8. Erotic Moves

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Aileen knocked on the door and peeked inside the Music Technology Lab. It was already half an hour past the time class has started. She's a bit hesitant to go inside, but she adamant to attend the class anyhow.  The teacher gestured her to step inside, asking, "How may I help you?" The whole was turned toward Aileen, was thinking if she was going to share classes with them for the next three years.  "I have enrolled for this class and here is the confirmation letter," Aileen gave papers to the teacher and glanced at her once before returning her gaze to her face. She was a hybrid for sure. There was modesty in her that intrigue her beyond her belief. She was tall, slim, has blonde hair, a piercing amber eyes. Her eyes were glinting in curiosity as she eyed Aileen keenly then asking patiently, "new girl, right?" "Yes, ma'am," Aileen nodded, fixed her gaze on her. She folded the paper and gave that back to Aileen. "Go and take your seat," Aileen kept her bag beside the door with others' bags on the floor.  Taking a copy and pen, she directly went to the empty computer table and sat on the chair after turning on the machine. She eyed her desk and saw attached headphone, Equilizer, music, and computer keyboard attached to the system. Not to mention two soundboxes were there on either side of her computer.  "Did you ever try it before? I mean composing your own notes," She whirled around her seat as soon as she heard her teacher's question. She nodded to her, saying,  "Yes, I have done this many time, ma'am," The teacher, Ms. Joan, looked surprised. She thought Aileen was new and was clueless about the branch she chose in their college. She asked her, "Can you play one here in front of us? You joined in the middle of the first semester. So, I needed to know how much you know. According to your performance, I will decide the ways to cover the whole syllabus within two months. As you see, the test is after three months."  "I understand, ma'am." Aileen nodded and left her seat to go to her teacher's table in the front of that room. She sat on a chair, began playing with the keyboard, attaching it to the i-pad beside that.  It was like a game to her, kind of that light up her mood, make her forget trouble in her life.  That lab was linked with other labs beside it. The windows were glass and soundproofed.  Other side people can't possibly hear anything from there, but they can see what's happening in their linked labs, may hear voices and sound only if they pass by the door of that lab.  Everyone was in awe. No one couldn't take their eyes off the sight of a human girl playing her own composed blissful music. Everyone was envious of her, even Ms. Joan too, kind of. She could imagine her seeing Aileen on the stage, taking memento for being the best music composer of the year in the future.  Ms. Joan wanted to be the one, wanted to see herself there, but circumstances didn't allow her. She failed in her dream but was willing to help those who loved music, just like Aileen.  As soon as Aileen stopped her playing, she heard her teacher spoke, "Wow, from where did you learn this?" "From my boyfriend." He's passionate about music. The light dimmed in her eyes remembering that person. Her teacher noticed her expression, decided to change the topic, and continue her class. Aileen breathed in relief that others didn't question her personal life even when they all were dying in curiosity. During the period, Aileen felt uncomfortable sitting in her seat.  She didn't know why but she felt a burning stare on her. It was so intense that made her felt like the person who was watching her, wanted to burn her alive.  She eyed that direction and didn't saw anyone there, except a surveillance camera. Frowning deeply, she wiped her sweat from her forehead and turned her gaze to her teacher, avoiding that spooky feeling.  ~ ~ ~  "How did your class go today?" Aileen kept her bag on the couch, walked toward the kitchen to pour a glass of water for her to drink. Hearing her cousin's question, she turned around and said, "Good, yours?" "Same as yours," Jane left her seat, went to make something for them to eat. "But you know I felt weird during the classes, you know." Aileen's hand froze in the air. She turned at Jane, eyed her questioningly.  "W-weird means?" She gulped hard. Taking a deep breath, she asked her, "Did someone bother you?" She was wondering if that prince went against his word. Her hands formed in fists upon remembering him.  "No, it was like - you know something- as when the time you feel like someone's gaze on you, and by the time you look to that direction, you can't see anyone there who was watching you." Aileen's body stiffened to hear her. Jane slapped her back, told her, "I can be wrong, you know. So, don't think much about it,"  Aileen smiled slightly and excused herself to go to their room to fresh up. She was tensed.  She thought it was only her who felt that during the classes. After hearing her cousin, she doesn't know why, felt like someone was keeping an eye on them. Who could that be? She wished Cosette was there.  