for his health. He didn't even greet him. He let that go for the sake of his beloved.  "I want to talk about two matters to the three of you." As soon as the King spoke, the three brothers looked at him carefully. "The three girls who have transferred to your college yesterday special to me. One of them is the daughter of Demon King Leviathan. If one of them is hurt by any of the creatures in our land, it will bring misfortune to us. So as the future King, and Dukes, I want you three to be careful about it." Keiran nodded stiffly, saying, "We have already told it to everyone, father. They will not touch any one of them," Knox was furious. Kater supported his little brother not wanting him to vent his anger to the King.  "Keep an eye on them, son. The ceremony is near. Many creatures and humans will come here from our neighbor lands and also foreign lands. So- " The King wanted to remind them of the danger in it.  He continued, " - and the princes and noble human ladies will come here with their family. They are all eligible to handle the title of the Queen and Dutchessess in our Kingdom. To continue our linage further, we need the successor of the throne." Upon hearing him, the princes' expression hardened.  When they didn't say anything to him, he added helplessly, "I am aging, sons. I want to give responsibility to you all. Before that, you have to choose the three perfect women for you three. It is the rule we have been following for ages after ages. We can't change it, my sons. Do you want to say something in it?"  "As you wish, father." Listening to Keiran, where his brothers became shocked, their father looked happy in his decision.  ~ ~ ~  "My Grace," A man entered holding a portrait in his hand and bowed to the woman who was standing with her back faced to him. "I found the perfect gift for the Prince in the Northland." She ordered, "Show it to me,"  Bowing his head with respect, he tore the wrapper and put the portrait on the table.  She turned around and a smirk appeared on her face to see the art piece.  The man said, "The King will be satisfied with our Princess if she gives it to him saying she drew it on her own."  The woman nodded and pulled out an expensive bracelet from her hand, she gave that to that man. "This is your reward. You may leave now," His eyes lit up to see the jewelry.  The greedy man took that from her and left the room immediately after thanking her for million times.  Tracing her finger around the edges of the portrait, she thought, "Now no one can stop me from getting what I want," 
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