She couldn't blame Cosette as it was them for whom the demoness left with the goblin to look for a group nymph or pixies for their performance in the upcoming ceremony in that Kingdom.  Aileen closed the door and grabbed a pair of sweat before walking inside the bathroom to take a shower.  "Could that be that prince?" She asked audibly. Stripping down her clothes, and turning on the shower, she gritted out, "I told him to keep our enmity between us. He gave me his words, but he... He again targeted her to scare me, make me powerless!" She's seething. All she wanted, was her cousin's safety. And that prince was taking advantage of her helplessness? No, she would never tolerate this. She will show that vampire hell if she has to. "He went against his words. Now I am going to do the same as well."  "Is that so?" She froze in her place. Her eyes widened to hear his voice coming from behind. "You are not going to come with me then," His tone was icy cold, yet deep and sensual, sending a wave of sinful pleasure sent in her body. Her heart rate increased feeling him standing a step away from her.  She shook her head, scolding herself for forgetting in the state she was standing there. She stood there like a statue. She was embarrassed. How did he enter here? Why didn't I hear him coming? For how long he has been here, watching me like a p.ervert? Vampires can go anywhere. Her blood boiled in anger. That shameless creature! She tilted her head behind and saw him standing with his arms crossed.  "You! What the hell are you doing here? Get out of here now," She glared hard at him.  She couldn't stand him. His eyes were watching that sight of her. She was extremely vulnerable in that state, yet she managed to stand on her feet. How can he be so shameless? He doesn't have any shame. But who gave him the right to disrespect her? She wanted nothing more than escape from him.  He smirked at her, and eyed her naked back, said in a hoarse tone, "Now why would I do that?" She frowned at his tone. In his intense gaze, she blushed hard and turned her head to her front. If she wasn't completely naked, she would have marched toward him and punched him on his throat and stomach.  She seethed to him, "Get out of here, I said. Can't you hear me? How can you be so shameless? If you needed to exchange a word with me, can't you just wait to that place where we decided to meet later?"  He said throatily, "You just confessed that you are not going there," Keiran couldn't take his eyes off her.  He didn't mean to come inside her bathroom, but he did to vent his anger on her. But that went in vain when his eyes fell on her naked back tailing down her wide hips. He felt pressure in his south. He was hard as a rock. He wanted to leave, but he couldn't. He knew he was doing it wrong, but his primal instincts didn't care.  "So what? Look, if you don't leave, I will scream," Her voice sounded shaky, weak, instead of being firm and threatening. Her breath hitched when her back bumped into his hard chest. He was so fast that she didn't get the chance to react or move from him before he could cage her between the wall and him.  "What are you- ah! " She hissed in pain as he pulled her hair back a little harshly.  Her heartbeat escalated the time his lips came in contact with the skin on her neck. He muttered against her skin, "Scream as much as you want. But- " She gulped hard as he said in a sardonic tone, "That cousin of yours is scared of our kind. Do you think she can handle it after hearing I am here in your room?"  Aileen's back stiffened. Keiran smirked to sense her getting tensed in his words.  She couldn't possibly let her know about any of these two incidents. She may freak out and become worried about her. Little does she knew Jane also was hiding things from her for the same reason.  She gasped in shock as he tightened his arms around her. "W-what a-are y-you d-doing?" She stuttered and struggled in his hold. She was feeling very uncomfortable for him keeping one hand under her breast and another one on her thigh. "Leave me. This is not right." She told him impatiently and pinched his arm.  "Do you?" He challenged. Seeing goosebumps on her skin and the pick of her hardening buds, he mocked her in a deep husky tone, "Are you sure you want me to leave, Aileen?" Her breath hitched to hear her name rolling out his tongue. She wanted to leave, escape from his dangerous web. But unfortunately, she can't.  Her blood pressure increased. Her knees were weakling, felt like she would slip on the floor any moment there. His strong body, his masculine scent, his deep baritone voice, all were affecting her sinfully.  Keiran never felt like that before, that kind of strong attraction, carnal desire, was foreign to him. He's with many women, but there was not any attraction or connection with them. He couldn't get what was there within her that was drawing him to her. She was nothing compared to those high-class women, yet... He wanted nothing except for bending her over and take her roughly, spank her round butts until those turn blood red. Maybe that will help him to get that s.hit off his mind to have her in his way...  But he can't do that. He wanted to back away from her, but then an evil thought came to his mind. He grounded his teeth and groped her right breast firmly and pinched her hardened bud. She cried out in pain and pleasure... She shouldn't but her body was betraying her. It wanted to be touched, to be in his control.  Her mind went numb. She was breathing heavily. No one touched her that way before.  She didn't even let her boyfriend touch her that way. But in just a single touch of that vampire, her body submitted to him so easily! She eventually stopped struggling and leaned her head into his shoulder, allowed him to access her neck. She couldn't help moaning in the way he was playing with her bud.  "Look what you are doing to me," He pulled her more closer and pressed his hardening member against her butt, to make her feel him. Her shaky breath, uncomfortable moans, were enough for him to know she was having the same effect on him as he has on her. His hands were having their own mind.  One hand was busy pinching and groping her soft breast and another one trailing down lower to her honey hole, rested on her glistening part. He smirked against her neck, whispered to her, "You are soaking wet for me, princess. Do you want me to go on?" She didn't know what he meant.  She nodded to him and moaned his name as soon as he started rubbing her between her legs roughly. The more she cried, the rougher went to her. His hands were soaking with her juices, he sucked water trailing down her neck to her shoulder. His hands getting wetter as he began telling his plans with her.  She felt a knot building in her stomach. Her body stiffened in that kind of unfamiliar pain. She didn't know what that was. But the time she heard him release it, she did it, come on his hand. Her cheeks turned red in embarrassment. Before she knew it, she was whirled around harshly and her back hit against the wall.  He was breathing heavily. His dark, hungry eyes were roaming on her naked body shamelessly.  She looked alluring. He never saw that unearthly beauty ever in ages. Her blushing smile trailed down her cheeks to her chest. He saw her right breast was red in the way he molested that with his rough hand.  He observed her knees were shaking after coming hard on his hand. He lifted his hang near his mouth, saw her following his every action with her lust-filled half-closed eyes. He smirked to see her reaction, her wide shocked filled eyes and ajar mouth when he slurped her juice from his hand and licked that clean.  She was shocked. She opened her mouth to say something, but that was blocked by his lips as he hovered over her. He snaked his left hand around her small waist, crashed her naked body against his chest. Keeping his other hand on the back of her head, he deepened the kiss with his eyes closed.  She held him tightly, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him back.  She didn't know when they reached on the counter and later she found her legs wrapped around his waist and his hungry lips were trailing down her neck to her chest, sucking her skin like there has no tomorrow.  He wanted more. He wanted to hear her cry his name when he would pound deep inside her. He wanted to taste her blood before, but later, he wanted to do sinful things on her body that was addicting him beyond his belief. He wanted to taint her, use her as his own drug forever. He knew he was in trouble.  He didn't know before, but now, he wasn't sure if it will ever be possible for him to stay away from her.  Aileen somehow got back to her senses when she heard the zipper opening.  She panicked in his intention. No, this is wrong. We need to stop here. He needs to stop. This is not right. She pushed his face away from her neck, told him breathily, "No, we can't. We need to stop here."  Keiran's eyes darkened instantly. Lust and anger overpower his mind in a worse way. Just the time, he was about to enter her, she stopped him just like that! He felt rejected. No one dared to reject him before, and she...  He held throat harshly, seething, "Why? Do you just get to remember that you have a boyfriend?"  She frowned at him. "How do you - " She stopped and her eyes widened when the realization hit her hard.  Keiran was the one who was watching her from that surveillance camera. He heard her in that lab. He never trusted her and Janette. That's why he and Knox, one of his two younger brothers, were keeping an eye on them closely, watching their every move to stay a few steps away from them.  Last, but not least, Keiran followed her from their college to the cottage where she, Jane, and Cosette, has started living lately. Aileen felt ashamed of herself.  Her eyes burned thinking the way he used her to prove to her that she was unfaithful to her boyfriend.  "What happened? Are you willing to leave him just to be a w.hore of the future king of Northland?" Her heart sunk to the pit of her stomach. His words were hurtful indeed, but she was not angry with him, but to herself. Bile rose in her throat, she wanted to puke her guts out to throw herself into him, to a vampire.  How could I be so shameless? She wanted to beat herself to death. It was a shame for her, her dead parent figure Jane's parents. They raised her to be a fighter. How could she forget her lessons?  She immediately left him, glared at him, saying sternly, "Out! Get out now!" 
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